
Migrate Create-React-App to Vite



  1. Fix vulnerabilities

    Create-React-App is not maintained and has some issues including vulnerabilities. For example, webpack 5.64.4 has the vulnerabilities of ReDos(CVE-2022-37603).

    I expect to fix these vulnerabilities by migrating to Vite.

  2. Improve Development Experience

    Create-React-App is too slowly in dev mode, because it uses webpack and more unused loaders.

  3. Improve Production build time

    The big project takes a long time to production build(generating static site) on Create-React-App. My project takes 10 minutes over to build. I expect to reduce the build time by migrating to Vite.

Migration Steps

Migration base sample is this repository. It is a simple SPA with React and Redux / TypeScript using Create-React-App.

Install Vite

First step is to install Vite and add vite.config.ts file. Vite is need to add @vitejs/plugin-react for bundling React application.

npm install -D vite @vitejs/plugin-react

After installing Vite, create vite.config.ts file in the root directory and create vite-env.d.ts.



And update tsconfig for using bundler.



Next, move public/index.html to the root directory and remove %PUBLIC_URL%.

Finally, add build script into package.json.

  "scripts": {
    "build:vite": "tsc && vite build",
    "preview": "vite preview",

Add eslint

Create-React-App has eslint configuration by default. So, I need to add eslint configuration.

npm install -D @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin \
    @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-plugin-import \
    eslint-plugin-jest eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y \
    eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks \

Add eslint configuration file .eslintrc.js in the root directory for improving maintainability and remove eslint section on package.json.

.eslintrc.js is to add many rules for matching Create-React-App's eslint configuration.


Add .eslintignore file for ignoring build files and node_modules.


Add Jest

As with eslint, Jest is also configured in Create-React-App. The settings are need to migrate these too.

First, install Jest and related packages including babel. babel is to need to transform TypeScript to JavaScript.

npm install -D @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react @babel/preset-typescript \
    @types/jest jest react-test-renderer jest-environment-jsdom

Configure Jest

Jest with TypeScript needs to configure jest using babel.

First, create jest.config.cjs file in the root directory.


Next, create babel.config.cjs file in the root directory for transforming TypeScript.


Next, create mock file for CSS/SCSS/LESS and SVG files.

If you use CSS in js, you need to create styleMock.js file in __mocks__ directory. Create-React-App default configuration can use import 'style.css' without any configuration. But Vite needs to configure it.


Finally, add test script into package.json.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest",

Remove Create-React-App

The last step is to remove Create-React-App. And update build script to use Vite.

First, remove react-scripts from package.json.

npm unistall react-scripts

Finally, update build script to use Vite.


