
Android Architecture Componentsで犯しがちな5つの間違い【翻訳】


この記事は著者 Michał Baran(@BaranMichal25) 氏の許可を得て翻訳したものです。

Original article: 5 common mistakes when using Architecture Components



  • FragmentでのLiveData observerのリーク
  • 画面のローテーション後のデータリロード
  • ViewModelのリーク
  • MutableなLiveDataのViewへの公開
  • 構成が変わる度に再作成されるViewModelの依存関係

1. FragmentでのLiveData observerのリーク



class BooksFragment: Fragment() {

    private lateinit var viewModel: BooksViewModel

    override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
        return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_books, container)

    override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(BooksViewModel::class.java)

        viewModel.liveData.observe(this, Observer { updateViews(it) })  // Risky: Passing Fragment as LifecycleOwner


from gist



おすすめの解決方法はFragmentのView Lifecycleには、Support Library 28.0.0とAndroidX 1.0.0で追加された getViewLifecycleOwner()getViewLifecycleOwnerLiveData() を使うことだ。これでLiveDataはFragmentのViewが破棄される度にObserverも破棄してくれる。

class BooksFragment : Fragment() {


    override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(BooksViewModel::class.java)

        viewModel.liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { updateViews(it) })    // Usually what we want: Passing Fragment's view as LifecycleOwner


from gist

2. 画面のローテーション後のデータリロード


class ProductViewModel(
    private val repository: ProductRepository
) : ViewModel() {

    private val productDetails = MutableLiveData<Resource<ProductDetails>>()
    private val specialOffers = MutableLiveData<Resource<SpecialOffers>>()

    fun getProductsDetails(): LiveData<Resource<ProductDetails>> {
        repository.getProductDetails()  // Loading ProductDetails from network/database
        ...                             // Getting ProductDetails from repository and updating productDetails LiveData
        return productDetails

    fun loadSpecialOffers() {
        repository.getSpecialOffers()   // Loading SpecialOffers from network/database
        ...                             // Getting SpecialOffers from repository and updating specialOffers LiveData

class ProductActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var productViewModelFactory: ProductViewModelFactory

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, productViewModelFactory).get(ProductViewModel::class.java)

        viewModel.getProductsDetails().observe(this, Observer { /*...*/ })  // (probable) Reloading product details after every rotation
        viewModel.loadSpecialOffers()                                       // (probable) Reloading special offers after every rotation

from gist


  • AbsentLiveDataのようなものを使って、データがないときにだけロードする
  • 実際に必要になったとき(OnClickListenerの中など)にロードする
  • 最もシンプルなのが、ViewModelのコンストラクターでロード処理をして、純粋なGetterだけ公開する
class ProductViewModel(
    private val repository: ProductRepository
) : ViewModel() {

    private val productDetails = MutableLiveData<Resource<ProductDetails>>()
    private val specialOffers = MutableLiveData<Resource<SpecialOffers>>()

    init {
        loadProductsDetails()           // ViewModel is created only once during Activity/Fragment lifetime

    private fun loadProductsDetails() { // private, just utility method to be invoked in constructor
        repository.getProductDetails()  // Loading ProductDetails from network/database
        ...                             // Getting ProductDetails from repository and updating productDetails LiveData

    fun loadSpecialOffers() {           // public, intended to be invoked by other classes when needed
        repository.getSpecialOffers()   // Loading SpecialOffers from network/database
        ...                             // Getting SpecialOffers from repository and updating _specialOffers LiveData

    fun getProductDetails(): LiveData<Resource<ProductDetails>> {   // Simple getter
        return productDetails

    fun getSpecialOffers(): LiveData<Resource<SpecialOffers>> {     // Simple getter
        return specialOffers

class ProductActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var productViewModelFactory: ProductViewModelFactory

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, productViewModelFactory).get(ProductViewModel::class.java)

        viewModel.getProductDetails().observe(this, Observer { /*...*/ })    // Just setting observer
        viewModel.getSpecialOffers().observe(this, Observer { /*...*/ })     // Just setting observer

        button_offers.setOnClickListener { viewModel.loadSpecialOffers() }

from gist

3. ViewModelのリーク




class LocationRepository() {

    private var listener: ((Location) -> Unit)? = null

    fun setOnLocationChangedListener(listener: (Location) -> Unit) {
        this.listener = listener

    private fun onLocationUpdated(location: Location) {

class MapViewModel: AutoClearViewModel() {

    private val liveData = MutableLiveData<LocationRepository.Location>()
    private val repository = LocationRepository()

    init {
        repository.setOnLocationChangedListener {   // Risky: Passing listener (which holds reference to the MapViewModel)
            liveData.value = it                     // to singleton scoped LocationRepository

from gist


class LocationRepository() {

    private var listener: ((Location) -> Unit)? = null

    fun setOnLocationChangedListener(listener: (Location) -> Unit) {
        this.listener = listener

    fun removeOnLocationChangedListener() {
        this.listener = null

    private fun onLocationUpdated(location: Location) {

class MapViewModel: AutoClearViewModel() {

    private val liveData = MutableLiveData<LocationRepository.Location>()
    private val repository = LocationRepository()

    init {
        repository.setOnLocationChangedListener {   // Risky: Passing listener (which holds reference to the MapViewModel)
            liveData.value = it                     // to singleton scoped LocationRepository

    override onCleared() {                            // GOOD: Listener instance from above and MapViewModel
        repository.removeOnLocationChangedListener()  //       can now be garbage collected

from gist

4. MutableなLiveDataのViewへの公開



class CatalogueViewModel : ViewModel() {

    // BAD: Exposing mutable LiveData
    val products = MutableLiveData<Products>()

    // GOOD: Encapsulate access to mutable LiveData through getter
    private val promotions = MutableLiveData<Promotions>()

    fun getPromotions(): LiveData<Promotions> = promotions

    // GOOD: Encapsulate access to mutable LiveData using backing property
    private val _offers = MutableLiveData<Offers>()
    val offers: LiveData<Offers> = _offers

    fun loadData(){
        products.value = loadProducts()     // Other classes can also set products value
        promotions.value = loadPromotions() // Only CatalogueViewModel can set promotions value
        _offers.value = loadOffers()        // Only CatalogueViewModel can set offers value

from gist

5. 構成が変わる度に再作成されるViewModelの依存関係



class MoviesViewModel(
    private val repository: MoviesRepository,
    private val stringProvider: StringProvider,
    private val authorisationService: AuthorisationService
) : ViewModel() {


class MoviesViewModelFactory(   // We need to create instances of below dependencies to create instance of MoviesViewModelFactory
    private val repository: MoviesRepository,
    private val stringProvider: StringProvider,
    private val authorisationService: AuthorisationService
) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {

    override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {  // but this method is called by ViewModelProvider only if ViewModel wasn't already created
        return MoviesViewModel(repository, stringProvider, authorisationService) as T

class MoviesActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var viewModelFactory: MoviesViewModelFactory

    private lateinit var viewModel: MoviesViewModel

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {    // Called each time Activity is recreated

        injectDependencies() // Creating new instance of MoviesViewModelFactory

        viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(MoviesViewModel::class.java)


from gist



class MoviesViewModel(
    private val repository: MoviesRepository,
    private val stringProvider: StringProvider,
    private val authorisationService: AuthorisationService
) : ViewModel() {


class MoviesViewModelFactory(
    private val repository: Provider<MoviesRepository>,             // Passing Providers here
    private val stringProvider: Provider<StringProvider>,           // instead of passing directly dependencies
    private val authorisationService: Provider<AuthorisationService>
) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {

    override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {  // This method is called by ViewModelProvider only if ViewModel wasn't already created
        return MoviesViewModel(repository.get(),
                               stringProvider.get(),                // Deferred creating dependencies only if new insance of ViewModel is needed
                              ) as T

class MoviesActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var viewModelFactory: MoviesViewModelFactory

    private lateinit var viewModel: MoviesViewModel

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        injectDependencies() // Creating new instance of MoviesViewModelFactory

        viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(MoviesViewModel::class.java)


from gist


この記事は著者 Michał Baran(@BaranMichal25) 氏の許可を得て翻訳したものです。間違いがある場合はコメントか、@d_forestまでお願いします。

Original article: 5 common mistakes when using Architecture Components

Thank you Michał!

