


現時点でM1 Macに対応しているプラグイン一覧。

$ kubectl krew search|grep -v unavailable
NAME                            DESCRIPTION                                         INSTALLED
access-matrix                   Show an RBAC access matrix for server resources     no
accurate                        Manage Accurate, a multi-tenancy controller         no
allctx                          Run commands on contexts in your kubeconfig         no
assert                          Assert Kubernetes resources                         no
auth-proxy                      Authentication proxy to a pod or service            no
aws-auth                        Manage aws-auth ConfigMap                           no
azad-proxy                      Generate and handle authentication for azad-kub...  no
blame                           Show who edited resource fields.                    no
bulk-action                     Do bulk actions on Kubernetes resources.            no
ca-cert                         Print the PEM CA certificate of the current clu...  no
capture                         Triggers a Sysdig capture to troubleshoot the r...  no
cert-manager                    Manage cert-manager resources inside your cluster   no
cluster-group                   Exec commands across a group of contexts.           no
clusternet                      Wrap multiple kubectl calls to Clusternet           no
cm                              Provides commands for OCM/MCE/ACM.                  no
cnpg                            Manage your CloudNativePG clusters                  no
config-registry                 Switch between registered kubeconfigs               no
cost                            View cluster cost information                       no
ctx                             Switch between contexts in your kubeconfig          no
custom-cols                     A "kubectl get" replacement with customizable c...  no
cyclonus                        NetworkPolicy analysis tool suite                   no
datree                          Scan your cluster resources for misconfigurations   no
dds                             Detect if workloads are mounting the docker socket  no
debug-shell                     Create pod with interactive kube-shell.             no
deprecations                    Checks for deprecated objects in a cluster          yes
df-pv                           Show disk usage (like unix df) for persistent v...  no
direct-csi                      CSI driver to manage drives in k8s cluster as v...  no
directpv                        Deploys and manages the lifecycle of DirectPV C...  no
dtlogin                         Login to a cluster via openid-connect               no
edit-status                     Edit /status subresources of CRs                    no
eksporter                       Export resources and removes a pre-defined set ...  no
example                         Prints out example manifest YAMLs                   no
exec-as                         Like kubectl exec, but offers a `user` flag to ...  no
exec-cronjob                    Run a CronJob immediately as Job                    no
explore                         A better kubectl explain with the fuzzy finder      no
fuzzy                           Fuzzy and partial string search for kubectl         no
gadget                          Gadgets for debugging and introspecting apps        no
get-all                         Like `kubectl get all` but _really_ everything      no
gke-credentials                 Fetch credentials for GKE clusters                  no
gopass                          Imports secrets from gopass                         no
graph                           Visualize Kubernetes resources and relationships.   no
gs                              Handle custom resources with Giant Swarm            no
hns                             Manage hierarchical namespaces (part of HNC)        no
htpasswd                        Create nginx-ingress compatible basic-auth secrets  no
ice                             View configuration settings of containers insid...  no
iexec                           Interactive selection tool for `kubectl exec`       no
images                          Show container images used in the cluster.          no
istiolog                        Manipulate istio-proxy logging level without is...  no
kadalu                          Manage Kadalu Operator, CSI and Storage pods        no
karbon                          Connect to Nutanix Karbon cluster                   no
karmada                         Manage clusters with Karmada federation.            no
konfig                          Merge, split or import kubeconfig files             no
krew                            Package manager for kubectl plugins.                yes
kruise                          Easily handle OpenKruise workloads                  no
ktop                            A top tool to display workload metrics              no
kurt                            Find what's restarting and why                      no
kuttl                           Declaratively run and test operators                no
kyverno                         Kyverno is a policy engine for kubernetes           no
lineage                         Display all dependent resources or resource dep...  no
linstor                         View and manage LINSTOR storage resources           no
log2rbac                        Fine-tune your RBAC using log2rbac operator         no
minio                           Deploy and manage MinIO Operator and Tenant(s)      no
moco                            Interact with MySQL operator MOCO.                  no
modify-secret                   modify secret with implicit base64 translations     no
mtail                           Tail logs from multiple pods matching label sel...  no
multiforward                    Port Forward to multiple Kubernetes Services        no
neat                            Remove clutter from Kubernetes manifests to mak...  no
net-forward                     Proxy to arbitrary TCP services on a cluster ne...  no
node-admin                      List nodes and run privileged pod with chroot       no
node-restart                    Restart cluster nodes sequentially and gracefully   no
node-shell                      Spawn a root shell on a node via kubectl            no
ns                              Switch between Kubernetes namespaces                no
nsenter                         Run shell command in Pod's namespace on the nod...  no
oidc-login                      Log in to the OpenID Connect provider               no
open-svc                        Open the Kubernetes URL(s) for the specified se...  no
openebs                         View and debug OpenEBS storage resources            no
operator                        Manage operators with Operator Lifecycle Manager    no
oulogin                         Login to a cluster via OpenUnison                   no
outdated                        Finds outdated container images running in a cl...  no
pexec                           Execute process with privileges in a pod            no
pod-inspect                     Get all of a pod's details at a glance              no
pod-lens                        Show pod-related resources                          no
pod-logs                        Display a list of pods to get logs from             no
pod-shell                       Display a list of pods to execute a shell in        no
preflight                       Executes application preflight tests in a cluster   no
print-env                       Build config files from k8s environments.           no
promdump                        Dumps the head and persistent blocks of Prometh...  no
prompt                          Prompts for user confirmation when executing co...  no
prune-unused                    Prune unused resources                              no
pv-migrate                      Migrate data across persistent volumes              no
rabbitmq                        Manage RabbitMQ clusters                            no
rbac-tool                       Plugin to analyze RBAC permissions and generate...  no
relay                           Drop-in "port-forward" replacement with UDP and...  no
rename-pvc                      Rename a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)                no
resource-capacity               Provides an overview of resource requests, limi...  no
resource-versions               Print supported API resource versions               no
restart                         Restarts a pod with the given name                  no
rm-standalone-pods              Remove all pods without owner references            no
roll                            Rolling restart of all persistent pods in a nam...  no
rook-ceph                       Rook plugin for Ceph management                     no
safe                            Prompts before running edit commands                no
schemahero                      Declarative database schema migrations via YAML     no
score                           Kubernetes static code analysis.                    no
secretdata                      Viewing decoded Secret data with search flags       no
shovel                          Gather diagnostics for .NET Core applications       no
sick-pods                       Find and debug Pods that are "Not Ready"            no
slice                           Split a multi-YAML file into individual files.      no
snap                            Delete half of the pods in a namespace or cluster   no
sniff                           Start a remote packet capture on pods using tcp...  no
socks5-proxy                    SOCKS5 proxy to Services or Pods in the cluster     no
sort-manifests                  Sort manifest files in a proper order by Kind       no
spy                             pod debugging tool for kubernetes clusters with...  no
ssh-jump                        Access nodes or services using SSH jump Pod         no
sshd                            Run SSH server in a Pod                             no
starboard                       Toolkit for finding risks in kubernetes resources   no
stern                           Multi pod and container log tailing                 no
sudo                            Run Kubernetes commands impersonated as group s...  no
support-bundle                  Creates support bundles for off-cluster analysis    no
tmux-exec                       An exec multiplexer using Tmux                      no
tree                            Show a tree of object hierarchies through owner...  no
view-allocations                List allocations per resources, nodes, pods.        no
view-secret                     Decode Kubernetes secrets                           no
view-serviceaccount-kubeconfig  Show a kubeconfig setting to access the apiserv...  no
view-utilization                Shows cluster cpu and memory utilization            no
vpa-recommendation              Compare VPA recommendations to actual resources...  no
who-can                         Shows who has RBAC permissions to access Kubern...  no
whoami                          Show the subject that's currently authenticated...  no

deprecations Checks for deprecated objects in a cluster


get-all Like kubectl get all but really everything


blame Show who edited resource fields.

ネーミングセンス😂 でも地味にトラブルシュートで使えそう。

who-can Shows who has RBAC permissions to access Kubernetes

これ地味に便利。例えば kubectl who-can '*' -n kube-system pod とするとkube-system配下のpodに対してadmin権限を持ってる者たちを全て列挙してくれる。


他のやつを見てみたけど kubectl aliasを多用しているのとcontext変更はkubeconfigを分けて自作で行なっているので他のプラグインは正直微妙でした...。Goでプラグインを作れるので何か同じ作業をする必要があるものをプラグイン化しても良さそうですね!
