


TaPL(Types and Programming Language)を読んでいるとOCamlのサンプルコードが載っている章があります。









 (target lexer.ml)
 (deps lexer.mll)
   (run %{bin:ocamllex} -q -o %{target} %{deps}))))

 (targets parser.ml parser.mli)
 (deps parser.mly)
   (run %{bin:ocamlyacc} %{deps}))))

   (:standard -w -a))))

 (name main))


(lang dune 2.9)







❯ fd "(ml|mli|mll|mly)$" | xargs wc -l
      49 core.ml
       9 core.mli
     216 lexer.mll
     100 main.ml
     141 parser.mly
      73 support.ml
      57 support.mli
     102 syntax.ml
      24 syntax.mli
     771 total


support.ml support.mli



(* module Support

   Collects a number of low-level facilities used by the other modules
   in the typechecker/evaluator.

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Some pervasive abbreviations -- opened everywhere by convention *)
(* 短縮形の定義 *)

module Pervasive : sig
  val pr : string -> unit



(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* Error printing utilities -- opened everywhere by convention *)

module Error : sig
  (* An exception raised by the low-level error printer; exported
     here so that it can be caught in module Main and converted into
     an exit status for the whole program. *)
  (* ポインタに関するエラーが生じた際に使う例外 *)
  exception Exit of int

  (* An element of the type info represents a "file position": a
     file name, line number, and character position within the line.
     Used for printing error messages. *)
  (* ファイル情報に関する要素に使う型 *)
  type info

  (* ダミーに使われる値 *)
  val dummyinfo : info

  (* Create file position info: filename lineno column *)
  (* ファイル情報に関するデータを作る関数 *)
  val createInfo : string -> int -> int -> info

  (* ファイル情報を出力する関数 *)
  val printInfo : info -> unit


  (* A convenient datatype for a "value with file info."  Used in
     the lexer and parser. *)
  (* パーサーで用いるファイル情報に関する型 *)
  type 'a withinfo = { i : info; v : 'a }

  (* Print an error message and fail.  The printing function is called
     in a context where the formatter is processing an hvbox.  Insert
     calls to Format.print_space to print a space or, if necessary,
     break the line at that point. *)
  (* エラーメッセージを出してプログラムを終了する *)
  val errf : (unit -> unit) -> 'a

  (* エラーがどこで起きたかを出力 *)
  val errfAt : info -> (unit -> unit) -> 'a

  (* Convenient wrappers for the above, for the common case where the
     action to be performed is just to print a given string. *)
  (* 上の関数をまとめる関数 *)
  val err : string -> 'a

  (* 同上 *)
  val error : info -> string -> 'a

  (* Variants that print a message but do not fail afterwards *)
  (* 上の場合はプログラムが終了するが警告だけで終了はしない *)
  val warning : string -> unit

  (* 警告がどこで起きたかを出力 *)
  val warningAt : info -> string -> unit


open Format

module Error = struct
  exception Exit of int

  type info = FI of string * int * int | UNKNOWN

  type 'a withinfo = { i : info; v : 'a }

  let dummyinfo = UNKNOWN

  let createInfo f l c = FI (f, l, c)

  let errf f =
    print_flush ();
    open_vbox 0;
    open_hvbox 0;
    f ();
    print_cut ();
    close_box ();
    print_newline ();
    raise (Exit 1)

  let printInfo =
    (* In the text of the book, file positions in error messages are replaced
       with the string "Error:" *)
    | FI (f, l, c) ->
        print_string f;
        print_string ":";
        print_int l;
        print_string ".";
        print_int c;
        print_string ":"
    | UNKNOWN -> print_string "<Unknown file and line>: "

  let errfAt fi f =
    errf (fun () ->
        printInfo fi;
        print_space ();
        f ())

  let err s =
    errf (fun () ->
        print_string "Error: ";
        print_string s;
        print_newline ())

  let error fi s =
    errfAt fi (fun () ->
        print_string s;
        print_newline ())

  let warning s =
    print_string "Warning: ";
    print_string s;
    print_newline ()

  let warningAt fi s =
    printInfo fi;
    print_string " Warning: ";
    print_string s;
    print_newline ()

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Pervasive = struct
  type info = Error.info

  let pr = Format.print_string
(* module pervasive *)

lexer.mll parser.mly



{ header }
let ident = regexp …
[refill { refill-handler }]
rule entrypoint [arg1… argn] =
  parse regexp { action }
      || regexp { action }
and entrypoint [arg1… argn] =
  parse …
and{ trailer }

entrypointでは実際に字句解析する際の文法を正規表現で書き、その際に実行する処理を{ action }内に書きます。正規表現は最大までマッチするようになっています。


   The lexical analyzer: lexer.ml is generated automatically
   from lexer.mll.
   The only modification commonly needed here is adding new keywords to the 
   list of reserved words at the top.  

open Support.Error

(* 予約語 *)
let reservedWords = [
  (* Keywords *)
  (* 予約キーワード *)
  ("import", fun i -> Parser.IMPORT i);
  ("if", fun i -> Parser.IF i);
  ("then", fun i -> Parser.THEN i);
  ("else", fun i -> Parser.ELSE i);
  ("true", fun i -> Parser.TRUE i);
  ("false", fun i -> Parser.FALSE i);
  ("succ", fun i -> Parser.SUCC i);
  ("pred", fun i -> Parser.PRED i);
  ("iszero", fun i -> Parser.ISZERO i);
  (* 予約記号 *)
  (* Symbols *)
  ("_", fun i -> Parser.USCORE i);
  ("'", fun i -> Parser.APOSTROPHE i);
  ("\"", fun i -> Parser.DQUOTE i);
  ("!", fun i -> Parser.BANG i);
  ("#", fun i -> Parser.HASH i);
  ("$", fun i -> Parser.TRIANGLE i);
  ("*", fun i -> Parser.STAR i);
  ("|", fun i -> Parser.VBAR i);
  (".", fun i -> Parser.DOT i);
  (";", fun i -> Parser.SEMI i);
  (",", fun i -> Parser.COMMA i);
  ("/", fun i -> Parser.SLASH i);
  (":", fun i -> Parser.COLON i);
  ("::", fun i -> Parser.COLONCOLON i);
  ("=", fun i -> Parser.EQ i);
  ("==", fun i -> Parser.EQEQ i);
  ("[", fun i -> Parser.LSQUARE i); 
  ("<", fun i -> Parser.LT i);
  ("{", fun i -> Parser.LCURLY i); 
  ("(", fun i -> Parser.LPAREN i); 
  ("<-", fun i -> Parser.LEFTARROW i); 
  ("{|", fun i -> Parser.LCURLYBAR i); 
  ("[|", fun i -> Parser.LSQUAREBAR i); 
  ("}", fun i -> Parser.RCURLY i);
  (")", fun i -> Parser.RPAREN i);
  ("]", fun i -> Parser.RSQUARE i);
  (">", fun i -> Parser.GT i);
  ("|}", fun i -> Parser.BARRCURLY i);
  ("|>", fun i -> Parser.BARGT i);
  ("|]", fun i -> Parser.BARRSQUARE i);

  (* Special compound symbols: *)
  (* 上の記号が複数結合してできた記号 *)
  (":=", fun i -> Parser.COLONEQ i);
  ("->", fun i -> Parser.ARROW i);
  ("=>", fun i -> Parser.DARROW i);
  ("==>", fun i -> Parser.DDARROW i);

(* Support functions *)
(* 諸々の補助関数 *)
type buildfun = info -> Parser.token
let (symbolTable : (string,buildfun) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 1024
let _ =
  List.iter (fun (str,f) -> Hashtbl.add symbolTable str f) reservedWords

let createID i str =
  try (Hashtbl.find symbolTable str) i
  with _ ->
    if (String.get str 0) >= 'A' && (String.get str 0) <= 'Z' then
       Parser.UCID {i=i;v=str}
       Parser.LCID {i=i;v=str}

let lineno   = ref 1
and depth    = ref 0
and start    = ref 0

and filename = ref ""
and startLex = ref dummyinfo

let create inFile stream =
  if not (Filename.is_implicit inFile) then filename := inFile
  else filename := Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd()) inFile;
  lineno := 1; start := 0; Lexing.from_channel stream

let newline lexbuf = incr lineno; start := (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf)

let info lexbuf =
  createInfo (!filename) (!lineno) (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf - !start)

let text = Lexing.lexeme

let stringBuffer = ref (Bytes.create 2048)
let stringEnd = ref 0

let resetStr () = stringEnd := 0

let addStr ch =
  let x = !stringEnd in
  let buffer = !stringBuffer
  if x = Bytes.length buffer then
      let newBuffer = Bytes.create (x*2) in
      Bytes.blit buffer 0 newBuffer 0 x;
      Bytes.set newBuffer x ch;
      stringBuffer := newBuffer;
      stringEnd := x+1
      Bytes.set buffer x ch;
      stringEnd := x+1

let getStr () = Bytes.sub_string (!stringBuffer) 0 (!stringEnd)

let extractLineno yytext offset =
  int_of_string (String.sub yytext offset (String.length yytext - offset))

(* The main body of the lexical analyzer *)
(* 字句解析 *)
rule main = parse
  [' ' '\009' '\012']+     { main lexbuf }

| [' ' '\009' '\012']*"\n" { newline lexbuf; main lexbuf }

| "*/" { error (info lexbuf) "Unmatched end of comment" }

| "/*" { depth := 1; startLex := info lexbuf; comment lexbuf; main lexbuf }

| "# " ['0'-'9']+
    { lineno := extractLineno (text lexbuf) 2 - 1; getFile lexbuf }

| "# line " ['0'-'9']+
    { lineno := extractLineno (text lexbuf) 7 - 1; getFile lexbuf }

| ['0'-'9']+
    { Parser.INTV{i=info lexbuf; v=int_of_string (text lexbuf)} }

| ['0'-'9']+ '.' ['0'-'9']+
    { Parser.FLOATV{i=info lexbuf; v=float_of_string (text lexbuf)} }

| ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_']
  ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '0'-'9' '\'']*
    { createID (info lexbuf) (text lexbuf) }

| ":=" | "<:" | "<-" | "->" | "=>" | "==>"
| "{|" | "|}" | "<|" | "|>" | "[|" | "|]" | "=="
    { createID (info lexbuf) (text lexbuf) }

| ['~' '%' '\\' '+' '-' '&' '|' ':' '@' '`' '$']+
    { createID (info lexbuf) (text lexbuf) }

| ['*' '#' '/' '!' '?' '^' '(' ')' '{' '}' '[' ']' '<' '>' '.' ';' '_' ','
   '=' '\'']
    { createID (info lexbuf) (text lexbuf) }

| "\"" { resetStr(); startLex := info lexbuf; string lexbuf }

| eof { Parser.EOF(info lexbuf) }

| _  { error (info lexbuf) "Illegal character" }

(* コメント *)
and comment = parse
    { depth := succ !depth; comment lexbuf }
| "*/"
    { depth := pred !depth; if !depth > 0 then comment lexbuf }
| eof
    { error (!startLex) "Comment not terminated" }
| [^ '\n']
    { comment lexbuf }
| "\n"
    { newline lexbuf; comment lexbuf }

(* getFile, getName, finishNameでファイル名を取得している *)
and getFile = parse
  " "* "\"" { getName lexbuf }

and getName = parse
  [^ '"' '\n']+ { filename := (text lexbuf); finishName lexbuf }

and finishName = parse
  '"' [^ '\n']* { main lexbuf }

(* 文字列 *)
and string = parse
  '"'  { Parser.STRINGV {i = !startLex; v=getStr()} }
| '\\' { addStr(escaped lexbuf); string lexbuf }
| '\n' { addStr '\n'; newline lexbuf; string lexbuf }
| eof  { error (!startLex) "String not terminated" }
| _    { addStr (Lexing.lexeme_char lexbuf 0); string lexbuf }

(* 文字列のエスケープ文字 *)
and escaped = parse
  'n'	 { '\n' }
| 't'	 { '\t' }
| '\\'	 { '\\' }
| '"'    { '\034'  }
| '\''	 { '\'' }
| ['0'-'9']['0'-'9']['0'-'9']
      let x = int_of_string(text lexbuf) in
      if x > 255 then
	error (info lexbuf) "Illegal character constant"
	Char.chr x
| [^ '"' '\\' 't' 'n' '\'']
    { error (info lexbuf) "Illegal character constant" }

(*  *)



parser.mlyにはheadertrailerはなく、declarationsに当たる部分でトークンの宣言がされ、rulesに当たる部分でパースの規則を書いている。字句解析と同様にrulesではパターンマッチをして、{ }内に処理を書いています。

 *  Yacc grammar for the parser.  The files parser.mli and parser.ml
 *  are generated automatically from parser.mly.

open Support.Error
open Support.Pervasive
open Syntax

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Preliminaries */

/* We first list all the tokens mentioned in the parsing rules
   below.  The names of the tokens are common to the parser and the
   generated lexical analyzer.  Each token is annotated with the type
   of data that it carries; normally, this is just file information
   (which is used by the parser to annotate the abstract syntax trees
   that it constructs), but sometimes -- in the case of identifiers and
   constant values -- more information is provided.

/* Keyword tokens */
(* トークン *)
%token <Support.Error.info> IMPORT
%token <Support.Error.info> IF
%token <Support.Error.info> THEN
%token <Support.Error.info> ELSE
%token <Support.Error.info> TRUE
%token <Support.Error.info> FALSE
%token <Support.Error.info> SUCC
%token <Support.Error.info> PRED
%token <Support.Error.info> ISZERO

/* Identifier and constant value tokens */
(* 識別子、定数に使う *)
%token <string Support.Error.withinfo> UCID  /* uppercase-initial */
%token <string Support.Error.withinfo> LCID  /* lowercase/symbolic-initial */
%token <int Support.Error.withinfo> INTV
%token <float Support.Error.withinfo> FLOATV
%token <string Support.Error.withinfo> STRINGV

/* Symbolic tokens */
(* 記号に使う *)
%token <Support.Error.info> APOSTROPHE
%token <Support.Error.info> DQUOTE
%token <Support.Error.info> ARROW
%token <Support.Error.info> BANG
%token <Support.Error.info> BARGT
%token <Support.Error.info> BARRCURLY
%token <Support.Error.info> BARRSQUARE
%token <Support.Error.info> COLON
%token <Support.Error.info> COLONCOLON
%token <Support.Error.info> COLONEQ
%token <Support.Error.info> COLONHASH
%token <Support.Error.info> COMMA
%token <Support.Error.info> DARROW
%token <Support.Error.info> DDARROW
%token <Support.Error.info> DOT
%token <Support.Error.info> EOF
%token <Support.Error.info> EQ
%token <Support.Error.info> EQEQ
%token <Support.Error.info> EXISTS
%token <Support.Error.info> GT
%token <Support.Error.info> HASH
%token <Support.Error.info> LCURLY
%token <Support.Error.info> LCURLYBAR
%token <Support.Error.info> LEFTARROW
%token <Support.Error.info> LPAREN
%token <Support.Error.info> LSQUARE
%token <Support.Error.info> LSQUAREBAR
%token <Support.Error.info> LT
%token <Support.Error.info> RCURLY
%token <Support.Error.info> RPAREN
%token <Support.Error.info> RSQUARE
%token <Support.Error.info> SEMI
%token <Support.Error.info> SLASH
%token <Support.Error.info> STAR
%token <Support.Error.info> TRIANGLE
%token <Support.Error.info> USCORE
%token <Support.Error.info> VBAR

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* The starting production of the generated parser is the syntactic class
   toplevel.  The type that is returned when a toplevel is recognized is
   Syntax.command list.

%start toplevel
%type < Syntax.command list > toplevel

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Main body of the parser definition */

/* The top level of a file is a sequence of commands, each terminated
   by a semicolon. */
(* ここから開始 *)
toplevel :
      { [] }
  | Command SEMI toplevel
      { let cmd = $1 in
          let cmds = $3 in
          cmd::cmds }

/* A top-level command */
(* インポートもしくは Term を生成 *)
Command :
    IMPORT STRINGV { (Import($2.v)) }
  | Term 
      { (let t = $1 in Eval(tmInfo t,t)) }

(* ATerm もしくは AppTerm を生成 *)
Term :
      { $1 }
  | IF Term THEN Term ELSE Term
      { TmIf($1, $2, $4, $6) }

(* ATerm を生成 *)
AppTerm :
      { $1 }
  | SUCC ATerm
      { TmSucc($1, $2) }
  | PRED ATerm
      { TmPred($1, $2) }
  | ISZERO ATerm
      { TmIsZero($1, $2) }

/* Atomic terms are ones that never require extra parentheses */
(* 終端 *)
ATerm :
      { $2 } 
  | TRUE
      { TmTrue($1) }
      { TmFalse($1) }
  | INTV
      { let rec f n = match n with
              0 -> TmZero($1.i)
            | n -> TmSucc($1.i, f (n-1))
          in f $1.v }

/*   */

syntax.ml syntax.mli


(* module Syntax: syntax trees and associated support functions *)

open Support.Pervasive
open Support.Error

(* Data type definitions *)
type term =
  | TmTrue of info
  | TmFalse of info
  | TmIf of info * term * term * term
  | TmZero of info
  | TmSucc of info * term
  | TmPred of info * term
  | TmIsZero of info * term

type command = Import of string | Eval of info * term

(* Printing *)
val printtm : term -> unit

val printtm_ATerm : bool -> term -> unit

(* Misc *)
val tmInfo : term -> info

core.ml core.mli


(* module Core

   Core typechecking and evaluation functions

open Syntax
open Support.Error

val eval : term -> term



(* Module Main: The main program.  Deals with processing the command
   line, reading files, building and connecting lexers and parsers, etc.

   For most experiments with the implementation, it should not be
   necessary to change this file.

open Format
open Support.Pervasive
open Support.Error
open Syntax
open Core

let searchpath = ref [ "" ]

let argDefs =
    ( "-I",
      Arg.String (fun f -> searchpath := f :: !searchpath),
      "Append a directory to the search path" );

let parseArgs () =
  let inFile = ref (None : string option) in
  Arg.parse argDefs
    (fun s ->
      match !inFile with
      | Some _ -> err "You must specify exactly one input file"
      | None -> inFile := Some s)
  match !inFile with
  | None -> err "You must specify an input file"
  | Some s -> s

let openfile infile =
  let rec trynext l =
    match l with
    | [] -> err ("Could not find " ^ infile)
    | d :: rest -> (
        let name = if d = "" then infile else d ^ "/" ^ infile in
        try open_in name with Sys_error m -> trynext rest)
  trynext !searchpath

let parseFile inFile =
  let pi = openfile inFile in
  let lexbuf = Lexer.create inFile pi in
  let result =
    try Parser.toplevel Lexer.main lexbuf
    with Parsing.Parse_error -> error (Lexer.info lexbuf) "Parse error"
  Parsing.clear_parser ();
  close_in pi;

let alreadyImported = ref ([] : string list)

let rec process_file f =
  if List.mem f !alreadyImported then ()
  else (
    alreadyImported := f :: !alreadyImported;
    let cmds = parseFile f in
    let g c =
      open_hvbox 0;
      let results = process_command c in
      print_flush ();
    List.iter g cmds)

and process_command cmd =
  match cmd with
  | Import f -> process_file f
  | Eval (fi, t) ->
      let t' = eval t in
      printtm_ATerm true t';
      force_newline ();

let main () =
  let inFile = parseArgs () in
  let _ = process_file inFile in

let () = set_max_boxes 1000

let () = set_margin 67

let res =
    (fun () ->
        main ();
      with Exit x -> x)

let () = print_flush ()

let () = exit res



