
DatadogでRUMとAPM Traceを関連づける方法(Golang)





  • Golang製のサーバーでRUMとAPM Traceをいい感じに関連づけるコード例を紹介する。


まず、DatadogのドキュメントHow are RUM resources linked to traces?

Datadog uses the distributed tracing protocol and sets up the following
HTTP headers:

  • x-datadog-trace-id
    Generated from the Real User Monitoring SDK. Allows Datadog to link the trace with the RUM resource.
  • x-datadog-parent-id
    Generated from the Real User Monitoring SDK. Allows Datadog to generate the first span from the trace.
  • x-datadog-origin: rum
    To make sure the generated traces from Real User Monitoring don’t affect your APM Index Spans counts.
  • x-datadog-sampling-priority: 1
    To make sure that the Agent keeps the trace.

x-datadog-trace-idとx-datadog-parent-idを使ってAPM TraceとRUNの関連づけが行えることがわかりました。

RUMとAPM Traceを紐づけるには、RUMによって生成されたSpanとバックエンドシステムによって生成されたSpanを一つのTraceとして認識させる必要があり、これを実現するために上記の2つのIDが使われている認識です。



To create spans, use the functions StartSpan and StartSpanFromContext. Both accept StartSpanOptions that can be used to configure the span. A span that is started with no parent will begin a new trace. See the function documentation for details on specific usage. Each trace has a hard limit of 100,000 spans, after which the trace will be dropped and give a diagnostic log message. In practice users should not approach this limit as traces of this size are not useful and impossible to visualize.

See the contrib package ( https://pkg.go.dev/gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/contrib ) for integrating datadog with various libraries, frameworks and clients.

All spans created by the tracer contain a context hereby referred to as the span context. Note that this is different from Go's context. The span context is used to package essential information from a span, which is needed when creating child spans that inherit from it. Thus, a child span is created from a span's span context. The span context can originate from within the same process, but also a different process or even a different machine in the case of distributed tracing.

To make use of distributed tracing, a span's context may be injected via a carrier into a transport (HTTP, RPC, etc.) to be extracted on the other end and used to create spans that are direct descendants of it. A couple of carrier interfaces which should cover most of the use-case scenarios are readily provided, such as HTTPCarrier and TextMapCarrier. Users are free to create their own, which will work with our propagation algorithm as long as they implement the TextMapReader and TextMapWriter interfaces. An example alternate implementation is the MDCarrier in our gRPC integration.

As an example, injecting a span's context into an HTTP request would look like this. (See the net/http contrib package for more examples https://pkg.go.dev/gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/contrib/net/http):



Then, on the server side, to continue the trace one would do:
sctx, err := tracer.Extract(tracer.HTTPHeadersCarrier(req.Header))
// ...
span := tracer.StartSpan("child.span", tracer.ChildOf(sctx))


httpCarier := tracer.HTTPHeadersCarrier(req.Header)
spanContext, err := tracer.Extract(httpCarier)
if err != nil {
  spanContext = nil

spanOpts = append(spanOpts,
		// 他の設定をここで追加する
		// tracer.Tag(...),
		// tracer.ServiceName(...),
		// https://pkg.go.dev/gopkg.in/DataDog/dd-trace-go.v1/ddtrace/tracer#StartSpanOption に定義されているメソッドを使う
_, ctx = tracer.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "sample.sample", spanOpts...)


DatadogでRUMとAPM Traceの関連づけは紹介したコード例でできると思います。

