LV(Logical Volume)を試してみる
LVの周辺技術を試してみたい。PVとかMDとか、あとFile Systemとかも。それから容量の変更とかも行なってみたい。
lvcreate -h のヘルプの多さに物おじするんだけど。
lvcreate creates a new LV in a VG. For standard LVs, this requires allocating logical extents from the VG's free physical extents. If there is not enough free space, the VG can be extended with other PVs (vgextend(8)), or existing LVs can be reduced or removed (lvremove(8), lvreduce(8).
LVを作るにはVGが必要なようで、それを作るためのvgcreate というものもあるらしい。
vgcreate creates a new VG on block devices. If the devices were not previously intialized as PVs with pvcreate(8), vgcreate will inititialize them, making them PVs. The pvcreate options for initializing devices are also available with vgcreate.