ISC DHCPサーバーは/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
root@dhcp:~# head -20 /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
# The format of this file is documented in the dhcpd.leases(5) manual page.
# This lease file was written by isc-dhcp-4.4.1
# authoring-byte-order entry is generated, DO NOT DELETE
authoring-byte-order little-endian;
lease {
starts 5 2023/02/24 21:05:03;
ends 5 2023/02/24 23:05:03;
tstp 5 2023/02/24 23:05:03;
cltt 5 2023/02/24 21:05:03;
binding state free;
hardware ethernet 66:ef:dc:xx:xx:xx;
uid "\001f\357\334h\xxx\xxx";
set ClientIP = "";
lease {
starts 5 2023/02/24 23:45:01;
ends 6 2023/02/25 01:45:01;
tstp 6 2023/02/25 01:45:01;
Ubuntu 20.04のisc-dhcp-serverパッケージにはリース状態一覧を表示してくれる便利なdhcp-lease-list
root@dhcp:~# dpkg -S /usr/sbin/dhcp-lease-list
isc-dhcp-server: /usr/sbin/dhcp-lease-list
root@dhcp:~# apt-cache show isc-dhcp-server |head -3
Package: isc-dhcp-server
Architecture: amd64
Version: 4.4.1-2.1ubuntu5.20.04.5
root@dhcp:~# dhcp-lease-list --help
Prints active DHCP leases.
Usage: /usr/sbin/dhcp-lease-list [options]
--help shows this help
--parsable machine readable output with full dates
--last prints the last (even if end<now) entry for every MAC
--all prints all entries i.e. more than one per MAC
--lease uses the next argument as the name of the lease file
the default is to try /var/db/dhcpd.leases then
/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases then
root@dhcp:~# dhcp-lease-list |head -5
To get manufacturer names please download http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/oui.txt to /usr/local/etc/oui.txt
Reading leases from /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
MAC IP hostname valid until manufacturer
00:22:4d:xx:xx:xx host_abc 2023-05-12 22:29:00 -NA-
64:27:37:xx:xx:xx BRW64273XXXXXX 2023-05-12 22:27:32 -NA-