
Event Driven Architecture in ODC

Junji WatanabeJunji Watanabe

I found a Chapter titled "Event-Driven Architecture" in the book Learning Domain-Driven Design (English Edition).

Some notes on the Chapter here.
The terms "Producer" and "Consumer" are used in this book, and they are used in the same way as those used in OutSystems.

  • building blocks of EDA
  • common causes for failed EDA projects
  • DDD tool to design asynchronous system
Junji WatanabeJunji Watanabe

Since an event describes something that has already happened, an event’s name should be formulated in the past tense: for example, DeliveryScheduled, ShipmentCompleted, or DeliveryConfirmed.
Khononov, Vlad. Learning Domain-Driven Design (English Edition) (p.369). O'Reilly Media. Kindle 版.

A naming rule convention for Events in ODC: the past tense