
3/23に廃止されるAlexa スキルビルダー – 専門知識 (AXS-C01)のデジタルトレーニング


2021 年 3 月 23 日付けで、AWS 認定 Alexa スキルビルダー – 専門知識 (AXS-C01)、および関連する模擬試験 (AXS-P01) が廃止される。
近日公開の AWS 認定>廃止される試験

この記事では、AWS トレーニングライブラリ でalexaで検索できる8個のEラーニング、コースを記録としてまとめた。

Amazon Machine LearningおよびAWS Lambdaを使ってAlexaのスキルを構築する

ブートキャンプ「Amazon Machine LearningおよびAWS Lambdaを使ってAlexaのスキルを構築する」では、AlexaのスキルとそれをサポートするAWS Lambda関数の構築に関するエッセンスについて概説し、最後にAmazon Machine Learningを使ってスキルを拡張する方法について説明します。Alexa、機械学習、およびPythonについて基本的な理解がある客様は、この中級レベルの半日のブートキャンプに参加して、新しいツールを開発する方法を学び、自社の顧客対応を向上させることができます。

『最後にAmazon Machine Learningを使ってスキルを拡張する方法』ってどんな内容だったんでしょうか。気になりました。

Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Exam validates an examinee’s knowledge about building, testing, publishing, and certifying Amazon Alexa skills. This course will help prepare the student to take the exam and will cover such topics predesigning, building, troubleshooting and publishing an Alexa skill using complementary AWS services. Individuals with hands-on experiencing building an Alexa skill should take this course to learn how to prepare for, and succeed, in the exam.



This course will be retired on 3/23/2021 and will no longer be accessible. If you would like to complete the course, please do so before that date.

Eラーニング 5分
Introduction to Skill Concepts

This is a short interactive course to learn about different components of an utterance. In this interactive course, there are examples of how one might interact with Alexa to invoke a skill. You will learn about which part of your spoken sentence becomes the intent, slot, wake word, and invocation name.


Eラーニング 5分
The Pollexy Project

This is an introduction to the Pollexy Project, the service combining Alexa, Polly and Lex. The Pollexy Project is a Raspberry Pi and mobile-based special needs verbal assistant that lets caretakers schedule audio task prompts and messages both on a recurring schedule and/or on-demand. In this video, we introduce you to the project and showcase a specific use for the project: assisting children with autism.

Alexa、Polly、Lexを組み合わせたサービスであるRaspberry Piとモバイルベースの特別支援言語アシスタントによって、自閉症の子供たちを支援する方法が紹介されています。



Eラーニング 30分
Getting in the Voice Mindset

This is an introductory course geared towards anyone who wants a quick introduction to voice-enabled experiences. You will learn why voice-enabled experiences are the ubiquitous expectation these days and how voice-enabled experiences add value to a business. You will learn whether a voice-enabled experience is the right choice for your business and how to choose projects for voice. The course will also give you information about how Alexa works, the different machine learning technologies that power Alexa and how Alexa integrates with Amazon Web Services to build an end-to-end enterprise voice solution. Finally, you will learn about the different Alexa tools available to begin your journey into voice development. Specifically, you will learn about the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK), Alexa Voice Service (AVS) and Alexa for business.


As an input mechanism, voice is always beneficial. But sometimes voice as an output mechanism doesn’t make sense. In such cases, consider designing the skill with multiple modalities by combining voice and visual display.


Eラーニング 90分
Designing for Conversation

In this course, you will learn about the design methods we recommend you use to develop engaging conversational voice user interfaces (VUI). You will follow the process, the Alexa Everywhere team used to design “The Foodie” skill for Alexa, imagining and analyzing user interactions through a series of exercises aimed at exposing and designing around the nuances of human conversation.
The course is divided into two sections. In the first section, Design, we'll walk you through the design process from start to finish, exposing design challenges. In the second section, Build, you'll take a quick look at the features and code patterns that address each challenge.



Build An Alexa Meal Recommendation Skill

Alexaでおすすめの食事を提案するスキルの開発 (Japanese)



Eラーニング 2時間
Alexa for Developers

The Alexa for Developers digital course describes the usage of Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) to build, test, publish and certify Amazon Alexa skills. The course explains the core skill and ASK SDK concepts and covers its integration with other AWS services. Course also discusses the design concepts and how designing a Voice User Interface (VUI) is different from designing web or mobile apps.

Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) の使用方法

Cake walkというスキルを作成する手順を順をおって解説している。

似たような内容だとCake Timeスキルの作り方を紹介している、魅力的なスキルを開発するがあります。

Eラーニング 3時間
Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Exam validates an examinee’s knowledge about building, testing, publishing, and certifying Amazon Alexa skills. This course will help prepare the student to take the exam and will cover such topics predesigning, building, troubleshooting and publishing an Alexa skill using complementary AWS services. Individuals with hands-on experiencing building an Alexa skill should take this course to learn how to prepare for, and succeed, in the exam.



Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder - Specialty (Japanese)

AWS 認定 Alexa スキル開発者専門知識試験では、Amazon Alexa スキルの構築、テスト、公開、認定に関する受験者の技術的な知識を検証します。このコースでは、受講生の試験準備に役立ち、補足的な AWS サービスを使用した Alexa スキルの事前設計、構築、トラブルシューティング、公開といったトピックを取り上げます。Alexa スキルの構築を実際に経験している方は、このコースを受講して、試験の準備と成功の方法について学習してくだ



・丸形のEcho Spot特有の制限事項がある。

セッション: ライトリングが青色に点灯し、消灯するまでに行われていること



