Shell oneliners (updated from time to time)
Tail particular GitLab log with highlight
sudo gitlab-ctl tail
| sed -nre'/^==> .*(sidekiq\/current|gitlab-rails\/application_json).* <==/,/^$/p'
| grep -E 'pipeline|$'
Below two combined
gitlab-ctl tail
| sed -nre'/^==> .*(prometheus).* <==/,/^$/d;/^==> .* <==/,/^$/p'
| jq -Rr '. as $line | fromjson? // $line'
exclude a few component(s) from gitlab-ctl tail output
gitlab-ctl tail
| sed -nre'/^==> .*(prometheus).* <==/,/^$/d;/^==> .* <==/,/^$/p'
let jq process json lines and pass-through others
jq -Rr '. as $line | fromjson? // $line'
Get the latest tag of an image on Docker Hub
curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer
$(curl -s "https://auth.docker.io/token?service=registry.docker.io&scope=repository:gitlab/gitlab-runner:pull"
| jq -r .token)"
| jq -r '.tags[]'
| sort -V
| tail -n 1
Pickup member add/remove events from GitLab group audit events
output in json
curl -sH "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/groups/$GROUP_ID/audit_events?per_page=100&page=1' \
| jq '.[]|select((.details.add//.details.remove)=="user_access")|{(if .details.add then "add" else "remove" end):.details.target_details,"as":.details.as,"by":.details.author_name,"at":.created_at}' \
| jq -s .
output in csv
curl -sH "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4/groups/$GROUP_ID/audit_events?per_page=100&page=1' \
| jq '.[]|select((.details.add//.details.remove)=="user_access")|[(if .details.add then "add" else "remove" end),.details.target_details,.details.as,.details.author_name,.created_at]' \
| jq -r '.|@csv'
Watch unix socket communication (GitLab example)
strace -f -t -s 2014 -p $(ps -C gitlab-workhors --no-headers -o '%p') -e trace=read,write
Delete orphaned local Git branch
git fetch --prune &&
git branch -d $(git branch -v | sed -rne'/\[gone\]/s/^\*?\s+(\S+)\s.*$/\1/p')
Pagenated REST api in one go (GitLab API projects storage stats example)
TOKEN=Your-Personal-Token URL=https://your.gitlab.server n=1
while :
do \
x=$(curl -sH "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${TOKEN}" "${URL}/api/v4/projects?statistics=true&per_page=100&page=$n")
if [[ "$x" == "[]" ]]; then \
unset TOKEN
echo $x | jq -c '.[] | {path: .path_with_namespace, stats: .statistics}'
streamed version
TOKEN=Your-Personal-Token URL=https://your.gitlab.server n=1; while :; do x=$(curl -sH "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${TOKEN}" "${URL}/api/v4/projects?statistics=true&per_page=100&page=$n"); if [[ "$x" == "[]" ]]; then unset TOKEN; break; fi; echo $x | jq -c '.[] | {path: .path_with_namespace, stats: .statistics}'; n=$((n+1)); done
to output in csv
Replace the line starting echo $x |
with below
echo $x | jq -cr '.[] | [.path_with_namespace, .statistics.commit_count, .statistics.storage_size, .statistics.repository_size, .statistics.wiki_size, .statistics.lfs_objects_size, .statistics.job_artifacts_size, .statistics.snippets_size, .statistics.packages_size] | @csv'
Download Redmine project's issue PDFs in one go
curl -sH 'X-Redmine-API-Key:<Redmine API Key goes here>' https://redmine.example.com/projects/project_path/issues.csv?encoding=UTF-8 \
| sed -rne's/^([0-9]*),.+$/\1/p' \
| xargs -I {} -n 1 curl -sOJH 'X-Redmine-API-Key:<Redmine API Key goes here>' https://redmine.example.com/issues/{}.pdf
Count text file lines and chars in a git repository
find -type d -name .git -prune \
-o -type f -exec sh -c "file -b {} | grep -Pq 'JSON|text'" \;
-exec cat {} \; | wc
Search multiple archived logs and append file names each line of the output
ls *.log.1.gz | \
xargs -n 1 -I {} sh -c '
zcat -f {} | \
sed -re"s/^/{}: /" \
' | \
grep -iP '<search pattern>' | \
less -I
View json log with jq formatted and with color
zcat whatever-json.log.1.gz | \
grep -iP '<search pattern>' | \
jq -C . | \
less -RI