railsチュート2周目 Herokuデプロイ不可 Ruby-ver違い
Ruby276とHeroku-22が バージョン違いのためデプロイできないみたいです。
! The Ruby version you are trying to install does not exist on this stack.
! You are trying to install ruby-2.7.6 on heroku-22.
! Ruby ruby-2.7.6 is present on the following stacks:
! - heroku-18
! - heroku-20
! Heroku recommends you use the latest supported Ruby version listed here:
! https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-support#supported-runtimes
! For more information on syntax for declaring a Ruby version see:
! https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-versions
! Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app.
! Push failed