design system ops関連のメモ
But who will bridge the gap between the design systems team (often part of the UX team) and the engineering team?
I call these enablers Design Systems Ops.
デザイナーのチームとエンジニアのチームの間のギャップを埋めるのがdesign system ops
In most companies, the delivery process from the concept to the user is so disjointed that the products feel nothing like what the designers first intended.
A good design system helps make design decisions much faster (e.g. “what color should a call-to-action be”). Designers can then spend more time on user flows, and exploring multiple concepts in the same amount of time.
A good design system also helps engineering teams refer to a single source of truth at the implementation phase. This is good for consistency, as all call-to-actions, for example, will look the same across screens.
For a design system to show sustainable value at scale and at all phases of the delivery process, it needs proper planning, user research, and methods (and lots of love!).
Design System Opsは、デザインシステムとその構成要素を運用し、標準化するための方法
Design System Ops は、デザインと開発のギャップを埋めながら、ユーザーと製品に貢献するために、ワークフローの非効率性を削減しなければいけません。よって、新しいリリースがオリジナルのデザインの忠実度、機能性、使いやすさを反映するように、ツールとプロセスを導入することを目標としています。
総合的なテーマは、「エンジニアがより早くリリースを出せるように、いかにして意思決定を減らすか 」です。
Design System Opsは、ツールを導入することではなく、非効率な部分を発見して修正することです。
Adoption is the largest issue. A dedicated team's minimal ownership is the system's documentation and its methodologies. None of those functions have any value to your company if the design system is not used. If it is a little bit used, you are still dedicating personnel to documentation with very little observable implementation and methodologies that are not delivering.
Which brings us to scale: a design system's promise is only fulfilled when it reaches critical mass.
So don't start your design system by entrusting everything to a dedicated team. They can burn themselves out trying to build everything then implement in the products (which is its own can of interfering worms). Or they might burn themselves building documentation and tools nobody actually uses or wants.
Ensure the customers of the design system are on board, that they are listened to and know that their needs are the driving force behind the project. Ensure they know the dedicated team still requires their contribution and engagement.
At their core, design systems are contracts between designers, engineers and content writers.
The further the design system's consumers are from the reasons behind the constraints, the more they will resent or discard them.
Design system promoters must communicate about those constraints. They have to convince others of their usefulness: they are a cost, but what do they buy us? When the rules are constantly challenged, communication also involves listening. Why should the system change? How should it adapt?
The second struggle comes with scale and the distribution of tasks. If your team is small and you don't have a dedicated full-time team, then you'll need people to do the work of one. Priorities are bound to be conflicting then, especially if the benefits of working on a design system are not clear (and agreed to) by everyone. When those people need to choose, they'll likely pick tasks that are on their main track.
There too communication is mandatory. If we want to push requirements, we need constant promotion. Promotion of the design system needs, of course. But promoting what satisfying those needs would achieve is a better point to stress.
It's crucial to get the designers and developers on board. You want them as champions because the contract is binding them together.
You need them to ensure people are working for the design system...and you need them to let you work on it as well.
But in my experience, product managers and product owners are incredibly powerful. They can have a deathgrip on the sprint planning, set on a punishing roadmap. Tasks that do not immediately get the product closer to these targets are easily dismissed.
production teams won't try to convince their PMs and POs if you're not investing in that effort yourself.
We often assume that the design system's mission of helping people build better products will garner goodwill. It's an easy mistake to make. It's not that people don't want to do better, but they do not have to trust that we know how to get there more than they do.