v-tokyo #21 の話を聞いて、Nuxt4 へ移行!....できなかったので前準備
v-tokyo #21 の話を聞いて、Nuxt4 へ移行してみようと思ったら、できなかったので準備だけした話
v-tokyo #21 で聞いた Nuxt4 への以降の話が結構面白かったので、移行してみる。
"nuxt": "^3.10.3",
"vite": "5.1.4",
"vue": "^3.4.3",
あれ?? まだリリースされてないのか
Nuxt 4 is planned to be released on or before June 14 (though obviously this is dependent on having enough time after Nitro's major release to be properly tested in the community, so be aware that this is not an exact date).
Until then, it is possible to test many of Nuxt 4's breaking changes from Nuxt version 3.12+.
compatibilityVersion をセット
export default defineNuxtConfig({
future: {
compatibilityVersion: 4,
// To re-enable _all_ Nuxt v3 behavior, set the following options:
// srcDir: '.',
// dir: {
// app: 'app'
// },
// experimental: {
// sharedPrerenderData: false,
// compileTemplate: true,
// resetAsyncDataToUndefined: true,
// templateUtils: true,
// relativeWatchPaths: true,
// defaults: {
// useAsyncData: {
// deep: true
// }
// }
// },
// unhead: {
// renderSSRHeadOptions: {
// omitLineBreaks: false
// }
// }
Nuxt3 を3.12以上に
v3.12 以上が必要とのことなので、最新のNuxt3にする。
npx nuxi upgrade
"nuxt": "^3.12.4",
run dev して nuxt.config を更新
✔ Do you want to update your nuxt.config to set compatibilityDate: '2024-08-18'?
✔ Compatibility date set to 2024-08-18 in nuxt.config.ts 9:57:47 AM
ℹ nuxt.config.ts updated. Restarting Nuxt...
尋ねられたので、Yes で更新。
Specify a compatibility date for your app.
This is used to control the behavior of presets in Nitro, Nuxt Image and other modules that may change behavior without a major version bump. We plan to improve the tooling around this feature in the future.
npx codemod@latest nuxt/4/migration-recipe
wattanx さんの記事のnuxt/4/shallow-function-reactivity
- nuxt/4/absolute-watch-path
- nuxt/4/default-data-error-value
- nuxt/4/deprecated-dedupe-value
- nuxt/4/file-structure
- v3からv4 にディレクトリ構造に変更してくれる
- nuxt/4/template-compilation-changes
% npx codemod@latest nuxt/4/migration-recipe
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y
✔ Successfully downloaded "nuxt/4/migration-recipe" from the registry.
? Select the codemods you would like to run. Codemods will be executed in order. nuxt/4/absolute-watch-path, nuxt/4/default-data-error-value, nuxt/4/deprecated-dedupe-value, nuxt/4/file-structure,
nuxt/4/shallow-function-reactivity, nuxt/4/template-compilation-changes
✔ Successfully fetched recipe codemods.
? Current git state contains uncommitted changes. Proceed anyway? Yes
│ │
│ │
│ Codemod: nuxt/4/absolute-watch-path@1.0.3 │
│ Target: /Volumes/Extreme Pro/market/frontend │
│ │
│ Using paths provided by codemod settings │
│ Included patterns: **/*.js, **/*.jsx, **/*.ts, **/*.tsx, **/*.vue │
│ Patterns excluded by default: **/*.d.ts, **/node_modules/**/*.*, **/.next/**/*.*, │
│ **/dist/**/*.*, **/build/**/*.*, **/.git/**/*.*, │
│ **/.svn/**/*.*, **/.hg/**/*.*, **/.bzr/**/*.*, │
│ **/_darcs/**/*.*, **/_MTN/**/*.*, **/_FOSSIL_, **/.fslckout, │
│ **/.view/**/*.* │
│ Patterns excluded from gitignore: **/node_modules, **/*.log*, **/.nuxt, **/.nitro, **/.cache, │
│ **/.output, **/.env, **/dist, **/.idea, **/.data, │
│ **/lint/*.xml, **/.yarn/*, **/!.yarn/cache, │
│ **/!.yarn/patches, **/!.yarn/plugins, **/!.yarn/releases, │
│ **/!.yarn/sdks, **/!.yarn/versions │
│ │
│ Running in 4 threads │
│ File formatting disabled │
│ │
│ │
Execution progress | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 100% || 262/262 files || Current: storybook-static/assets/DocsRenderer-3PUGWF3O-90442d51.js
Execution progress | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 100% || 262/262 files || Current: public/storybook-static/vendors~main.d6ea56a1c8b964085fc4.manager.bundle.js
Execution progress | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 100% || 262/262 files || Current: public/storybook-static/vendors~main.d6ea56a1c8b964085fc4.manager.bundle.js
Execution progress | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 100% || 262/262 files || Current: storybook-static/storybook/storybook-static/vendors~main.d6ea56a1c8b964085fc4.manager.bundle.js
Execution progress | ████████████████████████████████████████ | 100% || 262/262 files || Current: storybook-static/storybook-static/assets/iframe-f5211697.js
Codemod 後に
srcDir など色々変更している人は、対応が必要なようなので、こちらを参考に
npx nuxi upgrade
Done! となって終わるはず
サクッと終わりました。Nuxt4 は怖くない!