


WebAssemblyのランタイムはいくつかありますが、有力なもののひとつがByteCode Allianceによって開発されているWasmtimeです。WasmtimeはRust向けのクレートやC言語向けのライブラリーとして提供されていますが、単体で利用できるコマンドも用意されています。この記事では、wasmtimeコマンドと、いくつかのTipsを紹介します。





% $ curl https://wasmtime.dev/install.sh -sSf | bash


% cargo install wasmtime-cli



% wasmtime hello-world.wasm
Hello, world!


  • wasi:cli/commandワールドを実装しているWasmコンポーネントであること
  • _start関数をエキスポートしているWasmモジュールであること




% wasmtime --invoke four target/wasm32-wasip1/release/hello_lib.wasm
2 + 2 = 4



このプログラムは環境変数nameの値をHello, {name}!へ埋め込み、標準出力へ出力します。次のようにchikoskiを指定した場合は、Hello, chikoskiと出力します:

% name=chikoski cargo run
Hello, chikoski!


% name=chikoski wasmtime target/wasm32-wasip1/release/env.wasm
Hello, world!


% name=chikoski wasmtime --env name target/wasm32-wasip1/release/env.wasm


% name=chikoski wasmtime --env name=wasm target/wasm32-wasip1/release/env.wasm
Hello, wasm!



failed to find a pre-opened file descriptor through which "./a/text/file" could be opened


% wasmtime --dir=/some/where ls.wasm



% wasmtime --dir=/some/where::/data ls.wasm


% wasmtime --dir=/some/where::/ ls.wasm



% wasmtime --dir=/some/where::/data --dir=/another/folder::/home ls.wasm


% wasmtime --dir=/some/where::/data --dir=/another/folder::/data ls.wasm


-W helpで対応しているプロポーザルを一覧できます。28.0.0は次のようになっています。

% wasmtime -W help
wasmtime -W help
Available wasm options:

  -W             nan-canonicalization[=y|n] -- Enable canonicalization of all NaN values.
  -W                                 fuel=N -- Enable execution fuel with N units fuel, trapping after running out of fuel.
  -W               epoch-interruption[=y|n] -- Yield when a global epoch counter changes, allowing for async operation without blocking the executor.
  -W                       max-wasm-stack=N -- Maximum stack size, in bytes, that wasm is allowed to consume before a stack overflow is reported.
  -W                     async-stack-size=N -- Stack size, in bytes, that will be allocated for async stacks.
  -W            unknown-exports-allow[=y|n] -- Allow unknown exports when running commands.
  -W             unknown-imports-trap[=y|n] -- Allow the main module to import unknown functions, using an implementation that immediately traps, when running commands.
  -W          unknown-imports-default[=y|n] -- Allow the main module to import unknown functions, using an implementation that returns default values, when running commands.
  -W                        wmemcheck[=y|n] -- Enables memory error checking. (see wmemcheck.md for more info)
  -W                      max-memory-size=N -- Maximum size, in bytes, that a linear memory is allowed to reach.
  -W                   max-table-elements=N -- Maximum size, in table elements, that a table is allowed to reach.
  -W                        max-instances=N -- Maximum number of WebAssembly instances allowed to be created.
  -W                           max-tables=N -- Maximum number of WebAssembly tables allowed to be created.
  -W                         max-memories=N -- Maximum number of WebAssembly linear memories allowed to be created.
  -W             trap-on-grow-failure[=y|n] -- Force a trap to be raised on `memory.grow` and `table.grow` failure instead of returning -1 from these instructions.
  -W                    timeout=N|Ns|Nms|.. -- Maximum execution time of wasm code before timing out (1, 2s, 100ms, etc)
  -W                    all-proposals[=y|n] -- Configures support for all WebAssembly proposals implemented.
  -W                      bulk-memory[=y|n] -- Configure support for the bulk memory proposal.
  -W                     multi-memory[=y|n] -- Configure support for the multi-memory proposal.
  -W                      multi-value[=y|n] -- Configure support for the multi-value proposal.
  -W                  reference-types[=y|n] -- Configure support for the reference-types proposal.
  -W                             simd[=y|n] -- Configure support for the simd proposal.
  -W                     relaxed-simd[=y|n] -- Configure support for the relaxed-simd proposal.
  -W       relaxed-simd-deterministic[=y|n] -- Configure forcing deterministic and host-independent behavior of the relaxed-simd instructions.
  -W                        tail-call[=y|n] -- Configure support for the tail-call proposal.
  -W                          threads[=y|n] -- Configure support for the threads proposal.
  -W                         memory64[=y|n] -- Configure support for the memory64 proposal.
  -W                  component-model[=y|n] -- Configure support for the component-model proposal.
  -W       component-model-more-flags[=y|n] -- Configure support for 33+ flags in the component model.
  -W component-model-multiple-returns[=y|n] -- Component model support for more than one return value.
  -W              function-references[=y|n] -- Configure support for the function-references proposal.
  -W                               gc[=y|n] -- Configure support for the GC proposal.
  -W                custom-page-sizes[=y|n] -- Configure support for the custom-page-sizes proposal.


-S helpオプションで、対応しているシステムインターフェースを一覧できます。28.0.0の場合、次のようになっています:

% wasmtime -S help
Available wasi options:

  -S                            cli[=y|n] -- Enable support for WASI CLI APIs, including filesystems, sockets, clocks, and random.
  -S                         common[=y|n] -- Deprecated alias for `cli`
  -S                             nn[=y|n] -- Enable support for WASI neural network API (experimental)
  -S                        threads[=y|n] -- Enable support for WASI threading API (experimental)
  -S                           http[=y|n] -- Enable support for WASI HTTP API (experimental)
  -S                 runtime-config[=y|n] -- Enable support for WASI runtime config API (experimental)
  -S                       keyvalue[=y|n] -- Enable support for WASI key-value API (experimental)
  -S                       listenfd[=y|n] -- Inherit environment variables and file descriptors following the systemd listen fd specification (UNIX only)
  -S                        tcplisten=val -- Grant access to the given TCP listen socket
  -S                       preview2[=y|n] -- Implement WASI CLI APIs with preview2 primitives (experimental).
  -S             nn-graph=<format>::<dir> -- Pre-load machine learning graphs (i.e., models) for use by wasi-nn.
  -S                inherit-network[=y|n] -- Flag for WASI preview2 to inherit the host's network within the guest so it has full access to all addresses/ports/etc.
  -S           allow-ip-name-lookup[=y|n] -- Indicates whether `wasi:sockets/ip-name-lookup` is enabled or not.
  -S                            tcp[=y|n] -- Indicates whether `wasi:sockets` TCP support is enabled or not.
  -S                            udp[=y|n] -- Indicates whether `wasi:sockets` UDP support is enabled or not.
  -S                       preview0[=y|n] -- Allows imports from the `wasi_unstable` core wasm module.
  -S                    inherit-env[=y|n] -- Inherit all environment variables from the parent process.
  -S      runtime-config-var=<name>=<val> -- Pass a wasi runtime config variable to the program.
  -S keyvalue-in-memory-data=<name>=<val> -- Preset data for the In-Memory provider of WASI key-value API.
