これは「Haskell Advent Calendar 2023」13日目の記事です。
気を取り直して、今回は最近話題のAI搭載エディタ Cursor を使って実際に動くHaskellのアプリを0から作らせてみたいと思います!Cursorをまだ知らない人は以下の記事がオススメです(僕もまだこれしか読んでません🤫)
このエディタなんと作りたいものを教えると自分でファイル生成からやってくれるんです。今回は 「HaskellでTODO管理アプリを作って欲しい」 とお願いしてみました。すると以下のような画面になり放置していると勝手に色々なファイルを生成して実装していってくれます。
├── Main.hs
├── Storage.hs
├── Test.hs
├── TodoItem.hs
├── TodoList.hs
└── Utils.hs
右側に浮いている「GENERATING PROJECT...」というウィンドウにプロジェクト生成の元となっているAIの指示が書かれています。内容は以下の通り。
STEP 0 Computing project structure
To create a TODO management application in Haskell, we would
need several files. Here's a possible structure:
1. "Main.hs": This is the main entry point of the application.
It will handle the command line arguments and call the
appropriate functions based on the user's input.
2. "TodoItem.hs": this file will define the data structure for a
TODO item. it will likely include fields such as the task
description, due date, and completion status.
3. "TodoList.hs": This file will define the data structure for a
TODO list, which is a collection of TODO items. It will include
functions for adding, removing, and updating items in the list.
4. "Storage.hs": This file will handle reading and writing the
TODO list to disl. It will need to serialize the TODO list to a
format that can be easily stored, such as JSON, and deserialize
it back into a TODO list.
5. "Utils.hs": This file will contain utility functions that are
used throughout the application. This might include functions
for parsing dates, validating user input, etc.
6. "Test.hs": This file will contain tests for the application.
It's important to write tests to ensure that the application is
working as expected.
Now, let's call the function with these filenames:
fileNames: ["Main.hs", "TodoItem.hs", "TodoList.hs",
"Storage.hs", "Utils.hs", "Test.hs"]
Step 1 Finding related files for Main.hs
"dependencies": []
Step 2 Generating Main.hs
Creating file...
Based on your project description and the files you've
mentioned, it seems like you're building a TODO management
application in Haskell. Here's a basic structure for your
Main.hs file:
Writing code...
Step 3 Finding related files for TodoItem.hs
"dependencies": ["Main.hs"]
Step 4 Generating TodoItem.hs
Creating file...
Writing code...
Step 5 Finding related files for TodoList.hs
"dependencies": ["TodoItem.hs"]
Step 6 Generating TodoList.hs
Creating file...
Writing code...
Step 7 Finding related files for Storage.hs
"dependencies": ["TodoItem.hs", "TodoList.hs"]
Step 8 Generating Storage.hs
Creating file...
Writng code...
Step 9 Finding related files for Utils.hs
"dependencies": ["Main.hs", "TodoItem.hs", "TodoList.hs",
Step 10 Generating Utils.hs
Creating file...
Writing code...
Step 11 Finding related files for Test.hs
"dependencies": ["Main.hs", "TodoItem.hs", "TodoList.hs",
"Storage.hs", "Utils.hs"]
Step 12 Generating Test.hs
Creating file...
Writing code...
Step 13 All done!
生成された Main.hs
module Main where
import TodoItem
import TodoList
import Storage
import Utils
import Test
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Welcome to the TODO management application!"
putStrLn "Please select an option:"
putStrLn "1. Add a new TODO"
putStrLn "2. View all TODOs"
putStrLn "3. Delete a TODO"
putStrLn "4. Exit"
command <- getLine
case command of
"1" -> do
putStrLn "Enter the TODO details:"
todo <- getLine
addTodo todo
"2" -> do
todos <- getAllTodos
printTodos todos
"3" -> do
putStrLn "Enter the ID of the TODO to delete:"
id <- getLine
deleteTodo id
"4" -> putStrLn "Thank you for using the TODO management application!"
_ -> do
putStrLn "Invalid command. Please try again."
$ runhaskell Main.hs
TodoItem.hs:13:40: error:
Ambiguous occurrence ‘id’
It could refer to
either ‘’,
imported from ‘Prelude’ at TodoItem.hs:1:8-15
(and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)
or the field ‘id’ of record ‘TodoItem’,
defined at TodoItem.hs:9:28
13 | createTodoItem id content = TodoItem { id = id, content = content }
| ^^
TodoItem.hs:17:9: error:
Ambiguous occurrence ‘id’
It could refer to
either ‘’,
imported from ‘Prelude’ at TodoItem.hs:1:8-15
(and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)
or the field ‘id’ of record ‘TodoItem’,
defined at TodoItem.hs:9:28
17 | getId = id
エラーが出ている TodoItem.hs
module TodoItem
( TodoItem
, createTodoItem
, getId
, getContent
) where
-- Define the TodoItem data type
data TodoItem = TodoItem { id :: String, content :: String } deriving (Show)
-- Function to create a new TodoItem
createTodoItem :: String -> String -> TodoItem
createTodoItem id content = TodoItem { id = id, content = content }
-- Function to get the ID of a TodoItem
getId :: TodoItem -> String
getId = id
-- Function to get the content of a TodoItem
getContent :: TodoItem -> String
getContent = content
エラー文からも実装からも原因は明らかですが、レコード TodoItem
のフィールドに標準で使える関数 id
のコードを全選択して Cmd+K
を押して出てきた入力欄に「"Ambiguous occurrence 'id'" と怒られてしまうので修正して」とおもむろに入力してSubmit!すると
コードを上から走査して差分があったところを赤と緑で表示してくれています。ちゃんとレコードのフィールドを itemId
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Storage.hs:15:55: error:
• Variable not in scope: splitOn :: String -> String -> [a]
• Perhaps you meant ‘splitAt’ (imported from Prelude)
15 | todoItems = map (\line -> let [id, content] = splitOn "," line in createTodoItem id content) linesOfFiles
| ^^^^^^^
Storage.hs:22:21: error:
• Variable not in scope: getTodoItems :: TodoList -> t
• Perhaps you want to add ‘getTodoItems’ to the import list
in the import of ‘TodoList’ (Storage.hs:7:1-55).
22 | let todoItems = getTodoItems todoList
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Storage.hs:23:38: error:
• Variable not in scope: getId :: t0 -> [Char]
• Perhaps you want to add ‘getId’ to the import list
in the import of ‘TodoItem’ (Storage.hs:8:1-42).
23 | linesOfFiles = map (\item -> getId item ++ "," ++ getContent item) todoItems
| ^^^^^
Storage.hs:23:59: error:
• Variable not in scope: getContent :: t0 -> [Char]
• Perhaps you meant one of these:
‘getContents’ (imported from System.IO),
‘getContents'’ (imported from System.IO),
‘hGetContents’ (imported from System.IO)
Perhaps you want to add ‘getContent’ to the import list
in the import of ‘TodoItem’ (Storage.hs:8:1-42).
23 | linesOfFiles = map (\item -> getId item ++ "," ++ getContent item) todoItems
次にエラーが出ているのは Storage.hs
module Storage
( loadTodoList
, saveTodoList
) where
import System.IO
import TodoList (TodoList, createTodoList, addTodoItem)
import TodoItem (TodoItem, createTodoItem)
-- Function to load a TodoList from a file
loadTodoList :: FilePath -> IO TodoList
loadTodoList path = do
contents <- readFile path
let linesOfFiles = lines contents
todoItems = map (\line -> let [id, content] = splitOn "," line in createTodoItem id content) linesOfFiles
todoList = foldr addTodoItem createTodoList todoItems
return todoList
-- Function to save a TodoList to a file
saveTodoList :: FilePath -> TodoList -> IO ()
saveTodoList path todoList = do
let todoItems = getTodoItems todoList
linesOfFiles = map (\item -> getId item ++ "," ++ getContent item) todoItems
writeFile path (unlines linesOfFiles)
まず一つ目のエラーは splitOn
なんて関数が定義されてないぞというものです。実装が足りていないのならAIに実装してもらいましょう。コンパイルエラーが出た行が含まれる関数 loadTodoList
全体を範囲選択して Cmd+L
を押すと、選択したコードが挿入されたチャット画面が右側に開きます。チャット欄に「ここで使われている solitOn 関数を実装して」と頼むと
このように即興で splitOn
import Data.List
splitOn :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitOn [] _ = error "splitOn: empty delimiter"
splitOn delim xs = loop xs
where loop [] = [[]]
loop xs | delim `isPrefixOf` xs = [] : loop (drop (length delim) xs)
loop (x:xs) = (x : head ys) : tail ys
where ys = loop xs
この実装を loadTodoList
次のコンパイルエラーは getTodoItems
が定義されてないぞというものです。しかしこれは TodoList
に定義されているかもとコンパイルエラーに丁寧に書いてあるので、まずは TodoList.hs
module TodoList
( TodoList
, createTodoList
, addTodoItem
, removeTodoItem
, getTodoItems
) where
import TodoItem (TodoItem, createTodoItem, getId)
-- Define the TodoList data type
data TodoList = TodoList { items :: [TodoItem] } deriving (Show)
-- Function to create a new TodoList
createTodoList :: TodoList
createTodoList = TodoList { items = [] }
-- Function to add a TodoItem to a TodoList
addTodoItem :: TodoItem -> TodoList -> TodoList
addTodoItem item todoList = todoList { items = item : items todoList }
-- Function to remove a TodoItem from a TodoList by ID
removeTodoItem :: String -> TodoList -> TodoList
removeTodoItem id todoList = todoList { items = filter ((/= id) . getId) (items todoList) }
-- Function to get all TodoItems in a TodoList
getTodoItems :: TodoList -> [TodoItem]
getTodoItems = items
確かに getTodoItems
が定義されてエクスポートもされていますね。どうやらAIがインポート忘れをしてしまっただけのようなので Storage.hs
の import
同様にその次もその次の次のエラーも TodoItem.hs
からのインポート忘れなので、コンパイルエラーに従って import
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
Enter the TODO details:
My First TODO!
Main.hs: todoList.txt: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
でプロジェクト全体のコードを参照するようにしながら「実行してTODOを追加しようとすると "Main.hs: todoList.txt: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)" と怒られてしまうけどどうして?」と尋ねてみます。
念のため Utils.hs
module Utils
( printTodos
, addTodo
, getAllTodos
, deleteTodo
) where
import TodoItem (TodoItem, createTodoItem, getId, getContent)
import TodoList (TodoList, createTodoList, addTodoItem, removeTodoItem, getTodoItems)
import Storage (loadTodoList, saveTodoList)
-- Define the file path for the TODO list
filePath :: FilePath
filePath = "todoList.txt"
-- Function to print all TODOs
printTodos :: [TodoItem] -> IO ()
printTodos = mapM_ (putStrLn . getContent)
-- Function to add a new TODO
addTodo :: String -> IO ()
addTodo content = do
todoList <- loadTodoList filePath
let newId = show (length (getTodoItems todoList) + 1)
newItem = createTodoItem newId content
newTodoList = addTodoItem newItem todoList
saveTodoList filePath newTodoList
-- Function to get all TODOs
getAllTodos :: IO [TodoItem]
getAllTodos = do
todoList <- loadTodoList filePath
return (getTodoItems todoList)
-- Function to delete a TODO
deleteTodo :: String -> IO ()
deleteTodo id = do
todoList <- loadTodoList filePath
let newTodoList = removeTodoItem id todoList
saveTodoList filePath newTodoList
確かに filePath
が "todoList.txt"
そしてなんとAIは原因だけでなく解決方法も教えてくれているではありませんか! さっそく Storage.hs
の loadTodoList
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Storage.hs:23:19: error:
Variable not in scope: doesFileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
23 | fileExists <- doesFileExist path
ああ doesFileExist
がないと怒られてしまいました。再びAIに聞けば分かる通りこの関数は System.Direcroty
モジュールで提供されているので Storage.hs
import System.Directory
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
Enter the TODO details:
My First TODO!
Main.hs: todoList.txt: withFile: resource busy (file is locked)
またもやランタイムエラーで落ちてしまいました😫でもエラーの原因は先程のものから変わっていますね。さっきと同様に @CodeBase
でプロジェクト全体のコードを参照するようにしながら「実行してTODOを追加しようとすると"Main.hs: todoList.txt: withFile: resource busy (file is locked)"と怒られてしまうけどどうして?」と尋ねてみましょう。
今回のバグの原因は主に Storage.hs
loadTodoList :: FilePath -> IO TodoList
loadTodoList path = do
fileExists <- doesFileExist path
if not fileExists
then writeFile path ""
else return ()
contents <- readFile path
let linesOfFiles = lines contents
todoItems = map (\line -> let [id, content] = splitOn "," line in createTodoItem id content) linesOfFiles
todoList = foldr addTodoItem createTodoList todoItems
return todoList
どこか分かりますでしょうか?そう実は readFile
で読み込んでいるファイルが開きっぱなしになっている のです!読み込まれたファイルの内容 contents
は lines
で todoItems
で todoList
)で同じファイルに書き込み writeFile
が行われるとファイルがロックされたままになっていてエラーが出てしまうということなのです。ですのでこれを解消するにはこの関数の中でファイルの中身を全て評価すれば良く、今回は最後の行で return todoList
をする前に todoList
を seq
loadTodoList :: FilePath -> IO TodoList
loadTodoList path = do
fileExists <- doesFileExist path
if not fileExists
then writeFile path ""
else return ()
contents <- readFile path
let linesOfFiles = lines contents
todoItems = map (\line -> let [id, content] = splitOn "," line in createTodoItem id content) linesOfFiles
todoList = foldr addTodoItem createTodoList todoItems
seq todoList $ return todoList -- << -- この行だけ修正
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
Enter the TODO details:
My First TODO!
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
Enter the TODO details:
My Second TODO!!
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
My Second TODO!!
My First TODO!
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
Enter the ID of the TODO to delete:
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
My Second TODO!!
Welcome to the TODO management application!
Please select an option:
1. Add a new TODO
2. View all TODOs
3. Delete a TODO
4. Exit
Thank you for using the TODO management application!
My First TODO!
というTODOを追加 -
My Second TODO!
というTODOを追加 - TODOの一覧を表示
- ID 1 のTODOを削除
- TODOの一覧を表示
- 終了
module Test
( testTodoApp
) where
import TodoItem (TodoItem, createTodoItem, getId, getContent)
import TodoList (TodoList, createTodoList, addTodoItem, removeTodoItem, getTodoItems)
import Storage (loadTodoList, saveTodoList)
import Utils (printTodos, addTodo, getAllTodos, deleteTodo)
-- Define the file path for the TODO list
filePath :: FilePath
filePath = "testTodoList.txt"
-- Function to test the TODO app
testTodoApp :: IO ()
testTodoApp = do
putStrLn "Testing TODO app..."
-- Test adding a TODO
putStrLn "Testing addTodo..."
addTodo "Test TODO 1"
todos <- getAllTodos
case todos of
[] -> putStrLn "Failed to add TODO"
_ -> putStrLn "Successfully added TODO"
-- Test getting all TODOs
putStrLn "Testing getAllTodos..."
todos <- getAllTodos
case todos of
[] -> putStrLn "Failed to get all TODOs"
_ -> putStrLn "Successfully got all TODOs"
-- Test deleting a TODO
putStrLn "Testing deleteTodo..."
deleteTodo "1"
todos <- getAllTodos
if null todos
then putStrLn "Successfully deleted TODO"
else putStrLn "Failed to delete TODO"
putStrLn "Finished testing TODO app"
この記事が面白かったら いいね♡ をいただけると嬉しいです☺️