
CNCF-hosted Co-located Events Europe 2024 セッション参加メモ


Cilium 5
AI 3
ArgoCD 2
Applicarion Modernization 1

Deep Dive Into Cilium Resilient Architecture - Jussi Mäki & Martynas Pumputis, Isovalent

Gen-AI at Scale: Simplifying Orchestration of Healthcare Applications Across Multi-Cluster Environme - Selvi Kadirvel, Elotl & Christopher Nuland, Red Hat

Sponsored Keynote: The Cilium Vision - Thomas Graf, Isovalent

Sponsored Keynote - Evolving Cilium with insights from Kubernetes - Idit Levine, Solo.io

Lightning Talk: Falco, Tracee and Tetragon: eBPF Runtime Observability and Security Tools Differences - Kyle Quest, AutonomousPlane

Lightning Talk: Optimizing Cluster Workloads: Cilium Envoy on DPU - Shatakshi Mishra, Marvell Technology

Application Modernization: From Concept to Kubernetes - George Hantzaras, MongoDB

GitOps for the Edge: Delivering WebAssembly with Argo CD - Dan Norris & Joonas Bergius, Cosmonic

Adobe/AWS: Key Takeaways from Scaling Adobe's CI/CD Solution to Support >50K Argo CD Apps - Andrew Lee, AWS & Vikram Sethi, Adobe

Components, WebAssembly’s Docker’s Moment - Bailey Hayes, Cosmonic

Pathfinder to GPU Offload in WASM - Atanas Atanasov & Aaron Dorney, Intel

Effortless Scalability: Orchestrating Large Language Model Inference with Kubernetes - Rohit Ghumare, devrelasservice.com & Joinal Ahmed, Navatech AI

Resource-Aware Scheduling for Production GenAI with RAG running on Multicluster Cloud Kubernetes - Anne Holler, Elotl & Dave Southwell, Deft Computing

CRI-O's WASM Adventure: Challenges, Strategies, and What Lies Ahead - Sohan Kunkerkar & Peter Hunt, Red Hat

WASI and the Cloud: A Game-Changing Duo - Bailey Hayes, Cosmonic & Jiaxiao Zhou, Microsoft
