[KaTeX × Zenn]数式の一覧表
下記の引用のとおり、ここ Zenn では KaTeX による数式表示に対応しているということで、
Zenn ではKaTeXによる数式表示に対応しています。
- Zenn ユーザーの方
(他のプラットフォームの利用者でも参考になるかも) - KaTeX ユーザーの方
2024年4月現在、こちらの公式ページ、サポート表(Support Table)を参考に作成。
なお、KaTeX公式の表の場合、数式が表示される項目「Rendered(レンダリング済み)」の欄に"Not Supported"の記述があり、
パッと見わかりにくいと感じたため、この表では"Not Supported"を外だしし表の項目にしました。
項目「Not Supported」に ✓
Index | Symbol/Function | Rendered | Source or Comment | Not Suported |
Symbols | ! |
n! |
Symbols | \! |
a\!b |
Symbols | # |
\def\sqr#1{#1^2} \sqr{y} |
Symbols | \# |
Symbols | % |
%this is a comment |
Symbols | \% |
Symbols | & |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix}
Symbols | \& |
Symbols | ' |
Symbols | \' |
\text{\'{a}} |
Symbols | ( |
Symbols | ) |
Symbols | \(…\) |
\text{\(\frac a b\)} |
Symbols | \ |
a\ b |
Symbols | \" |
\text{\"{a}} |
Symbols | \$ |
Symbols | \, |
a\,\,{b} |
Symbols | \. |
\text{\.{a}} |
Symbols | \: |
a\:\:{b} |
Symbols | \; |
a\;\;{b} |
Symbols | _ |
x_i |
Symbols | \_ |
Symbols | ``` | \text{\'{a}} |
Symbols | < |
Symbols | \= |
\text{\={a}} |
Symbols | > |
Symbols | \> |
a\>\>{b} |
Symbols | [ |
Symbols | ] |
Symbols | { |
{a} |
Symbols | } |
{a} |
Symbols | \{ |
Symbols | \} |
Symbols | | |
Symbols | \| |
Symbols | ~ |
\text{no~no~no~breaks} |
Symbols | \~ |
\text{\~{a}} |
Symbols | \\ |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix}
Symbols | ^ |
x^i |
Symbols | \^ |
\text{\^{a}} |
A | \AA |
\text{\AA} |
A | \aa |
\text{\aa} |
A | \above |
{a \above{2pt} b+1} |
A | \abovewithdelims |
✓ | ||
A | \acute |
\acute e |
A | \AE |
\text{\AE} |
A | \ae |
\text{\ae} |
A | \alef |
A | \alefsym |
A | \aleph |
A | {align} |
\begin{align} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f \end{align}
A | {align*} |
\begin{align*} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f \end{align*}
A | {aligned} |
\begin{aligned} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f \end{aligned}
A | {alignat} |
\begin{alignat}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4 \end{alignat}
A | {alignat*} |
\begin{alignat*}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4 \end{alignat*}
A | {alignedat} |
\begin{alignedat}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4 \end{alignedat}
A | \allowbreak |
A | \Alpha |
A | \alpha |
A | \amalg |
A | \And |
A | \and |
Deprecated | ✓ | |
A | \ang |
Deprecated | ✓ | |
A | \angl |
A | \angln |
A | \angle |
A | \approx |
A | \approxeq |
A | \approxcolon |
A | \approxcoloncolon |
A | \arccos |
A | \arcctg |
A | \arcsin |
A | \arctan |
A | \arctg |
A | \arg |
A | \argmax |
A | \argmin |
A | {array} |
\begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \end{array}
A | \array |
see {array}
✓ | |
A | \arraystretch |
\def\arraystretch{1.5} \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \end{array}
A | \Arrowvert |
see \Vert
✓ | |
A | \arrowvert |
see \vert
✓ | |
A | \ast |
A | \asymp |
A | \atop |
{a \atop b} |
A | \atopwithdelims |
✓ | ||
B | \backepsilon |
B | \backprime |
B | \backsim |
B | \backsimeq |
B | \backslash |
B | \bar |
\bar{y} |
B | \barwedge |
B | \Bbb |
\Bbb{ABC} KaTeX supports A-Z & k |
B | \Bbbk |
B | \bbox |
✓ | ||
B | \bcancel |
\bcancel{5} |
B | \because |
B | \begin |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix}
B | \begingroup |
\begingroup a} |
B | \Beta |
B | \beta |
B | \beth |
B | \between |
B | \bf |
\bf AaBb12 |
B | \bfseries |
✓ | ||
B | \big |
\big(\big) |
B | \Big |
\Big(\Big) |
B | \bigcap |
B | \bigcirc |
B | \bigcup |
B | \bigg |
\bigg(\bigg) |
B | \Bigg |
\Bigg(\Bigg) |
B | \biggl |
\biggl( |
B | \Biggl |
\Biggl( |
B | \biggm |
\biggm\vert |
B | \Biggm |
\Biggm\vert |
B | \biggr |
\biggr) |
B | \Biggr |
\Biggr) |
B | \bigl |
\bigl( |
B | \Bigl |
\Bigl( |
B | \bigm |
\bigm\vert |
B | \Bigm |
\Bigm\vert |
B | \bigodot |
B | \bigominus |
Issue #1222 | ✓ | |
B | \bigoplus |
B | \bigoslash |
Issue #1222 | ✓ | |
B | \bigotimes |
B | \bigr |
\bigr) |
B | \Bigr |
\Bigr) |
B | \bigsqcap |
Issue #1222 | ✓ | |
B | \bigsqcup |
B | \bigstar |
B | \bigtriangledown |
B | \bigtriangleup |
B | \biguplus |
B | \bigvee |
B | \bigwedge |
B | \binom |
\binom n k |
B | \blacklozenge |
B | \blacksquare |
B | \blacktriangle |
B | \blacktriangledown |
B | \blacktriangleleft |
B | \blacktriangleright |
B | \bm |
\bm{AaBb} |
B | {Bmatrix} |
\begin{Bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Bmatrix}
B | {Bmatrix*} |
\begin{Bmatrix*}[r] 0 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{Bmatrix*}
B | {bmatrix} |
\begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix}
B | {bmatrix*} |
\begin{bmatrix*}[r] 0 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{bmatrix*}
B | \bmod |
a \bmod b |
B | \bold |
\bold{AaBb123} |
B | \boldsymbol |
\boldsymbol{AaBb} |
B | \bot |
B | \bowtie |
B | \Box |
B | \boxdot |
B | \boxed |
\boxed{ab} |
B | \boxminus |
B | \boxplus |
B | \boxtimes |
B | \Bra |
\Bra{\psi} |
B | \bra |
\bra{\psi} |
B | \braket |
\braket{\phi|\psi} |
B | \Braket |
\Braket{ ϕ | \frac{∂^2}{∂ t^2} | ψ } |
B | \brace |
{n\brace k} |
B | \bracevert |
✓ | ||
B | \brack |
{n\brack k} |
B | \breve |
\breve{eu} |
B | \buildrel |
✓ | ||
B | \bull |
B | \bullet |
B | \Bumpeq |
B | \bumpeq |
C | \C |
Deprecated | ✓ | |
C | \cal |
\cal AaBb123 |
C | \cancel |
\cancel{5} |
C | \cancelto |
✓ | ||
C | \Cap |
C | \cap |
C | {cases} |
\begin{cases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{cases}
C | \cases |
see {cases}
✓ | |
C | {CD} |
\begin{CD} A @>a>> B \\ @VbVV @AAcA \\ C @= D \end{CD}
C | \cdot |
C | \cdotp |
C | \cdots |
C | \ce |
\ce{C6H5-CHO} Requires an extension
C | \cee |
Deprecated by mhchem | ✓ | |
C | \centerdot |
a\centerdot b |
C | \cf |
Deprecated by mhchem;use \ce instead |
✓ | |
C | \cfrac |
\cfrac{2}{1+\cfrac{2}{1+\cfrac{2}{1}}} |
C | \char |
\char"263a |
C | \check |
\check{oe} |
C | \ch |
C | \checkmark |
C | \Chi |
C | \chi |
C | \choose |
{n+1 \choose k+2} |
C | \circ |
C | \circeq |
C | \circlearrowleft |
C | \circlearrowright |
C | \circledast |
C | \circledcirc |
C | \circleddash |
C | \circledR |
C | \circledS |
C | \class |
A PR is pending. | ✓ | |
C | \cline |
Issue #269 | ✓ | |
C | \clubs |
C | \clubsuit |
C | \cnums |
C | \colon |
C | \Colonapprox |
C | \colonapprox |
C | \coloncolon |
C | \coloncolonapprox |
C | \coloncolonequals |
C | \coloncolonminus |
C | \coloncolonsim |
C | \Coloneq |
C | \coloneq |
C | \colonequals |
C | \Coloneqq |
C | \coloneqq |
C | \colonminus |
C | \Colonsim |
C | \colonsim |
C | \color |
\color{#0000FF} AaBb123 |
C | \colorbox |
\colorbox{red}{Black on red} |
C | \complement |
C | \Complex |
C | \cong |
C | \Coppa |
✓ | ||
C | \coppa |
✓ | ||
C | \coprod |
C | \copyright |
C | \cos |
C | \cosec |
C | \cosh |
C | \cot |
C | \cotg |
C | \coth |
C | \cr |
\begin{matrix} a & b \cr c & d \end{matrix}
C | \csc |
C | \cssId |
A PR is pending. | ✓ | |
C | \ctg |
C | \cth |
C | \Cup |
C | \cup |
C | \curlyeqprec |
C | \curlyeqsucc |
C | \curlyvee |
C | \curlywedge |
C | \curvearrowleft |
C | \curvearrowright |
D | \dag |
D | \Dagger |
D | \dagger |
D | \daleth |
D | \Darr |
D | \dArr |
D | \darr |
D | {darray} |
\begin{darray}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \end{darray}
D | \dashleftarrow |
D | \dashrightarrow |
D | \dashv |
D | \dbinom |
\dbinom n k |
D | \dblcolon |
D | {dcases} |
\begin{dcases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{dcases}
D | \ddag |
D | \ddagger |
D | \ddddot |
✓ | ||
D | \dddot |
✓ | ||
D | \ddot |
\ddot x |
D | \ddots |
D | \DeclareMathOperator |
✓ | ||
D | \def |
\def\foo{x^2} \foo + \foo |
D | \definecolor |
Issue #750 | ✓ | |
D | \deg |
D | \degree |
D | \delta |
D | \Delta |
D | \det |
D | \Digamma |
✓ | ||
D | \digamma |
D | \dfrac |
\dfrac{a-1}{b-1} |
D | \diagdown |
D | \diagup |
D | \Diamond |
D | \diamond |
D | \diamonds |
D | \diamondsuit |
D | \dim |
D | \displaylines |
✓ | ||
D | \displaystyle |
\displaystyle\sum_0^n |
D | \div |
D | \divideontimes |
D | \dot |
\dot x |
D | \Doteq |
D | \doteq |
D | \doteqdot |
D | \dotplus |
D | \dots |
x_1 + \dots + x_n |
D | \dotsb |
x_1 +\dotsb + x_n |
D | \dotsc |
x,\dotsc,y |
D | \dotsi |
\int_{A_1}\int_{A_2}\dotsi |
D | \dotsm |
$x_1 x_2 \dotsm x_n |
D | \dotso |
D | \doublebarwedge |
D | \doublecap |
D | \doublecup |
D | \Downarrow |
D | \downarrow |
D | \downdownarrows |
D | \downharpoonleft |
D | \downharpoonright |
D | {drcases} |
\begin{drcases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{drcases}
E | \edef |
\def\foo{a}\edef\fcopy{\foo}\def\foo{}\fcopy |
E | \ell |
E | \else |
Issue #1003 | ✓ | |
E | \em |
✓ | ||
E | \emph |
✓ | ||
E | \empty |
E | \emptyset |
E | \enclose |
Non standard | ✓ | |
E | \end |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix}
E | \endgroup |
{a\endgroup |
E | \enspace |
a\enspace b |
E | \Epsilon |
E | \epsilon |
E | \eqalign |
✓ | ||
E | \eqalignno |
✓ | ||
E | \eqcirc |
E | \Eqcolon |
E | \eqcolon |
E | {equation} |
\begin{equation} a = b + c \end{equation}
E | {equation*} |
\begin{equation*} a = b + c \end{equation*}
E | {eqnarray} |
✓ | ||
E | \Eqqcolon |
E | \eqqcolon |
E | \eqref |
Issue #350 | ✓ | |
E | \eqsim |
E | \eqslantgtr |
E | \eqslantless |
E | \equalscolon |
E | \equalscoloncolon |
E | \equiv |
E | \Eta |
E | \eta |
E | \eth |
E | \euro |
✓ | ||
E | \exist |
E | \exists |
E | \exp |
E | \expandafter |
F | \fallingdotseq |
F | \fbox |
\fbox{Hi there!} |
F | \fcolorbox |
\fcolorbox{red}{aqua}{A} |
F | \fi |
Issue #1003 | ✓ | |
F | \Finv |
F | \flat |
F | \footnotesize |
\footnotesize footnotesize |
F | \forall |
F | \frac |
\frac a b |
F | \frak |
\frak{AaBb} |
F | \frown |
F | \futurelet |
G | \Game |
G | \Gamma |
G | \gamma |
G | {gather} |
\begin{gather} a=b \\ e=b+c \end{gather}
G | {gathered} |
\begin{gathered} a=b \\ e=b+c \end{gathered}
G | \gcd |
G | \gdef |
\gdef\sqr#1{#1^2} \sqr{y} + \sqr{y} |
G | \ge |
G | \geneuro |
✓ | ||
G | \geneuronarrow |
✓ | ||
G | \geneurowide |
✓ | ||
G | \genfrac |
\genfrac ( ] {2pt}{0}a{a+1} |
G | \geq |
G | \geqq |
G | \geqslant |
G | \gets |
G | \gg |
G | \ggg |
G | \gggtr |
G | \gimel |
G | \global |
\global\def\add#1#2{#1+#2} \add 2 3 |
G | \gnapprox |
G | \gneq |
G | \gneqq |
G | \gnsim |
G | \grave |
\grave{eu} |
G | \gt |
a \gt b |
G | \gtrdot |
G | \gtrapprox |
G | \gtreqless |
G | \gtreqqless |
G | \gtrless |
G | \gtrsim |
G | \gvertneqq |
H | \H |
\text{\H{a}} |
H | \Harr |
H | \hArr |
H | \harr |
H | \hat |
\hat{\theta} |
H | \hbar |
H | \hbox |
\hbox{$x^2$} |
H | \hbox to |
✓ | ||
H | \hdashline |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ \hdashline c & d \end{matrix}
H | \hearts |
H | \heartsuit |
H | \hfil |
✓ | ||
H | \hfill |
Issues #164 & #269 | ✓ | |
H | \hline |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ \hline c & d \end{matrix}
H | \hom |
H | \hookleftarrow |
H | \hookrightarrow |
H | \hphantom |
a\hphantom{bc}d |
H | \href |
\href{https://katex.org/}{\KaTeX} Requires trust option
H | \hskip |
w\hskip1em i\hskip2em d |
H | \hslash |
H | \hspace |
s\hspace7ex k |
H | \htmlClass |
\htmlClass{foo}{x} Must enable trust and disable strict option
H | \htmlData |
\htmlData{foo=a, bar=b}{x} Must enable trust and disable strict option
H | \htmlId |
\htmlId{bar}{x} Must enable trust and disable strict option
H | \htmlStyle |
\htmlStyle{color: red;}{x} Must enable trust and disable strict option
H | \huge |
\huge huge |
H | \Huge |
\Huge Huge |
I | \i |
\text{\i} |
I | \idotsint |
✓ | ||
I | \iddots |
Issue #1223 | ✓ | |
I | \if |
Issue #1003 | ✓ | |
I | \iff |
A\iff B |
I | \ifmode |
Issue #1003 | ✓ | |
I | \ifx |
Issue #1003 | ✓ | |
I | \iiiint |
✓ | ||
I | \iiint |
I | \iint |
I | \Im |
I | \image |
I | \imageof |
I | \imath |
I | \impliedby |
P\impliedby Q |
I | \implies |
P\implies Q |
I | \in |
I | \includegraphics |
\includegraphics[height=0.8em, totalheight=0.9em, width=0.9em, alt=KA logo]{https://cdn.kastatic.org/images/apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.new.png} Requires trust option
I | \inf |
I | \infin |
I | \infty |
I | \injlim |
\injlim |
I | \int |
I | \intercal |
I | \intop |
I | \Iota |
I | \iota |
I | \isin |
I | \it |
{\it AaBb} |
I | \itshape |
✓ | ||
JK | \j |
\text{\j} |
JK | \jmath |
JK | \Join |
JK | \Kappa |
JK | \kappa |
JK | \KaTeX |
JK | \ker |
JK | \kern |
I\kern-2.5pt R |
JK | \Ket |
\Ket{\psi} |
JK | \ket |
\ket{\psi} |
JK | \Koppa |
✓ | ||
JK | \koppa |
✓ | ||
L | \L |
✓ | ||
L | \l |
✓ | ||
L | \Lambda |
L | \lambda |
L | \label |
✓ | ||
L | \land |
L | \lang |
\lang A\rangle |
L | \langle |
\langle A\rangle |
L | \Larr |
L | \lArr |
L | \larr |
L | \large |
\large large |
L | \Large |
\Large Large |
L | \LARGE |
L | \LaTeX |
L | \lBrace |
L | \lbrace |
L | \lbrack |
L | \lceil |
L | \ldotp |
L | \ldots |
L | \le |
L | \leadsto |
L | \left |
\left\lbrace \dfrac ab \right. |
L | \leftarrow |
L | \Leftarrow |
L | \LeftArrow |
Non standard | ✓ | |
L | \leftarrowtail |
L | \leftharpoondown |
L | \leftharpoonup |
L | \leftleftarrows |
L | \Leftrightarrow |
L | \leftrightarrow |
L | \leftrightarrows |
L | \leftrightharpoons |
L | \leftrightsquigarrow |
L | \leftroot |
✓ | ||
L | \leftthreetimes |
L | \leq |
L | \leqalignno |
✓ | ||
L | \leqq |
L | \leqslant |
L | \lessapprox |
L | \lessdot |
L | \lesseqgtr |
L | \lesseqqgtr |
L | \lessgtr |
L | \lesssim |
L | \let |
L | \lfloor |
L | \lg |
L | \lgroup |
L | \lhd |
L | \lim |
L | \liminf |
L | \limits |
\lim\limits_x |
L | \limsup |
L | \ll |
L | \llap |
{=}\llap{/\,} |
L | \llbracket |
L | \llcorner |
L | \Lleftarrow |
L | \lll |
L | \llless |
L | \lmoustache |
L | \ln |
L | \lnapprox |
L | \lneq |
L | \lneqq |
L | \lnot |
L | \lnsim |
L | \log |
L | \long |
L | \Longleftarrow |
L | \longleftarrow |
L | \Longleftrightarrow |
L | \longleftrightarrow |
L | \longmapsto |
L | \Longrightarrow |
L | \longrightarrow |
L | \looparrowleft |
L | \looparrowright |
L | \lor |
L | \lower |
✓ | ||
L | \lozenge |
L | \lparen |
L | \Lrarr |
L | \lrArr |
L | \lrarr |
L | \lrcorner |
L | \lq |
L | \Lsh |
L | \lt |
L | \ltimes |
L | \lVert |
L | \lvert |
L | \lvertneqq |
M | \maltese |
M | \mapsto |
M | \mathbb |
\mathbb{AB} KaTeX supports A-Z k |
M | \mathbf |
\mathbf{AaBb123} |
M | \mathbin |
a\mathbin{!}b |
M | \mathcal |
\mathcal{AaBb123} |
M | \mathchoice |
a\mathchoice{\,}{\,\,}{\,\,\,}{\,\,\,\,}b |
M | \mathclap |
\sum_{\mathclap{1\le i\le n}} x_{i} |
M | \mathclose |
a + (b\mathclose\gt + c |
M | \mathellipsis |
M | \mathfrak |
\mathfrak{AaBb} KaTeX supports A-Za-z |
M | \mathinner |
ab\mathinner{\text{inside}}cd |
M | \mathit |
\mathit{AaBb}x KaTeX supports A-Za-z |
M | \mathllap |
{=}\mathllap{/\,} |
M | \mathnormal |
\mathnormal{AaBb} KaTeX supports A-Za-z |
M | \mathop |
\mathop{\star}_a^b |
M | \mathopen |
a + \mathopen\lt b) + c |
M | \mathord |
1\mathord{,}234{,}567 |
M | \mathpunct |
A\mathpunct{-}B |
M | \mathrel |
a \mathrel{\#} b |
M | \mathrlap |
\mathrlap{\,/}{=} |
M | \mathring |
\mathring{a} |
M | \mathrm |
\mathrm{AaBb123} |
M | \mathscr |
\mathscr{AaBb123} KaTeX supports A-Z |
M | \mathsf |
\mathsf{AaBb123} |
M | \mathsterling |
M | \mathstrut |
\sqrt{\mathstrut a} |
M | \mathtip |
✓ | ||
M | \mathtt |
\mathtt{AaBb123} |
M | \matrix |
See {matrix}
✓ | |
M | {matrix} |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix}
M | {matrix*} |
\begin{matrix*}[r] 0 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{matrix*}
M | \max |
M | \mbox |
✓ | ||
M | \md |
✓ | ||
M | \mdseries |
✓ | ||
M | \measuredangle |
M | \medspace |
a\medspace b |
M | \mho |
M | \mid |
\{x∈ℝ\mid x>0\} |
M | \middle |
P\left(A\middle\vert B\right) |
M | \min |
M | \minuscolon |
M | \minuscoloncolon |
M | \minuso |
M | \mit |
See \mathit
✓ | |
M | \mkern |
a\mkern18mu b |
M | \mmlToken |
✓ | ||
M | \mod |
3\equiv 5 \mod 2 |
M | \models |
M | \moveleft |
✓ | ||
M | \moveright |
✓ | ||
M | \mp |
M | \mskip |
a\mskip{10mu}b |
M | \mspace |
✓ | ||
M | \Mu |
M | \mu |
M | \multicolumn |
Issue #269 |
✓ | |
M | {multiline} |
✓ | ||
M | \multimap |
N | \N |
N | \nabla |
N | \natnums |
N | \natural |
N | \negmedspace |
a\negmedspace b |
N | \ncong |
N | \ne |
N | \nearrow |
N | \neg |
N | \negthickspace |
a\negthickspace b |
N | \negthinspace |
a\negthinspace b |
N | \neq |
N | \newcommand |
\newcommand\chk{\checkmark} \chk |
N | \newenvironment |
Issue #37 | ✓ | |
N | \Newextarrow |
✓ | ||
N | \newline |
a\newline b |
N | \nexists |
N | \ngeq |
N | \ngeqq |
N | \ngeqslant |
N | \ngtr |
N | \ni |
N | \nleftarrow |
N | \nLeftarrow |
N | \nLeftrightarrow |
N | \nleftrightarrow |
N | \nleq |
N | \nleqq |
N | \nleqslant |
N | \nless |
N | \nmid |
N | \nobreak |
N | \nobreakspace |
a\nobreakspace b |
N | \noexpand |
N | \nolimits |
\lim\nolimits_x |
N | \nonumber |
\begin{align} a&=b+c \nonumber\\ d+e&=f \end{align}
N | \normalfont |
✓ | ||
N | \normalsize |
\normalsize normalsize |
N | \not |
\not = |
N | \notag |
\begin{align} a&=b+c \notag\\ d+e&=f \end{align}
N | \notin |
N | \notni |
N | \nparallel |
N | \nprec |
N | \npreceq |
N | \nRightarrow |
N | \nrightarrow |
N | \nshortmid |
N | \nshortparallel |
N | \nsim |
N | \nsubseteq |
N | \nsubseteqq |
N | \nsucc |
N | \nsucceq |
N | \nsupseteq |
N | \nsupseteqq |
N | \ntriangleleft |
N | \ntrianglelefteq |
N | \ntriangleright |
N | \ntrianglerighteq |
N | \Nu |
N | \nu |
N | \nVDash |
N | \nVdash |
N | \nvDash |
N | \nvdash |
N | \nwarrow |
O | \O |
\text{\O} |
O | \o |
\text{\o} |
O | \odot |
O | \OE |
\text{\OE} |
O | \oe |
\text{\oe} |
O | \officialeuro |
✓ | ||
O | \oiiint |
O | \oiint |
O | \oint |
O | \oldstyle |
✓ | ||
O | \omega |
O | \Omega |
O | \Omicron |
O | \omicron |
O | \ominus |
O | \operatorname |
\operatorname{asin} x |
O | \operatorname* |
\operatorname*{asin}\limits_y x |
O | \operatornamewithlimits |
\operatornamewithlimits{asin}\limits_y x |
O | \oplus |
O | \or |
✓ | ||
O | \origof |
O | \oslash |
O | \otimes |
O | \over |
{a+1 \over b+2}+c |
O | \overbrace |
\overbrace{x+⋯+x}^{n\text{ times}} |
O | \overbracket |
✓ | ||
O | \overgroup |
\overgroup{AB} |
O | \overleftarrow |
\overleftarrow{AB} |
O | \overleftharpoon |
\overleftharpoon{AB} |
O | \overleftrightarrow |
\overleftrightarrow{AB} |
O | \overline |
\overline{\text{a long argument}} |
O | \overlinesegment |
\overlinesegment{AB} |
O | \overparen |
See \overgroup
✓ | |
O | \Overrightarrow |
\Overrightarrow{AB} |
O | \overrightarrow |
\overrightarrow{AB} |
O | \overrightharpoon |
\overrightharpoon{ac} |
O | \overset |
\overset{!}{=} |
O | \overwithdelims |
✓ | ||
O | \owns |
P | \P |
\text{\P} |
P | \pagecolor |
Deprecated | ✓ | |
P | \parallel |
P | \part |
Deprecated | ✓ | |
P | \partial |
P | \perp |
P | \phantom |
\Gamma^{\phantom{i}j}_{i\phantom{j}k} |
P | \phase |
\phase{-78^\circ} |
P | \Phi |
P | \phi |
P | \Pi |
P | \pi |
P | {picture} |
✓ | ||
P | \pitchfork |
P | \plim |
P | \plusmn |
P | \pm |
P | \pmatrix |
See {pmatrix}
✓ | |
P | {pmatrix} |
\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}
P | {pmatrix*} |
\begin{pmatrix*}[r] 0 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix*}
P | \pmb |
\pmb{\mu} |
P | \pmod |
x\pmod a |
P | \pod |
x \pod a |
P | \pounds |
P | \Pr |
P | \prec |
P | \precapprox |
P | \preccurlyeq |
P | \preceq |
P | \precnapprox |
P | \precneqq |
P | \precnsim |
P | \precsim |
P | \prime |
P | \prod |
P | \projlim |
\projlim |
P | \propto |
P | \providecommand |
\providecommand\greet{\text{Hello}} \greet |
P | \psi |
P | \Psi |
P | \pu |
\pu{123 kJ//mol} Requires an extension
QR | \Q |
See \Bbb{Q}
✓ | |
QR | \qquad |
a\qquad\qquad{b} |
QR | \quad |
a\quad\quad{b} |
QR | \R |
QR | \r |
\text{\r{a}} |
QR | \raise |
see \raisebox
✓ | |
QR | \raisebox |
h\raisebox{2pt}{$ighe$}r |
QR | \rang |
\langle A\rang |
QR | \rangle |
\langle A\rangle |
QR | \Rarr |
QR | \rArr |
QR | \rarr |
QR | \ratio |
QR | \rBrace |
QR | \rbrace |
QR | \rbrack |
QR | {rcases} |
\begin{rcases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{rcases}
QR | \rceil |
QR | \Re |
QR | \real |
QR | \Reals |
QR | \reals |
QR | \ref |
Issue #350 | ✓ | |
QR | \relax |
QR | \renewcommand |
\def\hail{Hi!} \renewcommand\hail{\text{Ahoy!}} \hail
QR | \renewenvironment |
✓ | ||
QR | \require |
✓ | ||
QR | \restriction |
QR | \rfloor |
QR | \rgroup |
QR | \rhd |
QR | \Rho |
QR | \rho |
QR | \right |
\left.\dfrac a b\right) |
QR | \Rightarrow |
QR | \rightarrow |
QR | \rightarrowtail |
QR | \rightharpoondown |
QR | \rightharpoonup |
QR | \rightleftarrows |
QR | \rightleftharpoons |
QR | \rightrightarrows |
QR | \rightsquigarrow |
QR | \rightthreetimes |
QR | \risingdotseq |
QR | \rlap |
\rlap{\,/}{=} |
QR | \rm |
\rm AaBb12 |
QR | \rmoustache |
QR | \root |
✓ | ||
QR | \rotatebox |
Issue #681 | ✓ | |
QR | \rparen |
QR | \rq |
QR | \rrbracket |
QR | \Rrightarrow |
QR | \Rsh |
QR | \rtimes |
QR | \Rule |
see \rule
✓ | |
QR | \rule |
x\rule[6pt]{2ex}{1ex}x |
QR | \rVert |
QR | \rvert |
S | \S |
\text{\S} |
S | \Sampi |
✓ | ||
S | \sampi |
✓ | ||
S | \sc |
Issue #471 | ✓ | |
S | \scalebox |
✓ | ||
S | \scr |
See \mathscr
✓ | |
S | \scriptscriptstyle |
\scriptscriptstyle \frac cd |
S | \scriptsize |
\scriptsize scriptsize |
S | \scriptstyle |
\frac ab + {\scriptstyle \frac cd} |
S | \sdot |
S | \searrow |
S | \sec |
S | \sect |
\text{\sect} |
S | \set |
\set{x|x<5} |
S | \Set |
\Set{ x | x<\frac 1 2} |
S | \setlength |
Issue #687 | ✓ | |
S | \setminus |
S | \sf |
\sf AaBb123 |
S | \sharp |
S | \shortmid |
S | \shortparallel |
S | \shoveleft |
✓ | ||
S | \shoveright |
✓ | ||
S | \sideset |
✓ | ||
S | \Sigma |
S | \sigma |
S | \sim |
S | \simcolon |
S | \simcoloncolon |
S | \simeq |
S | \sin |
S | \sinh |
S | \sixptsize |
\sixptsize sixptsize |
S | \sh |
S | \skew |
✓ | ||
S | \skip |
✓ | ||
S | \sl |
✓ | ||
S | \small |
\small small |
S | \smallfrown |
S | \smallint |
S | {smallmatrix} |
\begin{smallmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{smallmatrix}
S | \smallsetminus |
S | \smallsmile |
S | \smash |
\left(x^{\smash{2}}\right) |
S | \smile |
S | \smiley |
✓ | ||
S | \sout |
\sout{abc} |
S | \Space |
see \space
✓ | |
S | \space |
a\space b |
S | \spades |
S | \spadesuit |
S | \sphericalangle |
S | {split} |
\begin{equation} \begin{split} a &=b+c\\ &=e+f \end{split} \end{equation}
S | \sqcap |
S | \sqcup |
S | \square |
S | \sqrt |
\sqrt[3]{x} |
S | \sqsubset |
S | \sqsubseteq |
S | \sqsupset |
S | \sqsupseteq |
S | \ss |
\text{\ss} |
S | \stackrel |
\stackrel{!}{=} |
S | \star |
S | \Stigma |
✓ | ||
S | \stigma |
✓ | ||
S | \strut |
✓ | ||
S | \style |
Non standard | ✓ | |
S | \sub |
S | {subarray} |
✓ | ||
S | \sube |
S | \Subset |
S | \subset |
S | \subseteq |
S | \subseteqq |
S | \subsetneq |
S | \subsetneqq |
S | \substack |
\sum_{\substack{0<i<m\\0<j<n}} |
S | \succ |
S | \succapprox |
S | \succcurlyeq |
S | \succeq |
S | \succnapprox |
S | \succneqq |
S | \succnsim |
S | \succsim |
S | \sum |
S | \sup |
S | \supe |
S | \Supset |
S | \supset |
S | \supseteq |
S | \supseteqq |
S | \supsetneq |
S | \supsetneqq |
S | \surd |
S | \swarrow |
T | tag |
\tag{3.1c} a^2+b^2=c^2 |
T | \tag* |
\tag*{3.1c} a^2+b^2=c^2 |
T | \tan |
T | \tanh |
T | \Tau |
T | \tau |
T | \tbinom |
\tbinom n k |
T | \TeX |
T | \text |
\text{ yes }\&\text{ no } |
T | \textasciitilde |
\text{\textasciitilde} |
T | \textasciicircum |
\text{\textasciicircum} |
T | \textbackslash |
\text{\textbackslash} |
T | \textbar |
\text{\textbar} |
T | \textbardbl |
\text{\textbardbl} |
T | \textbf |
\textbf{AaBb123} |
T | \textbraceleft |
\text{\textbraceleft} |
T | \textbraceright |
\text{\textbraceright} |
T | \textcircled |
\text{\textcircled a} |
T | \textcolor |
\textcolor{blue}{F=ma} |
T | \textdagger |
\text{\textdagger} |
T | \textdaggerdbl |
\text{\textdaggerdbl} |
T | \textdegree |
\text{\textdegree} |
T | \textdollar |
\text{\textdollar} |
T | \textellipsis |
\text{\textellipsis} |
T | \textemdash |
\text{\textemdash} |
T | \textendash |
\text{\textendash} |
T | \textgreater |
\text{\textgreater} |
T | \textit |
\textit{AaBb} |
T | \textless |
\text{\textless} |
T | \textmd |
\textmd{AaBb123} |
T | \textnormal |
\textnormal{AB} |
T | \textquotedblleft |
\text{\textquotedblleft} |
T | \textquotedblright |
\text{\textquotedblright} |
T | \textquoteleft |
\text{\textquoteleft} |
T | \textquoteright |
\text{\textquoteright} |
T | \textregistered |
\text{\textregistered} |
T | \textrm |
\textrm{AaBb123} |
T | \textsc |
Issue #471 | ✓ | |
T | \textsf |
\textsf{AaBb123} |
T | \textsl |
✓ | ||
T | \textsterling |
\text{\textsterling} |
T | \textstyle |
\textstyle\sum_0^n |
T | \texttip |
✓ | ||
T | \texttt |
\texttt{AaBb123} |
T | \textunderscore |
\text{\textunderscore} |
T | \textup |
\textup{AaBb123} |
T | \textvisiblespace |
✓ | ||
T | \tfrac |
\tfrac ab |
T | \tg |
T | \th |
T | \therefore |
T | \Theta |
T | \theta |
T | \thetasym |
T | \thickapprox |
T | \thicksim |
T | \thickspace |
a\thickspace b |
T | \thinspace |
a\thinspace b |
T | \tilde |
\tilde M |
T | \times |
T | \Tiny |
see \tiny
✓ | |
T | \tiny |
\tiny tiny |
T | \to |
T | \toggle |
✓ | ||
T | \top |
T | \triangle |
T | \triangledown |
T | \triangleleft |
T | \trianglelefteq |
T | \triangleq |
T | \triangleright |
T | \trianglerighteq |
T | \tt |
{\tt AaBb123} |
T | \twoheadleftarrow |
T | \twoheadrightarrow |
U | \u |
\text{\u{a}} |
U | \Uarr |
U | \uArr |
U | \uarr |
U | \ulcorner |
U | \underbar |
\underbar{X} |
U | \underbrace |
\underbrace{x+⋯+x}_{n\text{ times}} |
U | \underbracket |
✓ | ||
U | \undergroup |
\undergroup{AB} |
U | \underleftarrow |
\underleftarrow{AB} |
U | \underleftrightarrow |
\underleftrightarrow{AB} |
U | \underrightarrow |
\underrightarrow{AB} |
U | \underline |
\underline{\text{a long argument}} |
U | \underlinesegment |
\underlinesegment{AB} |
U | \underparen |
See \undergroup
✓ | |
U | \underrightarrow |
\underrightarrow{AB} |
U | \underset |
\underset{!}{=} |
U | \unicode |
✓ | ||
U | \unlhd |
U | \unrhd |
U | \up |
✓ | ||
U | \Uparrow |
U | \uparrow |
U | \Updownarrow |
U | \updownarrow |
U | \upharpoonleft |
U | \upharpoonright |
U | \uplus |
U | \uproot |
✓ | ||
U | \upshape |
✓ | ||
U | \Upsilon |
U | \upsilon |
U | \upuparrows |
U | \urcorner |
U | \url |
\url{https://katex.org/} Requires [option](https://katex.org/docs/options) trust |
U | \utilde |
\utilde{AB} |
V | \v |
\text{\v{a}} |
V | \varcoppa |
✓ | ||
V | \varDelta |
V | \varepsilon |
V | \varGamma |
V | \varinjlim |
\varinjlim |
V | \varkappa |
V | \varLambda |
V | \varliminf |
\varliminf |
V | \varlimsup |
\varlimsup |
V | \varnothing |
V | \varOmega |
V | \varPhi |
V | \varphi |
V | \varPi |
V | \varpi |
V | \varprojlim |
\varprojlim |
V | \varpropto |
V | \varPsi |
V | \varrho |
V | \varSigma |
V | \varsigma |
V | \varstigma |
✓ | ||
V | \varsubsetneq |
V | \varsubsetneqq |
V | \varsupsetneq |
V | \varsupsetneqq |
V | \varTheta |
V | \vartheta |
V | \vartriangle |
V | \vartriangleleft |
V | \vartriangleright |
V | \varUpsilon |
V | \varXi |
V | \vcentcolon |
\mathrel{\vcentcolon =} |
V | \vcenter |
a+\left(\vcenter{\hbox{$\frac{\frac a b}c$}}\right) TeX (strict) syntax |
V | \vcenter |
a+\left(\vcenter{\frac{\frac a b}c}\right) non-strict syntax |
V | \Vdash |
V | \vDash |
V | \vdash |
V | \vdots |
V | \vec |
\vec{F} |
V | \vee |
V | \veebar |
V | \verb |
\verb!\frac a b! |
V | \Vert |
V | \vert |
V | \vfil |
✓ | ||
V | \vfill |
✓ | ||
V | \vline |
Issue #269 | ✓ | |
V | {Vmatrix} |
\begin{Vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Vmatrix}
V | {Vmatrix*} |
\begin{Vmatrix*}[r] 0 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{Vmatrix*}
V | {vmatrix} |
\begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix}
V | {vmatrix*} |
\begin{vmatrix*}[r] 0 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{vmatrix*}
V | \vphantom |
\overline{\vphantom{M}a} |
V | \Vvdash |
W | \wedge |
W | \weierp |
W | \widecheck |
\widecheck{AB} |
W | \widehat |
\widehat{AB} |
W | \wideparen |
Issue #560 | ✓ | |
W | \widetilde |
\widetilde{AB} |
W | \wp |
W | \wr |
X | \xcancel |
\xcancel{ABC} |
X | \xdef |
\def\foo{a}\xdef\fcopy{\foo}\def\foo{}\fcopy |
X | \Xi |
X | \xi |
X | \xhookleftarrow |
\xhookleftarrow{abc} |
X | \xhookrightarrow |
\xhookrightarrow{abc} |
X | \xLeftarrow |
\xLeftarrow{abc} |
X | \xleftarrow |
\xleftarrow{abc} |
X | \xleftharpoondown |
\xleftharpoondown{abc} |
X | \xleftharpoonup |
\xleftharpoonup{abc} |
X | \xLeftrightarrow |
\xLeftrightarrow{abc} |
X | \xleftrightarrow |
\xleftrightarrow{abc} |
X | \xleftrightharpoons |
\xleftrightharpoons{abc} |
X | \xlongequal |
\xlongequal{abc} |
X | \xmapsto |
\xmapsto{abc} |
X | \xRightarrow |
\xRightarrow{abc} |
X | \xrightarrow |
\xrightarrow{abc} |
X | \xrightharpoondown |
\xrightharpoondown{abc} |
X | \xrightharpoonup |
\xrightharpoonup{abc} |
X | \xrightleftharpoons |
\xrightleftharpoons{abc} |
X | \xtofrom |
\xtofrom{abc} |
X | \xtwoheadleftarrow |
\xtwoheadleftarrow{abc} |
X | \xtwoheadrightarrow |
\xtwoheadrightarrow{abc} |
YZ | \yen |
YZ | \Z |
YZ | \Zeta |
YZ | \zeta |
- かなりの数式がZennで使用できることがわかった
- Markdownのテーブル内にKaTeXの数式を挿入する場合、ものによって
本文に KaTex と表記あり。後日、正しい KaTeX に修正する予定。