
cadl (typespec)を使ってみる



< @statusCode statusCode: 200;
@doc("Successful operation")
> @statusCode
> statusCode: 200;





  • modelのexampleの設定
  • Responseの各CodeごとのDescription設定(↓これでは反映できなかった。summaryも同様)
      @doc("Invalid ID supplied")
      statusCode: 400;
  • queryParameterのenumのdefault値の設定方法
  • tagのdescription, externalDocsの付け方
  • 認証(useAuth)って全体に対してしか指定ができない??


import "@typespec/rest";
import "@typespec/openapi3";

using TypeSpec.Http;

  title: "Swagger Petstore - OpenAPI 3.0",
  version: "1.0.11",
  This is a sample Pet Store Server based on the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.  You can find out more about
  Swagger at []( In the third iteration of the pet store, we've switched to the design first approach!
  You can now help us improve the API whether it's by making changes to the definition itself or to the code.
  That way, with time, we can improve the API in general, and expose some of the new features in OAS3.

  _If you're looking for the Swagger 2.0/OAS 2.0 version of Petstore, then click [here]( Alternatively, you can load via the `Edit > Load Petstore OAS 2.0` menu option!_

  Some useful links:
  - [The Pet Store repository](
  - [The source API definition for the Pet Store](
@server("", "")
      type: OAuth2FlowType.implicit,
      authorizationUrl: "",
      // DOCS:
      // 説明文が追加できない問題
      scopes: ["write:pets", "read:pets"],
  ]> | ApiKeyAuth<ApiKeyLocation.header, "api_key">
namespace TypeSpecSample;
namespace Auth {
  namespace PetAPI {
    interface Pets {
      @summary("Update an existing pet")
      @doc("Update an existing pet by Id")
        contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

        @doc("Update an existent pet in the store")
        pet: Pet
        | {
            @doc("Successful operation")
            statusCode: 200;
            @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
            @body pet: Pet;
        | {
            @doc("Invalid ID supplied")
            statusCode: 400;
        | {
            @doc("Pet not found")
            statusCode: 404;
        | {
            @doc("Validation exception")
            statusCode: 405;

      @summary("Add a new pet to the store")
      @doc("Add a new pet to the store")
        contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

        @doc("Create a new pet in the store")
        pet: Pet
      ): {
        @doc("Successful operation")
        statusCode: 200;
        @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
        @body pet: Pet;
      } | {
        @doc("Invalid input")
        statusCode: 405;

    interface FindByStatus {
      @summary("Finds Pets by status")
      @doc("Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings")
        @doc("Status values that need to be considered for filter")
        status?: "available" | "pending" | "sold"
      ): {
        @doc("successful operation")
        statusCode: 200;
        @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
        @body pets: Pet[];
      } | {
        @doc("Invalid status value")
        statusCode: 400;

    interface FindByTags {
      @summary("Finds Pets by tags")
      @doc("Multiple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.")
        @doc("Tags to filter by")
        tags?: string[]
      ): {
        @doc("successful operation")
        statusCode: 200;
        @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
        @body pets: Pet[];
      } | {
        @doc("Invalid tag value")
        statusCode: 400;

    interface Details {
      @summary("Find pet by ID")
      @doc("Returns a single pet")
        @doc("ID of pet to return")
        petId: int64
      ): {
        @doc("successful operation")
        statusCode: 200;
        @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
        @body pet: Pet;
      } | {
        @doc("Invalid ID supplied")
        statusCode: 400;
      } | {
        @doc("Pet not found")
        statusCode: 404;

      @summary("Updates a pet in the store with form data")
        @doc("ID of pet that needs to be updated")
        petId: int64,

        @doc("Name of pet that needs to be updated")
        name?: string,

        @doc("Status of pet that needs to be updated")
        status?: string
      ): {
        @doc("Invalid input")
        statusCode: 405;

      @summary("Deletes a pet")
      @doc("delete a pet")
        @header api_key?: string,

        @doc("Pet id to delete")
        petId: int64
      ): {
        @doc("Invalid pet value")
        statusCode: 400;

      @summary("uploads an image")
        @doc("ID of pet to update")
        petId: int64,

        @doc("Additional Metadata")
        additionalMetadata?: string,
        @header contentType: "application/octet-stream",
        @body image: bytes
      ): {
        @doc("sucdcessful operation")
        statusCode: 200;
        @header contentType: "application/json";
        @body apiResponse: ApiResponse;

  namespace StoreAPI {
    interface Store {
      @summary("Returns pet inventories by status")
      @doc("Returns a map of status codes to quantities")
      read(): {
        @doc("successful operation")
        statusCode: 200;
        @header contentType: "application/json";
        @body additionalProperties: Record<int32>;

namespace StoreAPI {
  interface StoreOrder {
    @summary("Place an order for a pet")
    @doc("Place a new order in the store")
      contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      @body order: Order
    ): {
      @doc("successful operation")
      statusCode: 200;
      @header contentType: "application/json";
      @body order: Order;
    } | {
      @doc("Invalid input")
      statusCode: 405;

  interface OrderDetails {
    @summary("Find purchase order by ID")
    @doc("For valid response try integer IDs with value <= 5 or > 10. Other values will generate exceptions.")
      @doc("IDof order that needs to be fetched")
      orderId: int64
    ): {
      @doc("successful operation")
      statusCode: 200;
      @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
      @body order: Order;
    } | {
      @doc("Invalid ID supplied")
      statusCode: 400;
    } | {
      @doc("Order not found")
      statusCode: 404;

    @summary("Delete purchase order by ID")
    @doc("For valid response try integer IDs with value < 1000. Anything above 1000 or nonintegers will generate API errors")
      @doc("ID of the order that needs to bedeleted")
      orderId: int64
    ): {
      @doc("Invalid IDsupplied")
      statusCode: 400;
    } | {
      @doc("Order not found")
      statusCode: 404;

namespace UserAPI {
  interface Users {
    @summary("Create user")
    @doc("This can only be done by the logged in user.")
      contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

      @doc("Created user object")
      user: User
    ): {
      @doc("successful operation")
      // NOTE: swaggerEditorではdefaultってなってるけど、defaultなんてコードねぇよ!
      statusCode: 200;
      @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
      @body user: User;

    @summary("Creates list of users with given input array")
    @doc("Creates list of users with given input array")
      @header contentType: "application/json",
      @body users: User[]
    ): {
      @doc("Successful operation")
      statusCode: 200;
      @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
      @body user: User;

    @summary("Logs user into the system")
      @doc("The user name for login")
      username?: string,

      @doc("The password for login in clear text")
      password?: string
    ): {
      @doc("successful operation")
      statusCode: 200;
      // NOTE: 公式通りに指定するならこういう書き方じゃないの???
      // @header({
      //   contentType: "application/xml" | "application/json",

      //   @doc("calls per hour allowed by the user")
      //   `X-Rate-Limit`: int32,

      //   @doc("date in UTC when token expires")
      //   `X-Expires-After`: zonedDateTime,
      // })
      @header contentType: "application/xml" | "application/json";

      res: string;

      @doc("calls per hour allowed by the user")
      `X-Rate-Limit`: int32;

      @doc("date in UTC when token expires")
      `X-Expires-After`: zonedDateTime;
    } | {
      @doc("Invalid username/password supplied")
      statusCode: 400;

    @summary("Logs out current logged in user session")
    logout(): {
      @doc("successful operation")
      // NOTE: swaggerEditorではdefaultってなってるけど、defaultなんてコードねぇよ!
      statusCode: 200;

  interface FindByName {
    @summary("Get user by user name")
      @doc("The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing.")
      username: string
    ): {
      @doc("successful operation")
      statusCode: 200;
      @header contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml";
      @body user: User;
    } | {
      @doc("Invalid username supplied")
      statusCode: 400;
    } | {
      @doc("User not found")
      statusCode: 404;

    @summary("Update user")
    @doc("This can only be done by the logged in user.")
      @doc("name that need to be deleted")
      username: string,

      contentType: "application/json" | "application/xml" | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",

      @doc("Update an existent user in the store")
      user: User
    ): {
      @doc("successful operation")
      // NOTE: swaggerEditorではdefaultってなってるけど、defaultなんてコードねぇよ!
      statusCode: 200;

    @summary("Delete user")
    @doc("This can only be done by the logged in user.")
      @doc("The name that needs to be deleted")
      username: string
    ): {
      @doc("Invalid username supplied")
      statusCode: 400;
    } | {
      @doc("User not found")
      statusCode: 404;

model Order {
  id?: int64;
  petId?: int64;
  quantity?: int32;
  shipDate?: zonedDateTime;

  @doc("Order Status")
  status?: "placed" | "approved" | "delivered";
  complete?: boolean;

model Customer {
  id?: int64;
  username: string;
  address?: Address[];

model Address {
  street?: string;
  city?: string;
  state?: string;
  zip?: string;

model Category {
  id?: int64;
  name?: string;

model User {
  id?: int64;
  username?: string;
  firstName?: string;
  lastName?: string;
  email?: string;
  password?: string;
  phone?: string;

  @doc("User Status")
  userStatus?: int32;

model Tag {
  id?: int64;
  name?: string;

model Pet {
  id?: int64;
  name: string;
  category?: Category;
  photoUrls: string[];
  tags?: Tag[];

  @doc("pet status in the store")
  status?: "available" | "pending" | "sold";

model ApiResponse {
  code?: int32;
  type?: string;
  message?: string;