

Alice RoseAlice Rose


Alice RoseAlice Rose


sudo su - sharkey


git checkout stable
Already on 'stable'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/stable'.
Alice RoseAlice Rose
git pull --recurse-submodules
remote: Enumerating objects: 1909, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1773/1773), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (411/411), done.
remote: Total 1909 (delta 1371), reused 1744 (delta 1357), pack-reused 136
Receiving objects: 100% (1909/1909), 1.88 MiB | 1.69 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1418/1418), completed with 167 local objects.
From https://activitypub.software/TransFem-org/Sharkey
   571272a56..3d6eb18e2  stable                                           -> origin/stable
   bb7b4a8ea..95ec40d3c  develop                                          -> origin/develop
 * [new branch]          feat/lemmy-federation                            -> origin/feat/lemmy-federation
 * [new branch]          feature/490-fix-emoji-pagination                 -> origin/feature/490-fix-emoji-pagination
 * [new branch]          feature/497-fix-italian-locale-account-migration -> origin/feature/497-fix-italian-locale-account-migration
   7730472c7..a058c855f  feature/favcon-notification-dot                  -> origin/feature/favcon-notification-dot
 * [new branch]          feature/more-ci-testing                          -> origin/feature/more-ci-testing
 * [new branch]          feature/select-note-style-in-setup               -> origin/feature/select-note-style-in-setup
 * [new branch]          fix/remove-duplicate-worker                      -> origin/fix/remove-duplicate-worker
   7374218a3..4ebff431c  future-2024-03-23                                -> origin/future-2024-03-23
 * [new branch]          future-2024-03-23-post                           -> origin/future-2024-03-23-post
 * [new branch]          future-2024-04-10                                -> origin/future-2024-04-10
 * [new branch]          future-2024-04-10-post                           -> origin/future-2024-04-10-post
 * [new branch]          future-2024-04-25                                -> origin/future-2024-04-25
 * [new branch]          future-2024-04-25-post                           -> origin/future-2024-04-25-post
 * [new branch]          future-2024-05-11                                -> origin/future-2024-05-11
 * [new tag]             2024.3.3                                         -> 2024.3.3
Fetching submodule fluent-emojis
Fetching submodule misskey-assets
Fetching submodule tossface-emojis
Updating 571272a56..3d6eb18e2
 .gitlab-ci.yml                                                               |   2 +-
 locales/ca-ES.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 locales/en-US.yml                                                            |   4 ++--
 locales/es-ES.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 locales/fr-FR.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 locales/index.d.ts                                                           |   8 ++++----
 locales/it-IT.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 locales/ja-JP.yml                                                            |   4 ++--
 locales/ja-KS.yml                                                            |   4 ++--
 locales/ko-KR.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 locales/pl-PL.yml                                                            |   3 +--
 locales/th-TH.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 locales/zh-CN.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 locales/zh-TW.yml                                                            |   5 ++---
 package.json                                                                 |   2 +-
 packages/backend/package.json                                                |   4 ++--
 packages/backend/src/core/NoteEditService.ts                                 |   7 ++++++-
 packages/backend/src/core/ReactionService.ts                                 |   4 ++--
 packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/ApRendererService.ts                   |  47 ++++-------------------------------------------
 packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/LdSignatureService.ts                  |  12 +++++++++++-
 packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/misc/contexts.ts                       |  46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 packages/backend/src/core/chart/charts/users.ts                              |   7 +++++--
 packages/backend/src/queue/processors/CleanRemoteFilesProcessorService.ts    |  28 +++++++++++++++++++---------
 packages/backend/src/queue/processors/ExportCustomEmojisProcessorService.ts  |   2 +-
 packages/backend/src/queue/processors/ImportCustomEmojisProcessorService.ts  |  13 +++++++------
 packages/backend/src/queue/processors/InboxProcessorService.ts               |  14 +++++++++++++-
 packages/backend/src/server/FileServerService.ts                             |   6 +++++-
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/add-aliases-bulk.ts    |   2 +-
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/add.ts                 |  11 ++++++-----
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/copy.ts                |   9 +++++----
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/list-remote.ts         |   2 +-
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/list.ts                |  11 ++++++-----
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/remove-aliases-bulk.ts |   2 +-
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/set-aliases-bulk.ts    |   2 +-
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/set-category-bulk.ts   |   2 +-
 packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/admin/emoji/update.ts              |  17 +++++++++--------
 packages/backend/src/server/api/mastodon/converters.ts                       |   7 ++++---
 packages/backend/src/server/web/views/base.pug                               |   2 --
 packages/backend/src/server/web/views/note.pug                               |   4 ++--
 packages/frontend/assets/libopenmpt.js                                       |   1 -
 packages/frontend/package.json                                               |   4 ++--
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkAutocomplete.vue                          |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkEmojiPicker.vue                           |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkFileListForAdmin.vue                      |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkNotes.vue                                 |   2 --
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkPageWindow.vue                            |   3 ++-
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkPagination.vue                            |  18 +++++++++---------
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkSignupDialog.rules.vue                    |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkTutorialDialog.Note.vue                   |  15 +++++++++++++--
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkUserList.vue                              |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/components/MkVisitorDashboard.vue                      |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/components/global/MkCustomEmoji.vue                    |   1 +
 packages/frontend/src/components/global/MkEmoji.vue                          |   5 +++--
 packages/frontend/src/pages/about.federation.vue                             |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/about.vue                                        |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/admin/abuses.vue                                 |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/admin/approvals.vue                              |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/admin/federation.vue                             |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/admin/invites.vue                                |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/admin/modlog.vue                                 |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/admin/roles.role.vue                             |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/admin/users.vue                                  |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/custom-emojis-manager.vue                        |   6 ++++--
 packages/frontend/src/pages/emoji-edit-dialog.vue                            |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/favorites.vue                                    |   9 ++++++++-
 packages/frontend/src/pages/settings/notifications.notification-config.vue   |  10 +++++-----
 packages/frontend/src/pages/settings/preferences-backups.vue                 |   9 +++++++++
 packages/frontend/src/pages/user/index.vue                                   |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/autocomplete.ts                                |   4 ++--
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/check-word-mute.ts                             |  28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/chiptune2.ts                                   |  47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/libopenmpt/LICENSE                             |  25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/libopenmpt/libopenmpt.js                       |   8 ++++++++
 packages/frontend/{assets => src/scripts/libopenmpt}/libopenmpt.wasm         | Bin
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/libopenmpt/readme.md                           |  23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/nyaize.ts                                      |   8 ++++----
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/sanitize-html.ts                               |  18 ++++++++++++++++++
 packages/frontend/vite.config.ts                                             |   2 +-
 packages/megalodon/src/entities/status.ts                                    |   3 ++-
 packages/megalodon/src/friendica/api_client.ts                               |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/src/friendica/entities/status.ts                          |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/src/mastodon/api_client.ts                                |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/src/mastodon/entities/status.ts                           |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/src/misskey/api_client.ts                                 |   3 ++-
 packages/megalodon/src/misskey/entities/note.ts                              |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/src/pleroma/api_client.ts                                 |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/src/pleroma/entities/status.ts                            |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/test/integration/mastodon/api_client.spec.ts              |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/test/unit/parser.spec.ts                                  |   1 +
 packages/megalodon/test/unit/webo_socket.spec.ts                             |   1 +
 pnpm-lock.yaml                                                               |  22 ++++++++++++++--------
 91 files changed, 432 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 packages/frontend/assets/libopenmpt.js
 create mode 100644 packages/frontend/src/scripts/libopenmpt/LICENSE
 create mode 100644 packages/frontend/src/scripts/libopenmpt/libopenmpt.js
 rename packages/frontend/{assets => src/scripts/libopenmpt}/libopenmpt.wasm (100%)
 create mode 100644 packages/frontend/src/scripts/libopenmpt/readme.md
 create mode 100644 packages/frontend/src/scripts/sanitize-html.ts
Alice RoseAlice Rose


pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
Scope: all 9 workspace projects
Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
Packages: +2 -1

   │                                                                 │
   │                Update available! 8.15.4 → 9.1.1.                │
   │   Changelog: https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/releases/tag/v9.1.1   │
   │     Run "corepack prepare pnpm@9.1.1 --activate" to update.     │
   │                                                                 │
   │     Follow @pnpmjs for updates: https://twitter.com/pnpmjs      │
   │                                                                 │

Progress: resolved 2, reused 0, downloaded 2, added 2, done
 WARN  Failed to create bin at /home/sharkey/Sharkey/node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/.bin/aiscript-languageserver. ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/sharkey/Sharkey/node_modules/.pnpm/node_modules/@aiscript-dev/aiscript-languageserver/.dist/cli/index.js'
Done in 11.9s
Alice RoseAlice Rose


pnpm run build

> sharkey@2024.3.3 build /home/sharkey/Sharkey
> pnpm build-pre && pnpm -r build && pnpm build-assets

> sharkey@2024.3.3 build-pre /home/sharkey/Sharkey
> node ./scripts/build-pre.js

Scope: 8 of 9 workspace projects
packages/misskey-js build$ npm run ts
[1 lines collapsed]> npm run ts-esm && npm run ts-dts
│ > misskey-js@2024.3.1 ts-esm
│ > tsc --outDir built/esm
│ > misskey-js@2024.3.1 ts-dts
│ > tsc --outDir built/dts --declaration true --emitDeclarationOnly true --declarationMap truenpm notice
│ npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.2.3 -> 10.8.0
│ npm notice Changelog: <https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v10.8.0>npm notice Run `npm install -g npm@10.8.0` to update!npm notice
└─ Done in 32.4s
packages/megalodon build$ tsc -p ./
└─ Done in 23s
packages/misskey-bubble-game build$ node ./build.js
└─ Done in 468ms
packages/misskey-reversi build$ node ./build.js
└─ Done in 359ms
packages/backend build$ swc src -d built -D
│ Successfully compiled: 835 files, copied 27 files with swc (733.98ms)
└─ Done in 2s
packages/frontend build$ vite build
[898 lines collapsed]../../built/_vite_/Cnp9sL03.js                  169.59 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/CsyrCbsw.js                  170.83 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/DC8MraHL.js                  174.98 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/B9E_xdxs.js                  177.39 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/DpzTvfyb.js                  261.10 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/BICIrM8O.js                  264.33 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/D3tF8Q7m.js                  301.56 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/app-pLOioQjh.js              466.82 kB
│ ../../built/_vite_/BOnd8D4O.js                  628.28 kB
│ ✓ built in 1m 30s
└─ Done in 1m 32.6s
packages/sw build$ node build.js
│ (node:1939674) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
│ Starting SW building...
│ done
└─ Done in 1.8s

> sharkey@2024.3.3 build-assets /home/sharkey/Sharkey
> node ./scripts/build-assets.mjs

(node:1940900) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Alice RoseAlice Rose


pnpm run migrate

> sharkey@2024.3.3 migrate /home/sharkey/Sharkey
> cd packages/backend && pnpm migrate

> backend@ migrate /home/sharkey/Sharkey/packages/backend
> pnpm typeorm migration:run -d ormconfig.js

query: SELECT * FROM current_schema()
query: SELECT version();
query: SELECT * FROM "information_schema"."tables" WHERE "table_schema" = 'public' AND "table_name" = 'migrations'
query: SELECT * FROM "migrations" "migrations" ORDER BY "id" DESC
No migrations are pending


Alice RoseAlice Rose


sudo systemctl restart sharkey


sudo systemctl status sharkey
● sharkey.service - Sharkey daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/sharkey.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-05-18 08:59:17 JST; 9min ago
   Main PID: 1942893 (node)
      Tasks: 46 (limit: 9198)
     Memory: 496.6M
        CPU: 1min 28.740s
     CGroup: /system.slice/sharkey.service
             ├─1942893 node /usr/local/bin/pnpm start
             ├─1942954 sh -c "pnpm check:connect && cd packages/backend && node ./built/boot/entry.js"
             ├─1943005 "Misskey (master)" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
             └─1943301 "Misskey (worker)" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "">

May 18 08:59:50 **** sharkey[1943005]: DONE *        [core boot]        All workers started
May 18 08:59:50 **** sharkey[1943005]: DONE *        [core boot]        Now listening on port 3000 on https://a19n.seeds-9.com
May 18 09:00:00 **** sharkey[1943301]: INFO 1        [queue check-expired-mutings]        Checking expired mutings...
May 18 09:00:00 **** sharkey[1943301]: DONE 1        [queue check-expired-mutings]        All expired mutings checked.
May 18 09:01:38 **** sharkey[1943005]: INFO *        [url-preview]        Getting preview of https://zenn.dev/alice37/scraps/c8c49dd8bb226c@ja-JP ...
May 18 09:01:39 **** sharkey[1943005]: DONE *        [url-preview]        Got preview of https://zenn.dev/alice37/scraps/c8c49dd8bb226c: Ubuntu ServerにSharkeyをインストールする
May 18 09:01:39 **** sharkey[1943005]: INFO *        [download]        Downloading https://static.zenn.studio/images/logo-transparent.png to /tmp/tmp-1943005-HDLhjnf8PGpw ...
May 18 09:01:39 **** sharkey[1943005]: DONE *        [download]        Download finished: https://static.zenn.studio/images/logo-transparent.png
May 18 09:05:00 **** sharkey[1943301]: INFO 1        [queue check-expired-mutings]        Checking expired mutings...
May 18 09:05:00 **** sharkey[1943301]: DONE 1        [queue check-expired-mutings]        All expired mutings checked.
Alice RoseAlice Rose

uptime kuma君からサイトダウンしてっぞカスって怒られた
