
Getting Things Done (GTD)




  • Getting Things Done(ゲッティング・シングス・ダン、「物事をなし遂げる」)、略称 GTD(ジー・ティー・ディー)は、個人用のワークフローの管理手法である。デビッド・アレン(David Allen)が同名の書籍『仕事を成し遂げる技術 ―ストレスなく生産性を発揮する方法』(原題: Getting Things Done、2002年)の中で提唱する。
  • 2分ルール:「2分」とは目安で、その仕事を後へ延ばすためにリストやメモを書いたりするのにかかる時間くらいのことである。2分くらいでできそうな細かい仕事は、いまこの場でリストから早めに消してすっきりさせる必要がある。
    • 两分钟原则:任何事情如果花的时间少于两分钟,那么马上就去做。两分钟是一个分水岭,这样的时间和正式地推迟一个动作所花的时间差不多。
  • @-contexts
    • In Getting Things Done (GTD), @-contexts (also called "contexts") refer to labels or categories that represent the physical or situational environment needed to complete a specific task. They help group tasks by where, how, or with whom they can be done, making it easier to focus on relevant tasks depending on your location, tools available, or people present. Using contexts can help prioritize tasks effectively and reduce decision fatigue.
    • Examples
      Contexts are often prefixed with an "@" symbol to designate them as specific categories, making it easy to filter or sort tasks. Here are some examples:
      @Home: Tasks that can only be done at home, like cleaning or organizing personal items.
      @Work: Tasks that need to be done at the office or on work-related projects.
      @Computer: Tasks that require a computer, like sending emails or working on a digital document.
      @Errands: Tasks that involve going out, such as picking up groceries or going to the post office.
      @Phone: Calls or messages to send while you’re on the go or if you have a free moment.
      @Waiting For: Tasks where you're waiting for someone else's input or for something to arrive.
      @People: Tasks that require interaction with specific people.