
Zed config

at yasuat yasu

とりあえず今の僕の zed config. インストールしてるプラグインは割とある。

// Zed settings
// For information on how to configure Zed, see the Zed
// documentation:
// To see all of Zed's default settings without changing your
// custom settings, run the `open default settings` command
// from the command palette or from `Zed` application menu.
    "theme": "Catppuccin Mocha",
    "buffer_font_size": 15,
    "tab_size": 4,
    "use_tab_character": false,
    "ui_font_size": 14,
    "buffer_font_family": "UDEV Gothic 35LG",
    "inline_completions": {
        "disabled_globs": [
    "autosave": "off"