
Kubeday Japan Report


What is Kubeday Japan ?

Kubeday Japan is a conference focused on Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform that is used to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Brings together developers, administrators, and other professionals who are interested in learning about and working with Kubernetes. The conference typically includes presentations, workshops, and other sessions that cover a range of topics related to Kubernetes, including best practices, case studies, and the latest developments in the field.

Published Presentations

A video of the day's presentation is currently available on youtube. I cannot introduce all of them, but I would like to introduce some of the sessions.

Keynote: Hello eBPF! Goodbye Sidecars? - Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer, Isovalent

eBPF is a kernel technology that can dynamically change kernel behavior, revolutionizing the way applications running under Kubernetes are instrumented. tools built with eBPF have the power to monitor, protect and connect all processes on a (virtual) machine, so that all There is no need to inject sidecar containers into every pod.

I have not yet touched eBPF myself, but have heard a lot about this technology in the community, so I would like to try to verify it sometime soon.

Keynote: Hello eBPF! Goodbye Sidecars?

The Architecture of Microservice Transaction Based on Distributed Consensus with Kubernetes - Jumpei Nishitani, Hitachi, Ltd.

When constructing an enterprise system by Microservice Architecture, the engineers faced various problems. We think the most difficult problem is how to update data in the Database consistently. Most engineers will choose a Microservices design pattern called “DB per Service” when we construct microservices with a Database. The engineers must consider Transaction Management. If you construct Transaction Management like the “Saga Design pattern”, your application will be complex, and you must work a lot to maintain data consistency in system runtime as an operator. That’s why Saga does not have sufficient functionality to construct a transactional system that supplies consistency and scalability. To resolve this problem, Microservice Transaction Management System that balanced strong consistency, loosely coupled, and high productivity is necessary. We will introduce the concept of Microservice Transaction management based on distributed consensus.

This presentation analyzes the problem of DB in microservices from a research point of view, and it seems that there are still many issues in using DB on kubernetes.

The Architecture of Microservice Transaction Based on Distributed Consensus with Kubernetes

Behold: A New Way to Deploy Pod Security Policies Using Kyverno! - Abhinav Sinha, Nirmata

Since its genesis, Kubernetes has been the go-to container orchestration solution for enterprises in need of scalable containerized applications implemented on microservices architecture. Any application that is deployed within Kubernetes is executed through one or more Pods, which makes Pod security not just a major concern, but a necessity for Kubernetes clusters, and even more so for business-critical applications. To fulfill this need, Kubernetes introduced PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) in its v1.3 release. However, PodSecurityPolicy was officially deprecated by Kubernetes in v1.21 and has been entirely removed in v1.25, which was a step taken due to some major issues encountered by users throughout the years of its use which could not be addressed without introducing breaking changes. But the removal of PSP in Kubernetes v1.25 does not mean that it’s an end for Pod security. It has been replaced by the new Pod Security Admission (PSA) controller, which utilizes the Kubernetes admission control webhooks. However, it comes with some serious drawbacks as well. In this session, Abhinav will be discussing the usage of Kyverno for deploying Kubernetes policies and demonstrate the new way of deploying PSPs with requirement-specific exceptions following the release of Kyverno 1.8.0.

It was an interesting presentation because the removal of the Pod Security Policy is a big issue in the community. In Japan, I have seen some examples of Open Policy Agents being used, and Kyverno seems to be a good migration choice.

Behold: A New Way to Deploy Pod Security Policies Using Kyverno!

What Anime Taught Me About K8s & Tech Careers - Annie Talvasto, Camunda

From One piece and Naruto to Neon Genesis Evangelion and Dragon Ball, Japanese animation is a cultural phenomenon. This session will take you through both the landscape of anime and Kubernetes, with helpful beginner tips to get you started on your cloud native journey. The session will also cover what the heroes of East blue and Planet 4032-877 can teach us about career development in the tech world. Importance of perseverance, inclusion & diversity as well as always having a snack at hand - come and learn how anime can boost your Kubernetes and tech career to the next level!

This presentation explains Kubernetes and engineering careers using anime. Japanese anime has influenced both Japanese and foreign audiences.

What Anime Taught Me About K8s & Tech Careers


KubeDay Japan was the first technical conference I was able to attend as a working adult, and I really enjoyed it. One of the great points of an open source community is that can connect not only with engineers but also researchers and beginners. I would like to contribute to the community through things like OSS contributions before participating in the next conference.

