Kotlin CoroutineでMapに対する計算を並列化して速くしてみた
map 1:
"4a01e0ae-b033-496b-b009-06f6590805f1": "Zenn"
"9c5c6f75-08f1-425a-887c-a2fcf2959367": "Hatena"
map 2:
"4a01e0ae-b033-496b-b009-06f6590805f1": "Zenn Dev"
"9c5c6f75-08f1-425a-887c-a2fcf2959367": "はてな ブログ"
"4a01e0ae-b033-496b-b009-06f6590805f1": Pair("Zenn", "Zenn Dev")
fun main() {
// 1. Generate 1,000,000 UUIDs
val uuids = List(1_000_000) { UUID.randomUUID() }
// 2. Create two maps with the UUIDs as keys, assigning random strings as values
val map1 = uuids.associateWith { generateRandomString(10) }
val map2 = uuids.associateWith { generateRandomString(10) }
println("Map sizes: map1=${map1.size}, map2=${map2.size}")
// Measure the time taken to compute the diff
val elapsedTime =
measureTimeMillis {
val diffResults = computeDiff(map1, map2)
println("Number of diffs: ${diffResults.size}")
println("Time taken to compute diffs: $elapsedTime ms")
fun computeDiff(map1: Map<UUID, String>, map2: Map<UUID, String>): List<Pair<UUID, Pair<String?, String?>>> {
val allKeys = map1.keys + map2.keys // Union of all keys
return allKeys.mapNotNull { uuid ->
val value1 = map1[uuid]
val value2 = map2[uuid]
if (value1 != value2) uuid to (value1 to value2) else null
かかった時間は自分のローカル環境だと 302msほどでした。
Map sizes: map1=1000000, map2=1000000
Number of diffs: 1000000
Time taken to compute diffs: 302 ms
fun main() =
runBlocking {
println("Map sizes: map1=${map1.size}, map2=${map2.size}")
// 3. Split the map keys into batches
val batchSize = 10_000
val batches = map1.keys.chunked(batchSize)
println("Number of batches: ${batches.size}")
// Measure the time taken to compute the diffs
val elapsedTime =
measureTimeMillis {
val diffResults =
batches.map { batch ->
async(Dispatchers.Default) {
computeDiff(batch, map1, map2)
}.awaitAll().flatten() // Flatten the results
println("Number of diffs: ${diffResults.size}")
println("Time taken to compute diffs: $elapsedTime ms")
Map sizes: map1=1000000, map2=1000000
Number of batches: 100
Number of diffs: 1000000
Time taken to compute diffs: 115 ms
ディスパッチャ | 処理時間 |
Dispatchers.Default | 115 ms |
指定なし(Mainスレッド) | 157 ms |
Dispatchers.IO | 181 ms |
ーーーー | ーーーー |
愚直にDiff計算 | 302 ms |
Dispatcher Defaultを使った場合の全文コード
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import java.util.UUID
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
fun main() =
runBlocking {
// 1. Generate 100,000 UUIDs
val uuids = List(100_0000) { UUID.randomUUID() }
// 2. Create two maps with the UUIDs as keys, assigning random strings as values
val map1 = uuids.associateWith { generateRandomString(10) }
val map2 = uuids.associateWith { generateRandomString(10) }
println("Map sizes: map1=${map1.size}, map2=${map2.size}")
// 3. Split the map keys into batches
val batchSize = 10_000
val batches = map1.keys.chunked(batchSize)
println("Number of batches: ${batches.size}")
// Measure the time taken to compute the diffs
val elapsedTime =
measureTimeMillis {
val diffResults =
batches.map { batch ->
async(Dispatchers.Default) {
computeDiff(batch, map1, map2)
}.awaitAll().flatten() // Flatten the results
println("Number of diffs: ${diffResults.size}")
println("Time taken to compute diffs: $elapsedTime ms")
// Generate a random string of the given length
fun generateRandomString(length: Int): String {
val chars = ('A'..'Z') + ('a'..'z') + ('0'..'9')
return (1..length).map { chars.random() }.joinToString("")
// Compute the diff for a batch of UUIDs
fun computeDiff(
batch: List<UUID>,
map1: Map<UUID, String>,
map2: Map<UUID, String>,
): List<Pair<UUID, Pair<String?, String?>>> {
return batch.mapNotNull { uuid ->
val value1 = map1[uuid]
val value2 = map2[uuid]
if (value1 != value2) uuid to (value1 to value2) else null