


懐疑主義者の私でも感動したAI、ChatGPTです。今度はゲーム開発資料を生成するprompt engineeringを紹介しようと思います。ちなみにこの記事は自動生成により書かれてい…ません。



👉 I am creating an RPG video game. I want you to generate an interesting attack damage formula for me. The formula should take into account a range of damage for each weapon. It should also use armor, elemental weaknesses, and critical hits.

"I want to ○○."とか"I am creating a○○".のような自己紹介っぽいフレーズを使うとAIに必要な根拠を一瞬で与えられます。それから「○○を生成しろ」とストレートに言うとスムーズです。とりあえずRPGで典型的な機能を盛っておきました。

説明が返ってきます。"Repeat that explanation in Japanese."を打つと日本語に翻訳してくれます。以下はAIの説明です。



(base_damage + weapon_strength) * critical_hit_modifier * elemental_weakness_modifier * armor_modifier


  • base_damage: これは攻撃が行うことができる最小のダメージです。
  • weapon_strength: これは武器の強さを表す値です。強さが高いほど、武器はより多くのダメージを与えます。
  • critical_hit_modifier: 攻撃がクリティカルヒットの場合、この値は1より大きくなり、ダメージが増加します。そうでなければ、1になります。
  • elemental_weakness_modifier: ターゲットが攻撃の属性の弱点を持っている場合、この値は1より大きくなり、ダメージが増加します。そうでなければ、1になります。
  • armor_modifier: この値はターゲットの鎧の有効性を表します。鎧が高ければ、攻撃のダメージが減ります。



👉 Make the formula use a minimum and maximum range for the weapon's base damage. Each weapon should have these two values.
👉 Remove weapon_strength.
👉 Add elemental bonus damage too, not just weaknesses.


👉 Write code to display the formula in LaTeX.

\begin{align*} &(random\_value\_between(min\_base\_damage, max\_base\_damage)) \\ &\quad * critical\_hit\_modifier \\ &\quad * (1 + elemental\_bonus\_modifier) \\ &\quad * elemental\_weakness\_modifier \\ &\quad * armor\_modifier \end{align*}




👉 Great. Now, generate 10 weapons for me that use this formula.


👉 Return the weapons to me in markdown format, in a code block.


  1. Flame Sword:

    • min_base_damage: 10
    • max_base_damage: 20
    • critical_hit_modifier: 1.5
    • elemental_bonus_modifier: 0.5
    • elemental_weakness_modifier: 2.0
    • armor_modifier: 0.8
  2. Thunder Axe:

    • min_base_damage: 15
    • max_base_damage: 25
    • critical_hit_modifier: 1.2
    • elemental_bonus_modifier: 0.8
    • elemental_weakness_modifier: 1.5
    • armor_modifier: 0.9
  3. Frost Spear:

    • min_base_damage: 8
    • max_base_damage: 18
    • critical_hit_modifier: 1.4
    • elemental_bonus_modifier: 0.7
    • elemental_weakness_modifier: 1.8
    • armor_modifier: 0.85


👉 Include the element of each weapon as an attribute. Remove elemental_bonus_modifier. Remove the element from the name, and make the name more interesting.

  1. Blazing Sabre:

    • element: fire
    • min_base_damage: 10
    • max_base_damage: 20
    • critical_hit_modifier: 1.5
    • armor_modifier: 0.8
  2. Thundering Battleaxe:

    • element: lightning
    • min_base_damage: 15
    • max_base_damage: 25
    • critical_hit_modifier: 1.5
    • armor_modifier: 0.9
  3. Frozen Trident:

    • element: ice
    • min_base_damage: 8
    • max_base_damage: 18
    • critical_hit_modifier: 1.5
    • armor_modifier: 0.85
  4. Venomous Stiletto:

    • element: poison
    • min_base_damage: 11
    • max_base_damage: 21
    • critical_hit_modifier: 1.5
    • armor_modifier: 0.9



👉 Continue.


👉 Give me the same data in JSON format.

    "name": "Blazing Sabre",
    "element": "fire",
    "min_base_damage": 10,
    "max_base_damage": 20,
    "critical_hit_modifier": 1.5,
    "armor_modifier": 0.8
    "name": "Thundering Battleaxe",
    "element": "lightning",
    "min_base_damage": 15,
    "max_base_damage": 25,
    "critical_hit_modifier": 1.5,
    "armor_modifier": 0.9
    "name": "Frozen Trident",
    "element": "ice",
    "min_base_damage": 8,
    "max_base_damage": 18,
    "critical_hit_modifier": 1.5,
    "armor_modifier": 0.85
    "name": "Venomous Stiletto",
    "element": "poison",
    "min_base_damage": 11,
    "max_base_damage": 21,
    "critical_hit_modifier": 1.5,
    "armor_modifier": 0.9


👉 Give me the same data in CSV.

Blazing Sabre,fire,10,20,1.5,0.8
Thundering Battleaxe,lightning,15,25,1.5,0.9
Frozen Trident,ice,8,18,1.5,0.85
Venomous Stiletto,poison,11,21,1.5,0.9
Rock-solid Warhammer,earth,14,24,1.5,0.95
Wind-tossed Longbow,air,9,19,1.5,0.9
Toxic Crossbow,poison,12,22,1.5,0.9
Shocking Staff,lightning,13,23,1.5,0.85
Frosty Wand,ice,12,22,1.5,0.9
Flaming Glaive,fire,11,21,1.5,0.9


👉 Generate 10 new items, in CSV.

Void Blade,dark,8,18,1.5,0.85
Golden Sword,light,10,20,1.5,0.8
Emerald Axe,nature,15,25,1.5,0.9
Ruby Spear,fire,12,22,1.5,0.9
Sapphire Dagger,water,9,19,1.5,0.9
Diamond Hammer,light,14,24,1.5,0.95
Platinum Bow,metal,11,21,1.5,0.9
Amethyst Crossbow,nature,13,23,1.5,0.85
Topaz Staff,fire,12,22,1.5,0.9
Garnet Wand,earth,11,21,1.5,0.9


👉 I want the damage ranges to be more interesting. Change all the damage ranges such that the damage matches the form of the weapon. For example, axes should have a wide range of damage. Daggers should have a small range of damage. Do this for each genre of weapon.

Blazing Sabre,fire,10,20,1.5,0.8
Thundering Battleaxe,lightning,15,30,1.5,0.9
Frozen Trident,ice,8,16,1.5,0.85
Venomous Stiletto,poison,7,14,1.5,0.9
Rock-solid Warhammer,earth,14,28,1.5,0.95
Wind-tossed Longbow,air,9,18,1.5,0.9
Toxic Crossbow,poison,12,24,1.5,0.9
Shocking Staff,lightning,13,26,1.5,0.85
Frosty Wand,ice,12,24,1.5,0.9
Flaming Glaive,fire,11,22,1.5,0.9



👉 Write Go code to implement this.

type Weapon struct {
    Name           string
    Element        string
    MinBaseDamage  int
    MaxBaseDamage  int
    CritModifier   float64
    ArmorModifier  float64

var weapons = []Weapon{
        Name:           "Blazing Sabre",
        Element:        "fire",
        MinBaseDamage:  10,
        MaxBaseDamage:  20,
        CritModifier:   1.5,
        ArmorModifier:  0.8,
        Name:           "Thundering Battleaxe",
        Element:        "lightning",
        MinBaseDamage:  15,
        MaxBaseDamage:  30,
        CritModifier:   1.5,
        ArmorModifier:  0.9,
        Name:           "Frozen Trident",
        Element:        "ice",
        MinBaseDamage:  8,
        MaxBaseDamage:  16,
        CritModifier:   1.5,
        ArmorModifier: 0.85,
    // and so on...

func main() {
    // Use the weapon data here...


👉 Write Go code to calculate the damage.

import (

// CalculateDamage calculates the damage for the given weapon and target armor.
// If the criticalHitChance parameter is greater than or equal to a random number
// generated in the range [0, 100], then the attack is a critical hit.
func CalculateDamage(w Weapon, armor int, criticalHitChance int) int {
    baseDamage := rand.Intn(w.MaxBaseDamage-w.MinBaseDamage) + w.MinBaseDamage
    criticalHitModifier := 1.0
    if rand.Intn(100) < criticalHitChance {
        criticalHitModifier = w.CritModifier
    damage := int(float64(baseDamage)*w.ArmorModifier*criticalHitModifier) - armor
    if damage < 0 {
        return 0
    return damage


import (

var elementModifiers = map[string]map[string]float64{
    "fire": {
        "fire": 0.5,
        "ice": 1.5,
        "nature": 1.0,
    "ice": {
        "fire": 0.5,
        "ice": 0.5,
        "nature": 1.0,
    // and so on...

// CalculateDamage calculates the damage for the given weapon and target armor.
// If the criticalHitChance parameter is greater than or equal to a random number
// generated in the range [0, 100], then the attack is a critical hit.
func CalculateDamage(w Weapon, armor string, criticalHitChance int) int {
    baseDamage := rand.Intn(w.MaxBaseDamage-w.MinBaseDamage) + w.MinBaseDamage
    criticalHitModifier := 1.0
    if rand.Intn(100) < criticalHitChance {
        criticalHitModifier = w.CritModifier
    elementModifier := 1.0
    if em, ok := elementModifiers[w.Element]; ok {
        if emm, ok := em[armor]; ok {
            elementModifier = emm
    damage := int(float64(baseDamage)*w.ArmorModifier*elementModifier*criticalHitModifier)
    if damage < 0 {
        return 0
    return damage


import (

func main() {
    // Choose a weapon...
    weapon := weapons[0]
    // Calculate the damage for the weapon, with "ice" armor and a 10% critical hit chance.
    damage := CalculateDamage(weapon, "ice", 10)


👉 I want you to refactor the Go code to change elements to be their own type instead of a raw string.
(iotaで返ってくる)👉 Instead of using iota for the elements, use type Element string.
👉 Define Go constants for every element present in the items we have generated.

const (
    Fire Element = "fire"
    Ice Element = "ice"
    // and so on...

type Element string

var elementModifiers = map[Element]map[Element]float64{
    Fire: {
        Fire: 0.5,
        Ice: 1.5,
        // and so on...
    Ice: {
        Fire: 0.5,
        Ice: 0.5,
        // and so on...
    // and so on...


👉 Translate all of the code into Prolog.
👉 Refactor the Prolog code to be idiomatic. Use helper predicates and avoid ;/2.

% Elements
% and so on...

% Element modifiers
element_modifiers(fire, fire, 0.5).
element_modifiers(fire, ice, 1.5).
% and so on...

% Calculate damage
calculate_damage(Weapon, Armor, CriticalHitChance, Damage) :-
    % Choose a random number between MinBaseDamage and MaxBaseDamage.
    weapon_base_damage(Weapon, MinBaseDamage, MaxBaseDamage),
    random_between(MinBaseDamage, MaxBaseDamage, BaseDamage),
    % Check if the attack is a critical hit.
    critical_hit_modifier(Weapon, CriticalHitChance, CriticalHitModifier),
    % Check if the weapon has an element modifier for the target's armor.
    element_modifier(Weapon, Armor, ElementModifier),
    % Calculate the damage.
    weapon_armor_modifier(Weapon, ArmorModifier),
    Damage is integer(float(BaseDamage)*ArmorModifier*ElementModifier*CriticalHitModifier).

% Choose a random number between MinBaseDamage and MaxBaseDamage.
weapon_base_damage(Weapon, MinBaseDamage, MaxBaseDamage) :-
    Weapon = weapon(_, _, MinBaseDamage, MaxBaseDamage, _, _).

% Check if the attack is a critical hit.
critical_hit_modifier(Weapon, CriticalHitChance, CriticalHitModifier) :-
        random(100) < CriticalHitChance,
        Weapon = weapon(_, _, _, _, CritModifier, _),
        CriticalHitModifier is CritModifier
        CriticalHitModifier is 1.0

% Check if the weapon has an element modifier for the target's armor.
element_modifier(Weapon, Armor, ElementModifier) :-
        element_modifiers(Element, Armor, ElementModifier),
        Weapon = weapon(_, Element, _, _, _, _)
        ElementModifier is 1.0

% Get the armor modifier for the given weapon.
weapon_armor_modifier(Weapon, ArmorModifier) :-
    Weapon = weapon(_, _, _, _, _, ArmorModifier).

constを拾ってしまったのは「翻訳」した製?言い方次第で防げたかもしれません("Now, write Prolog code for me instead."とか)


👉 Generate 10 weapons for me, in Prolog.
👉 Make the names more exciting or interesting or fantasy.

weapon("Frostbite", ice, 5, 10, 1.5, 0.5).
weapon("Flameblade", fire, 10, 15, 1.2, 1.0).
weapon("Nature's Fury", nature, 15, 20, 1.3, 0.8).
weapon("Thunderstrike", lightning, 20, 25, 1.4, 0.7).
weapon("Shadowclaw", shadow, 25, 30, 1.5, 0.6).
weapon("Frostfire", ice, 30, 35, 1.6, 0.5).
weapon("Flameshot", fire, 35, 40, 1.7, 0.4).

ちなみに「Make the game's setting sci-fi.」とかでゲームのジャンアルをいつでも変えられます。

いやぁ、すごいですね… 怖いですねw
