
に任意の値を入力してGenerate API Key
ボタンをクリックすればActive API Keys
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"id": 4453,
"title": "East of Eden168",
"description": "Put a bird on it aesthetic narwhal xoxo pug. Disrupt slow-carb williamsburg crucifix...",
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- 並び変えたい記事を
- ローカルから再度読み直して記事のリストを生成
- いいね数でソート
- 表に整形して出力
import json
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from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import requests
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API_KEY = "secret"
def sanitize_filename(filename):
return "".join([c for c in filename if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() or c==' ']).rstrip()
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articles = []
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return articles
def create_table_row(rank_number, article):
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author = f"[{article['user']['name']}](https://dev.to/{article['user']['username']})"
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return f"| {ranking} | {title} | {author} | {published_at} | {reading_time_minutes} | {positive_reactions_count} |"
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fetch_articles(work_dir, "react")
articles = load_articles(work_dir)
sorted_articles = sorted(articles, key=lambda a : a["public_reactions_count"], reverse=True)
print("| 順位 | タイトル | 著者 | 公開日(UTC) | 読む時間 | いいね |")
print("| - | - | - | - | - | - |")
for i in range(0,100):
print(create_table_row(i+1, sorted_articles[i]))
スクリプトで出力した内容は以下になります。以下はあくまで、実行時(2022年11月20日16:12:08 )の最新情報でしかないので、この記事が古くなればなるほど信用できなくなるのでご注意を。
順位 |
タイトル |
著者 |
公開日(UTC) |
読む時間 |
いいね |
1位 |
9 Projects you can do to become a Frontend Master |
Simon Holdorf |
2019/10/06 |
7分 |
12696 |
2位 |
Clean Architecture on Frontend |
Alex Bespoyasov |
2021/09/01 |
35分 |
5170 |
3位 |
The Complete Guide to Full Stack Ethereum and EVM Development |
Nader Dabit |
2021/04/09 |
18分 |
3968 |
4位 |
The Ultimate Guide to Web Performance 🚀 |
ender minyard |
2020/09/22 |
5分 |
3671 |
5位 |
35+ Free React templates and themes |
Davide Pacilio |
2020/06/02 |
15分 |
3616 |
6位 |
22 Miraculous Tools for React Developers in 2019 |
jsmanifest |
2019/08/06 |
13分 |
3428 |
7位 |
The React Cheatsheet for 2020 📄 (+ Real-World Examples) |
Reed Barger |
2020/01/19 |
17分 |
3378 |
8位 |
300+ React Interview Questions |
Michael Sakhniuk |
2021/01/05 |
128分 |
2968 |
9位 |
5 React Projects You Need In Your Portfolio 📂 |
Reed Barger |
2020/01/26 |
7分 |
2895 |
10位 |
A Complete Beginner's Guide to React |
Ali Spittel |
2018/08/28 |
15分 |
2829 |
11位 |
7 GitHub projects essential for every Javascript developer 👨🏽💻 🚀 |
Ankit Anand ✨ |
2021/06/28 |
3分 |
2632 |
12位 |
ReactJS Roadmap 🗺 For Developers 💻 |
ThemeSelection |
2020/10/06 |
9分 |
2508 |
13位 |
8 Projects with modern designs to become a Full-stack Master 2020 |
Thu Nghiem |
2020/09/02 |
4分 |
2354 |
14位 |
Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript |
Ryland G |
2019/07/25 |
13分 |
2055 |
15位 |
React Interview Questions 🔥 |
Pramit Marattha |
2021/11/16 |
15分 |
2008 |
16位 |
Design Patterns in JavaScript |
Zeeshan Haider Shaheen |
2021/08/27 |
16分 |
1961 |
17位 |
The Complete Guide to Full Stack Solana Development with React, Anchor, Rust, and Phantom |
Nader Dabit |
2021/09/15 |
18分 |
1948 |
18位 |
React Cheat sheet (Updated June 2021) |
Eric The Coder |
2021/06/11 |
7分 |
1934 |
19位 |
Productive Tools🚀 For Web Development😎 |
Akshay Chougule |
2020/02/22 |
2分 |
1925 |
20位 |
Become a Full Stack Developer by building these amazing applications |
Yogesh Chavan |
2020/09/02 |
4分 |
1848 |
21位 |
8 Projects to Build to Master Your Front-End Skills 🥇🏆 |
Madza |
2021/08/05 |
5分 |
1813 |
22位 |
5 full-stack projects to add to your portfolio before 2020 ends 🤯 |
Chris Bongers |
2020/08/28 |
3分 |
1705 |
23位 |
Building a chat app with Socket.io and React 🚀 |
Nevo David |
2022/08/15 |
16分 |
1695 |
24位 |
Video Chatting and Screen Sharing with React, Node, WebRTC(peerjs) |
Arjhun777 |
2021/01/02 |
7分 |
1667 |
25位 |
⚛️ 🚀 React Component Patterns |
Alexi Taylor 🐶 |
2020/08/26 |
17分 |
1653 |
26位 |
21 React Example Projects to Learn From (Open-source, Beginner-Intermediate Level) |
Syakir Rahman |
2020/09/28 |
9分 |
1636 |
27位 |
Cheat Sheets that always save my time during web development 🚀 |
Mahesh Patidar |
2021/10/22 |
2分 |
1595 |
28位 |
How to learn React - The Effective way |
Shaan Alam |
2021/09/07 |
4分 |
1563 |
29位 |
No More ../../../ Import in React |
Nilanth |
2021/08/15 |
3分 |
1543 |
30位 |
16 Libraries You Should Know as a React Developer 💯🔥 |
Madza |
2022/10/04 |
3分 |
1526 |
31位 |
15 Free React Templates for Your Next Project |
ExWhyZee |
2021/04/15 |
6分 |
1521 |
32位 |
The vanilla Javascript basics to know before learning React JS |
Jane Tracy 👩🏽💻 |
2020/09/20 |
9分 |
1507 |
33位 |
My favorite resources being a freelancer as a side hustle 💎 |
leonardo jaques 👨🏻💻 |
2020/08/05 |
4分 |
1502 |
34位 |
Advanced JavaScript Design Patterns |
DhiWise |
2021/11/24 |
11分 |
1501 |
35位 |
How I structure my React projects |
Lars Wächter |
2021/08/31 |
5分 |
1490 |
36位 |
50 Cool Web And Mobile Project Ideas for 2021 |
Andrew Baisden |
2021/03/26 |
15分 |
1473 |
37位 |
Why I Stopped Using Redux |
Gabriel Abud |
2020/07/06 |
6分 |
1471 |
38位 |
ReactJs Roadmap🗺 for beginners - 2021 |
Suhail Shaikh |
2021/08/19 |
6分 |
1431 |
39位 |
26 Miraculous VS Code Tools for JavaScript Developers in 2019 |
jsmanifest |
2019/07/07 |
11分 |
1407 |
40位 |
20 GitHub Repositories to Become a React Master |
Martin Adams |
2022/08/04 |
5分 |
1397 |
41位 |
Top 20 JavaScript tips and tricks to increase your Speed and Efficiency |
Kapil Raghuwanshi🖥 |
2021/06/08 |
6分 |
1367 |
42位 |
Moving away from ReactJs and VueJs on front-end using Clean Architecture |
Jorge Sánchez Fernández |
2021/07/12 |
15分 |
1338 |
43位 |
8 Projects with Designs you can do to Become FRONT-END developer |
Thu Nghiem |
2020/07/02 |
2分 |
1337 |
44位 |
8 Awesome React Hooks |
Simon Holdorf |
2020/12/23 |
3分 |
1336 |
45位 |
Why You Shouldn't Use A Web Framework |
David Wickes |
2018/07/26 |
4分 |
1329 |
46位 |
Modern Full-Stack Developer Tech Stack 2021 |
Andrew Baisden |
2021/07/05 |
3分 |
1311 |
47位 |
How to deploy React App to GitHub Pages |
Ibrahim Ragab |
2019/06/23 |
2分 |
1310 |
48位 |
How to Build a Full Stack NFT Marketplace - V2 (2022) |
Nader Dabit |
2021/07/06 |
22分 |
1309 |
49位 |
JavaScript Basics Before You Learn React |
Nathan Sebhastian |
2019/01/14 |
9分 |
1266 |
50位 |
Making Sense of React Hooks |
Dan Abramov |
2018/11/02 |
11分 |
1217 |
51位 |
How to Reduce React App Loading Time By 70% |
Nilanth |
2021/09/14 |
5分 |
1194 |
52位 |
Top 42 React resources every developer should bookmark [Latest] |
Sunil Joshi |
2020/10/22 |
6分 |
1167 |
53位 |
useAxios : A simple custom hook for calling APIs using axios |
Yogini Bende |
2021/05/18 |
4分 |
1166 |
54位 |
Don't waste your time on a portfolio website |
Johannes Kettmann |
2020/10/20 |
8分 |
1158 |
55位 |
How to Build Scalable Architecture for your Next.js Project |
Alex Eagleson |
2022/04/06 |
32分 |
1152 |
56位 |
How to Create and Publish a React Component Library |
Alex Eagleson |
2021/11/17 |
24分 |
1140 |
57位 |
No, disabling a button is not app logic. |
David K. 🎹 |
2019/11/13 |
11分 |
1139 |
58位 |
17 Javascript optimization tips to know in 2021 🚀 |
Blessing Hirwa |
2021/01/25 |
5分 |
1135 |
59位 |
Bad Habits of Mid-Level React Developers |
Sam Magura |
2022/04/09 |
8分 |
1110 |
60位 |
Roadmap for React JS 2022 |
Digvijay Jadhav |
2021/12/07 |
4分 |
1086 |
61位 |
React Libraries To Use In 2021: 17 Top Picks |
Yash Tiwari |
2021/06/13 |
8分 |
1083 |
62位 |
Build a Pixel Perfect Skeleton Loader Using CSS 🚀 |
Ram Maheshwari ⚡ |
2021/09/15 |
5分 |
1073 |
63位 |
37 App Ideas for Bootcamp Students & Code Newbies |
Sylwia Vargas |
2019/12/01 |
4分 |
1066 |
64位 |
The Complete Modern React Developer 2022 |
Andrew Baisden |
2022/05/10 |
29分 |
1066 |
65位 |
Free hosting providers for front-end & back-end applications |
Vuelancer |
2020/09/10 |
2分 |
1058 |
66位 |
Just Redux: The Complete Guide |
Sanjeev Sharma |
2021/09/23 |
10分 |
1030 |
67位 |
Use Javascript console like pro |
Suprabha |
2021/05/16 |
3分 |
1021 |
68位 |
React Architecture for Enterprise Application |
Nilanth |
2021/11/06 |
4分 |
999 |
69位 |
Some projects to build your resume! |
Unnati Bamania |
2021/01/18 |
4分 |
999 |
70位 |
React Clean Code - Simple ways to write better and cleaner code |
Tyler Hawkins |
2021/02/22 |
2分 |
993 |
71位 |
What Front-End Developer Skills Should You Focus on Leading Into 2020? |
Marc Grabanski 🏙💻 |
2019/08/19 |
5分 |
992 |
72位 |
Understanding Rendering in React ♻ ⚛️ |
Mateo Garcia |
2021/01/31 |
6分 |
991 |
73位 |
Learn Deno: Chat app |
Aral Roca |
2020/05/10 |
10分 |
986 |
74位 |
Building a Notion-like system with Socket.io And React 😍 |
Nevo David |
2022/10/24 |
19分 |
982 |
75位 |
In defense of the modern web |
Rich Harris |
2020/05/15 |
6分 |
974 |
76位 |
10 Must-Know Patterns for Writing Clean Code with React and TypeScript✨🛀 |
Alex Omeyer |
2022/02/04 |
6分 |
968 |
77位 |
7 Tips for Clean React TypeScript Code you Must Know 🧹✨ |
Tapajyoti Bose |
2022/07/17 |
5分 |
967 |
78位 |
Free React resources you should have in your pocket. |
Jane Tracy 👩🏽💻 |
2020/09/27 |
6分 |
960 |
79位 |
Top 10 React Hook libraries |
Juraj Pavlović |
2020/10/19 |
6分 |
959 |
80位 |
39+ Advanced React Interview Questions (SOLVED) You Must Clarify (2020 Update) |
Alex 👨🏼💻FullStack.Cafe |
2019/11/04 |
18分 |
957 |
81位 |
How to make realtime APIs with NodeJS and ReactJS using Socket.io |
Omar Diaaeldine Elwakeel |
2021/08/25 |
5分 |
943 |
82位 |
I was creating Forms the wrong way all along in React.js 🤔 |
Kuvam Bhardwaj |
2022/08/01 |
4分 |
933 |
83位 |
Building a Kanban board with Node.js, React and Websockets 📝 ✨ |
Nevo David |
2022/09/28 |
18分 |
932 |
84位 |
Screaming Architecture - Evolution of a React folder structure |
Johannes Kettmann |
2022/02/25 |
16分 |
919 |
85位 |
Python Chat Tutorial with Django and React |
Nick Parsons |
2019/05/08 |
8分 |
917 |
86位 |
Redux Crash Course with Hooks 🎣 |
Chris Achard |
2019/10/02 |
3分 |
912 |
87位 |
The Complete Guide to Next.js Authentication |
Nader Dabit |
2020/09/21 |
8分 |
902 |
88位 |
7 code smells in your React components |
Anton Gunnarsson |
2020/11/09 |
9分 |
902 |
89位 |
11 Advanced React Interview Questions you should absolutely know (with detailed answers) |
Tapajyoti Bose |
2022/07/10 |
5分 |
880 |
90位 |
5 Good practices to scale your React projects easily |
Jeffrey Yu |
2022/08/07 |
3分 |
875 |
91位 |
Front-End Resources |
bleedeleventh |
2021/10/10 |
20分 |
873 |
92位 |
Want To Learn React in 2020? Here's The Blueprint to Follow. |
Reed Barger |
2020/01/06 |
7分 |
872 |
93位 |
10 Awesome Free Courses for Devs by Devs |
Simon Holdorf |
2021/01/04 |
8分 |
869 |
94位 |
How we reduced our initial JS/CSS size by 67% |
Guilherme Oenning |
2018/11/26 |
8分 |
867 |
95位 |
5 Tips to Take your Website Lighthouse Score from Meh to WOW! |
Tapajyoti Bose |
2021/11/07 |
4分 |
865 |
96位 |
34 UI Libraries For React, Vue And Angular |
Niemvuilaptrinh |
2021/02/03 |
7分 |
861 |
97位 |
Building a chat - Browser Notifications with React, Websockets and Web-Push 🤯 |
Nevo David |
2022/08/22 |
8分 |
859 |
98位 |
Building a sexy, mobile-ready navbar in any web framework |
Ben Holmes |
2020/10/06 |
9分 |
845 |
99位 |
The Full-Stack Developer Vocabulary(The Full List!) |
Code_Jedi |
2022/01/01 |
11分 |
841 |
100位 |
The React Cheatsheet for 2021 📄 (+ Real-World Examples) |
Reed Barger |
2021/01/09 |
23分 |
838 |