
Artemis: Bridging the gap between Vim and Neovim


Artemis: Bridging the gap between Vim and Neovim

is a lua module offering a unified interface for
interaction with both Vim and Neovim, geared for use in the configuration file.

In recent years, Neovim has emerged as a notable modern alternative to
Vim, boasting numerous new features and enhancements over Vim.
A key attribute is the ability to compose a configuration in Lua.
Keep in mind that the Lua API is not an innovation. It has already existed in Vim.
Nevertheless, it isn't compatible with Neovim's Lua API. More precisely, Neovim's
Lua API isn't a superset of Vim's Lua API.

Although I prefer Neovim as my primary editor, I also want to extend
support for Vim configuration. To avoid the hassle of maintaining two distinct configuration files,
my aim is to write a singular configuration file compatible with both Vim and Neovim.

This is where vim-artemis steps in. It establishes a common interaction realm for
both Vim and Neovim. I developed wrapper functions grounded on
Neovim's Lua API, permitting the usage of a Neovim-like API in Vim.

Initially, vim-artemis needs to be loaded into your configuration file.

local vimx = require("artemis")

Once done, vimx can be used to interact with Vim and Neovim.

vimx.cmd("colorscheme gruvbox")

Prefer to use vimx.cmd.colorscheme instead of the code above? -- No issues.


Moreover, all means of calling vim.cmd can be utilized.
We can employ keymap, fn, opt among others. For instance,

vimx.opt_local.number = true

vimx.keymap.set("n", "<leader>q", function()
  local buf = vimx.fn.bufnr("%")
  vimx.cmd.echo("'Closing " .. vimx.fn.bufname(buf) .. "'")

Next, I'd like to highlight a deeper issue between Vim and Neovim.
It's not just the interface compatibility, rather the semantic compatibility also.
Neovim converts a Lua object to a VimL object implicitly.
Vim, however, requires an explicit conversion between Lua and VimL.
This represents a balance between usability and safety.
For instance, { 1 = 'a' } is a lua table. Whether it's a dictionary or a list
depends on context. Neovim converts it to a VimL list implicitly.
We adopt a Neovim-like approach, converting a Lua object to a VimL object implicitly.
Check the source code of the cast() function for implementation details.

Even if Vim isn't your preference, vim-artemis has utility for Neovim users.
It offers a superior fn interface compared to Neovim's Lua API.
In VimL, namespace#function_name is used to call a function defined in an autoload script.
In contrast, Neovim uses vim.fn['namespace#function_name'], which is rather verbose.
vim-artemis provides an improved interface.

vimx.fn['namespace#function_name'] -- Neovim's Lua API
vimx.fn.namespace.function_name     -- vim-artemis

This interface is supported through the use of the __index metamethod.
It also facilitates chaining of deeper namespaces, such as namespace.subnamespace.function_name.


To conclude, vim-artemis establishes a common interface for integrating with Vim and Neovim.
It is intended for use in the cofiguration file and is beneficial for Neovim users as well.


