ollamaで試す。環境はUbuntu 22.04+RTX4090(VRAM24GB)。
ollama run qwq:32b
ollama ps
qwq:32b 1211a3265dc8 23 GB 100% GPU Forever
Q: 「引く」と書いてあるドアを反対側から押すとどうなりますか?
总之,具体情况要具体分析。 perhaps the best way is to consider a standard sliding door with one side labeled "pull" and the other side possibly labeled "push." In such a case, if you push the opposite side, it should open, assuming it's designed for both actions.
But to think more generally, maybe I should consider the principle behind it. If one side is marked "pull," it's indicating the action needed from that side. The opposite side might have a different mechanism or marking, like "push," especially in public areas where doors need to be accessible from both sides.
So, if it's a double-acting door, each side would have its own operation method, either pull or push. Therefore, if you're on the opposite side and push, it should open, provided it's designed that way.
However, there might be cases where the door is only designed to be opened from one side, and the opposite side doesn't have a functioning mechanism. In that case, pushing wouldn't do anything.
Additionally, security or access control might play a role, where the door is locked from one side but not the other.
In conclusion, without specific information about the door's design and mechanism, it's hard to give a definitive answer. But in many standard scenarios, pushing the opposite side of a door labeled "pull" on the other side should allow it to open, assuming it's designed for bilateral operation.
Final Answer
[ \boxed{\text{It depends on the door's design; it may open if pushed from the opposite side, provided it is designed for such operation.}} ]
Q: 綿菓子の高さは8センチ、レンガの高さは7センチ。綿菓子の上にレンガを置くと、高さは何センチ?
だから、8センチ plus 7センチは、15センチだね。つまり、合計で15センチになるんじゃないかな。
けど、待てよ。綿菓子って、柔らかいし、レンガを置くと潰れたりしないか心配だな。 maybe the cotton candy might compress under the weight of the brick.
不过,为了确保,我再想想。如果綿菓子是软的,レンガは重いので、 perhaps the brick would sink into the cotton candy, so the total height might be less than 15 cm.
但也许问题想得比较简单, just adding the heights together.
或者, maybe there's some spacing between the cotton candy and the brick, but probably not.
So, I think the answer is 15 centimeters.
Final Answer
[ \boxed{15\text{ cm}} ]
Q: 渋谷駅の公園のベンチの上に財布を3時間放置しました。その日は39度を超える暑さで、財布には直射日光が当たっていました。財布はどうなりますか?
まず、財布自体の材料によって反応が異なると思います。例えば、 leather wallets might suffer from drying and cracking in extreme heat, while synthetic materials could become softer or even melt slightly.
まず、現金については、紙幣は高温多湿に弱いと聞いています。39度の熱で紙幣が焦げたり、形が変化する可能性はあるでしょうか。普通の温度ではおそらく大丈夫ですが、 prolonged exposure to such high temperatures might cause the paper to become brittle or discolored.
さらに、免許証や保険証などの重要書類も財布に入っているかもしれません。これらの紙ベースの documentos could also become brittle or discolored due to the heat.
しかし、実際にどの程度の影響があるのかは、財布と中身の材料、以及具体的な環境条件によって異なります。 perhaps some items might survive unscathed, while others could be damaged.
Therefore, it's likely that the wallet and its contents may suffer some degree of damage from the heat and direct sunlight, particularly if they are sensitive to high temperatures and UV exposure.
Final Answer
[ \boxed{\text{The wallet and its contents may experience damage due to高温 and直射日光, including drying, discoloration, or degradation of materials.}} ]
Q: 前人未到のジャングルに、人喰い虎は住んでいるか?
ただし、理論上はあり得ます。例えば、あるトラが偶然人間を襲い、それを生存でき、その後も人間を標的とするようになるかもしれません。しかし、このようなケースは極めて稀であり、前人未到のジャングルのような humans are virtually absent の場所では、ほとんど考えにくいでしょう。
総じて、前人未到のジャングルに人喰い虎が住んでいる可能性は低いでしょう。しかし、未知の領域には常に surprises があり得ますので、完全否定はできません。
Final Answer
[ \boxed{\text{It is unlikely that a man-eating tiger resides in an unexplored jungle, as humans are virtually absent, and tigers typically do not prey on humans unless exceptional circumstances arise.}} ]
Q: 靴紐を引っ張って右足を持ち上げると70センチ地面から浮き上がりました。靴紐を引っ張って左足を持ち上げると80センチ地面から浮き上がりました。両方の靴の紐を同時に引っ張ると、それぞれ何センチずつ地面から浮き上がりますか?
この問題は少しややこしいですね。まず、右足と左足を別々に持ち上げたときの高さが与えられています。右足は70センチ、左足は80センチです。そして、両方の靴紐を同時に引くと、それぞれ何センチずつ浮き上がるのかという question です。
ここで、ちょっと物理的な考え方 Perhaps we can think in terms of forces or lever mechanics, but maybe it's simpler.
Alternatively, perhaps it's a matter of how much the shoes can lift off the ground when the laces are pulled.
Wait a minute, maybe we're supposed to think in terms of proportions or something like that.
Let me consider that when the right shoe lace is pulled, the right foot lifts 70 cm, and when the left shoe lace is pulled, the left foot lifts 80 cm. So, if both are pulled simultaneously, perhaps both feet will lift to their respective heights?
But that seems too straightforward. Maybe there's more to it.
Perhaps there is a relationship between the forces applied to each lace and the resulting lift heights. But without knowing the exact mechanics or relationships, it's hard to determine.
Alternatively, maybe it's a matter of center of gravity or something like that, but that might be overcomplicating things.
Let me think differently. Suppose that pulling the right lace lifts the right foot by 70 cm, and pulling the left lace lifts the left foot by 80 cm. If both are pulled at the same time, perhaps the heights add up or something?
But that doesn't make much sense, because lifting one foot shouldn't directly affect the other foot's lift height, assuming they operate independently.
Alternatively, maybe there is a maximum height that the shoes can be lifted, and pulling both simultaneously limits each other.
But still, without more information about how the system works, it's challenging to give a precise answer.
Perhaps the question is testing logical reasoning rather than specific scientific knowledge.
Given that, maybe the answer is that each foot lifts to its specified height when both laces are pulled
simultaneously. So, right foot lifts 70 cm and left foot lifts 80 cm.But then again, why would the heights be different if both are being pulled at the same time?
Alternatively, perhaps there is a trade-off; lifting one foot affects how much the other can be lifted.
But without specification, it's hard to say.
Maybe the answer is that both feet lift to the lower height, which is 70 cm, assuming that the system is limited by the lesser of the two.
Or maybe they lift to the average height, which would be (70 + 80)/2 = 75 cm.
But really, without knowing how the shoes or the laces are constructed, it's difficult to determine the exact outcome.
Perhaps the answer is that each foot lifts to its individual height regardless of the other, so right foot 70 cm and left foot 80 cm.
Alternatively, maybe there is a combined effect where the total lift is increased or decreased.
But again, without more context, it's hard to be precise.
Given the information provided, I would tentatively conclude that when both laces are pulled simultaneously, the right foot lifts 70 cm and the left foot lifts 80 cm, assuming independence between the two.
Final Answer
[ \boxed{\text{When both shoe laces are pulled simultaneously, the right foot lifts 70 cm and the left foot lifts
80 cm, assuming independent action of each lace.}} ]
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