



TLS1.3の仕様は、「RFC8446 - The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3」で規定されています。「RFC8448 - Example Handshake Traces for TLS 1.3」には、鍵共有やパケットの暗号化など、ハンドシェイクの例が示されています。本記事では、RFC8448の「3. Simple 1-RTT Handshake」の内容を順番に追っていきます。


本記事のコード(Jupyter Notebook)を公開してみました。Google Colaboratoryで実行できます。ただし、サイドチャネル攻撃等に対するセキュリティは考慮していません。ご了承ください。


プロトコルの概要は、RFC8446 Figure 1に記載されています。






  • 鍵共有: ECDH X25519
    楕円曲線ディフィー・ヘルマン鍵共有(RFC8446 ECDH)は、共通鍵の素を共有するために使用します。
    ECDH with Curve 25519 using Pythonも参考にしました。

  • ハッシュ関数: SHA-256

  • メッセージ認証コード: HMAC
    Hash-based Message Authentication Code。ハッシュベースのメッセージ認証コード。ざっくりいうと鍵付きハッシュ。

  • 共通鍵暗号: AES

  • 暗号利用モード: GCM
    AESなどと併用することで認証付き暗号として使えます。AEAD(Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data)とも呼ばれて、暗号文とおまけデータをまとめて認証ができます。

鍵スケジュール(Key Schedule)とHKDF

Secretの導出の概要は、RFC8446 93ページあたりをご覧ください。


HKDFについては、Cryptographic Extraction and Key Derivation: The HKDF Schemeに詳しい話がありそうです。(読んでません)


import hmac
import hashlib

# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5869
def HKDF_Extract(salt, IKM, hashtype):
    if hashtype == "sha256":
        PRK = hmac.new(salt, IKM, hashlib.sha256)
    elif hashtype == "sha384":
        PRK = hmac.new(salt, IKM, hashlib.sha384)
    return PRK.digest()

def HKDF_Expand(PRK, info, L, hashtype):
    T = b''
    T_i = b''
    cnt = 0
    if hashtype == "sha256":
        while len(T) < L:
            cnt += 1
            h = hmac.new(PRK, T_i + info + cnt.to_bytes(1,'big'), hashlib.sha256)
            T_i = h.digest()
            T += T_i
    elif hashtype == "sha384":
        while len(T) < L:
            cnt += 1
            h = hmac.new(PRK, T_i + info + cnt.to_bytes(1,'big'), hashlib.sha384)
            T_i = h.digest()
            T += T_i
    OKM = T[:L]
    return OKM

# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8446#section-7
def HKDF_Expand_Label(Secret, Label, Context, Length, hashtype):
    Label = b"tls13 " + Label
    HkdfLabel = Length.to_bytes(2,'big') + len(Label).to_bytes(1,'big') + Label + \
                len(Context).to_bytes(1,'big') + Context
    return HKDF_Expand(Secret, HkdfLabel, Length, hashtype)

def Derive_Secret(Secret, Label, Messages, hashtype):
    if hashtype == "sha256":
        Hash_length = 32
    elif hashtype == "sha384":
        Hash_length = 48
    return HKDF_Expand_Label(Secret, Label, Transcript_Hash(Messages, hashtype), Hash_length, hashtype)

# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8446#section-4.4.1
def Transcript_Hash(Messages, hashtype):
    if type(Messages) is list:
        Messages = b''.join(Messages)
    if hashtype == "sha256":
        h = hashlib.sha256(Messages).digest()        
    elif hashtype == "sha384":
        h = hashlib.sha384(Messages).digest()
    return h



  • ECDH用秘密鍵
  • ECDH用公開鍵
  • HMAC生成用共通鍵
  • HMAC検証用共通鍵
  • ハンドシェイク暗号化用共通鍵
  • ハンドシェイク復号用共通鍵
  • アプリケーションデータ暗号化用共通鍵
  • アプリケーションデータ復号用共通鍵


HMACに使う共通鍵については4.4.4. Finishedに記載されています。
それ以外の共通鍵は7.3. Traffic Key Calculation

RFC8448 - 3. Simple 1-RTT Handshake

RFC8448、3. Simple 1-RTT Handshakeの内容を順番に追っていきます。本記事に記載していない部分もありますので、RFCと見比べながら読むのがわかりやすいと思います。


from binascii import a2b_hex, b2a_hex
import hashlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import cryptography # Scapyに必要っぽい
from scapy.layers.tls.handshake import *
from scapy.layers.tls.record_tls13 import *
from eccsnacks import curve25519
from myhkdf import *

# ECDHで使う関数
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7748
# https://asecuritysite.com/encryption/python_25519ecdh
def decodeLittleEndian(b):
    return sum([b[i] << 8*i for i in range(32)])

def decodeScalar25519(k):
    k_list = [(b) for b in k]
    k_list[0] &= 248
    k_list[31] &= 127
    k_list[31] |= 64
    return decodeLittleEndian(k_list)


{client} create an ephemeral x25519 key pair:


# {client}  create an ephemeral x25519 key pair:
client_private_key = '''49 af 42 ba 7f 79 94 85 2d 71 3e f2 78
         4b cb ca a7 91 1d e2 6a dc 56 42 cb 63 45 40 e7 ea 50 05'''
client_private_key = a2b_hex(client_private_key.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

a = curve25519.clamp(decodeScalar25519(client_private_key))
A = curve25519.X25519(a, 9)
client_public_key = A.to_bytes(32,'little') # エンディアンが逆
print("client_public_key:", b2a_hex(client_public_key))
# client_public_key: b'99381de560e4bd43d23d8e435a7dbafeb3c06e51c13cae4d5413691e529aaf2c'

{client} construct a ClientHello handshake message:


# {client}  construct a ClientHello handshake message:
ClientHello = '''01 00 00 c0 03 03 cb 34 ec b1 e7 81 63
         ba 1c 38 c6 da cb 19 6a 6d ff a2 1a 8d 99 12 ec 18 a2 ef 62 83
         02 4d ec e7 00 00 06 13 01 13 03 13 02 01 00 00 91 00 00 00 0b
         00 09 00 00 06 73 65 72 76 65 72 ff 01 00 01 00 00 0a 00 14 00
         12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 23
         00 00 00 33 00 26 00 24 00 1d 00 20 99 38 1d e5 60 e4 bd 43 d2
         3d 8e 43 5a 7d ba fe b3 c0 6e 51 c1 3c ae 4d 54 13 69 1e 52 9a
         af 2c 00 2b 00 03 02 03 04 00 0d 00 20 00 1e 04 03 05 03 06 03
         02 03 08 04 08 05 08 06 04 01 05 01 06 01 02 01 04 02 05 02 06
         02 02 02 00 2d 00 02 01 01 00 1c 00 02 40 01'''
ch = a2b_hex(ClientHello.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))
tls13ch = TLS13ClientHello(ch)
tls13ch.show() # 色々見られる
print("ciphers:", tls13ch.sprintf("%ciphers%"))
# ciphers: [TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384]

ch_keyshare = tls13ch.ext[4]
c_pub = ch_keyshare.client_shares[0].key_exchange
print("key_exchange:", b2a_hex(c_pub))
# key_exchange: b'99381de560e4bd43d23d8e435a7dbafeb3c06e51c13cae4d5413691e529aaf2c'

###[ TLS 1.3 Handshake - Client Hello ]###
msgtype = client_hello
msglen = 192
version = TLS 1.2
random_bytes= cb34ecb1e78163ba1c38c6dacb196a6dffa21a8d9912ec18a2ef6283024dece7
sidlen = 0
sid = ''
cipherslen= 6
ciphers = [TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384]
complen = 1
comp = null
extlen = 145
|###[ TLS Extension - Server Name ]###
| type = server_name
| len = 11
| servernameslen= 9
| servernames= [b'server']
|###[ TLS Extension - Renegotiation Indication ]###
| type = renegotiation_info
| len = 1
| reneg_conn_len= 0
| renegotiated_connection= ''
|###[ TLS Extension - Supported Groups ]###
| type = supported_groups
| len = 20
| groupslen = 18
| groups = [x25519, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1, ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192]
|###[ TLS Extension - Session Ticket ]###
| type = session_ticket
| len = 0
| ticket = ''
|###[ TLS Extension - Key Share (for ClientHello) ]###
| type = key_share
| len = 38
| client_shares_len= 36
| \client_shares
| |###[ Key Share Entry ]###
| | group = x25519
| | kxlen = 32
| | key_exchange= '\x998\x1d\xe5`\xe4\xbdC\xd2=\x8eCZ}\xba\xfe\xb3\xc0nQ\xc1<\xaeMT\x13i\x1eR\x9a\xaf,'
|###[ TLS Extension - Supported Versions (for ClientHello) ]###
| type = supported_versions
| len = 3
| versionslen= 2
| versions = [TLS 1.3]
|###[ TLS Extension - Signature Algorithms ]###
| type = signature_algorithms
| len = 32
| sig_algs_len= 30
| sig_algs = [sha256+ecdsa, sha384+ecdsa, sha512+ecdsa, sha1+ecdsa, sha256+rsaepss, sha384+rsaepss, sha512+rsaepss, sha256+rsa, sha384+rsa, sha512+rsa, sha1+rsa, sha256+dsa, sha384+dsa, sha512+dsa, sha1+dsa]
|###[ TLS Extension - PSK Key Exchange Modes ]###
| type = psk_key_exchange_modes
| len = 2
| kxmodeslen= 1
| kxmodes = [psk_dhe_ke]
|###[ TLS Extension - Record Size Limit ]###
| type = record_size_limit
| len = 2
| record_size_limit= 16385

{client} send handshake record:


# {client}  send handshake record:
ch_hs_rec_header = b'\x16' + b'\x03\x01' + len(ch).to_bytes(2,'big')
ch_hs_rec = hs_rec_header + ch
print("ClientHello record:", b2a_hex(ch_hs_rec))
# ClientHello record: b'16030100c4010000c00303cb34ecb1e78163ba1c38c6dacb196a6dffa21a8d9912ec18a2ef6283024dece7000006130113031302010000910000000b0009000006736572766572ff01000100000a00140012001d0017001800190100010101020103010400230000003300260024001d002099381de560e4bd43d23d8e435a7dbafeb3c06e51c13cae4d5413691e529aaf2c002b0003020304000d0020001e040305030603020308040805080604010501060102010402050206020202002d00020101001c00024001'
TLS(ch_hs_rec).show() # 出力は省略


{server} extract secret "early":

HKDF_Extract(HMAC)でEarly Secretを求めます。(Pre-Shared Keyがなければ)ここの入力は固定値なので出力も決まった値になります。

# {server}  extract secret "early":
salt = b'\x00'
IKM = b'\x00' * 32
early_secret = HKDF_Extract(salt, IKM, "sha256")
print("Early Secret:", b2a_hex(early_secret))
# Early Secret: b'33ad0a1c607ec03b09e6cd9893680ce210adf300aa1f2660e1b22e10f170f92a'

{server} create an ephemeral x25519 key pair:


# {server}  create an ephemeral x25519 key pair:
server_private_key = '''b1 58 0e ea df 6d d5 89 b8 ef 4f 2d 56
         52 57 8c c8 10 e9 98 01 91 ec 8d 05 83 08 ce a2 16 a2 1e'''
server_private_key = a2b_hex(server_private_key.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

b = curve25519.clamp(decodeScalar25519(server_private_key))
B = curve25519.X25519(b, 9)
server_public_key = B.to_bytes(32,'little')
print("server_public_key:", b2a_hex(server_public_key))
# server_public_key: b'c9828876112095fe66762bdbf7c672e156d6cc253b833df1dd69b1b04e751f0f'

{server} construct a ServerHello handshake message:


# {server}  construct a ServerHello handshake message:
ServerHello = '''02 00 00 56 03 03 a6 af 06 a4 12 18 60
         dc 5e 6e 60 24 9c d3 4c 95 93 0c 8a c5 cb 14 34 da c1 55 77 2e
         d3 e2 69 28 00 13 01 00 00 2e 00 33 00 24 00 1d 00 20 c9 82 88
         76 11 20 95 fe 66 76 2b db f7 c6 72 e1 56 d6 cc 25 3b 83 3d f1
         dd 69 b1 b0 4e 75 1f 0f 00 2b 00 02 03 04'''
sh = a2b_hex(ServerHello.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))
tls13sh = TLS13ServerHello(sh)
print("Cipher Suite:", tls13sh.sprintf("%cipher%"))
# Cipher Suite: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256

sh_keyshare = tls13sh.ext[0]
key_exchange = sh_keyshare.server_share.key_exchange
print("key_exchange:", b2a_hex(key_exchange))
# key_exchange: b'c9828876112095fe66762bdbf7c672e156d6cc253b833df1dd69b1b04e751f0f'

###[ TLS 1.3 Handshake - Server Hello ]###
msgtype = server_hello
msglen = 86
version = TLS 1.2
random_bytes= a6af06a4121860dc5e6e60249cd34c95930c8ac5cb1434dac155772ed3e26928
sidlen = 0
sid = ''
cipher = TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
comp = null
extlen = 46
|###[ TLS Extension - Key Share (for ServerHello) ]###
| type = key_share
| len = 36
| \server_share
| |###[ Key Share Entry ]###
| | group = x25519
| | kxlen = 32
| | key_exchange= '\xc9\x82\x88v\x11 \x95\xfefv+\xdb\xf7\xc6r\xe1V\xd6\xcc%;\x83=\xf1\xddi\xb1\xb0Nu\x1f\x0f'
|###[ TLS Extension - Supported Versions (for ServerHello) ]###
| type = supported_versions
| len = 2
| version = TLS 1.3

RFC5116の5.1. AEAD_AES_128_GCMに書いてあります。

# Cipher Suite: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5116#section-5.1
key_length = 16
iv_length = 12
tag_length = 16
hashtype = "sha256"
hash_length = 32

{server} derive secret for handshake "tls13 derived":

Derive-Secretを用いてHandshake Secretの素を生成します。(※ここで求めるのはsecret for handshakeであってhandshake secretではありません。)
段々ややこしくなってきますので、流れを確認しながら進めます。RFC8446 93ページの図の1回目のDerive-Secret(., "derived", "")です。ここの入力はEarly Secret、"derived"、空のバイト列の3つです。

PRKは、前に求めたEarly Secretの値です。

hashは、Derive-Secretの内部のTranscript-Hashの出力です。ここでは空バイトのハッシュ値に該当するものです(linuxのコマンドでいうと、$ echo -n "" | sha256sum)。この値は、HKDF-Expand-Labelに渡されます。

infoは、Label("tls13 derived")とハッシュ値とその他諸々とを結合したものです。詳細は関数HKDF_Expand_LabelのHkdfLabelを見ていただければと思います。

expandedはDerive-Secretの出力で、ここではHandshake Secretの素が得られます。

# {server}  derive secret for handshake "tls13 derived":
secret_for_hs = Derive_Secret(early_secret, b"derived", b"", hashtype)
# secret_for_hs: b'6f2615a108c702c5678f54fc9dbab69716c076189c48250cebeac3576c3611ba'



bA = curve25519.X25519(b,A)
ecdh_shared_secret = bA.to_bytes(32,'little')
print("ecdh_shared_secret:", b2a_hex(ecdh_shared_secret))
# ecdh_shared_secret: b'8bd4054fb55b9d63fdfbacf9f04b9f0d35e6d63f537563efd46272900f89492d'

{server} extract secret "handshake":

ECDHで生成したsecretをもとにHandshake Secretを得ます。

# {server}  extract secret "handshake":
handshake_secret = HKDF_Extract(secret_for_hs, ecdh_shared_secret, hashtype)
print("handshake_secret", b2a_hex(handshake_secret))
# handshake_secret b'1dc826e93606aa6fdc0aadc12f741b01046aa6b99f691ed221a9f0ca043fbeac'

{server} derive secret "tls13 c hs traffic":



# {server}  derive secret "tls13 c hs traffic":
c_hs_traffic = Derive_Secret(handshake_secret, b"c hs traffic", [ch, sh], hashtype)
# client_handshake_traffic_secret: b'b3eddb126e067f35a780b3abf45e2d8f3b1a950738f52e9600746a0e27a55a21'

{server} derive secret "tls13 s hs traffic":


# {server}  derive secret "tls13 s hs traffic":
s_hs_traffic = Derive_Secret(handshake_secret, b"s hs traffic", [ch, sh], hashtype)
# server_handshake_traffic_secret: b'b67b7d690cc16c4e75e54213cb2d37b4e9c912bcded9105d42befd59d391ad38'

{server} derive secret for master "tls13 derived":

Master Secretの素を導出します。

# {server}  derive secret for master "tls13 derived":
secret_for_master = Derive_Secret(handshake_secret, b"derived", b"", hashtype)
print("secret_for_master:", b2a_hex(secret_for_master))
# secret_for_master: b'43de77e0c77713859a944db9db2590b53190a65b3ee2e4f12dd7a0bb7ce254b4'

{server} extract secret "master":

Master Secretを導出します。
RFC8446 93ページの図の真ん中あたりまできました。

# {server}  extract secret "master":
IKM = b'\x00' * 32
master_secret = HKDF_Extract(secret_for_master, IKM, hashtype)
print("master_secret:", b2a_hex(master_secret))
# master_secret: b'18df06843d13a08bf2a449844c5f8a478001bc4d4c627984d5a41da8d0402919'

{server} send handshake record:

complete recordは、payloadにRecord Layerのヘッダが付与されたものです。

Record Layerの構造はここここに記載されています。


# {server}  send handshake record:
s_hs_rec_header = b'\x16' + b'\x03\x03' + len(sh).to_bytes(2,'big')
s_hs_record = s_hs_rec_header + sh
# 出力は省略

{server} derive write traffic keys for handshake data:

参考: 7.3. Traffic Key Calculation

# {server}  derive write traffic keys for handshake data:
s_write_key_hs = HKDF_Expand_Label(s_hs_traffic, b"key", b"", key_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic keys for handshake:", b2a_hex(s_write_key_hs))
# write traffic keys for handshake: b'3fce516009c21727d0f2e4e86ee403bc'

s_write_iv_hs = HKDF_Expand_Label(s_hs_traffic, b"iv", b"", iv_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic iv for handshake:", b2a_hex(s_write_iv_hs))
# write traffic iv for handshake: b'5d313eb2671276ee13000b30'

{server} construct an EncryptedExtensions handshake message:

参考: 4.3.1. Encrypted Extensions

# {server}  construct an EncryptedExtensions handshake message:
EncryptedExtensions = '''08 00 00 24 00 22 00 0a 00 14 00
         12 00 1d 00 17 00 18 00 19 01 00 01 01 01 02 01 03 01 04 00 1c
         00 02 40 01 00 00 00 00'''
enc_ext = a2b_hex(EncryptedExtensions.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

###[ TLS 1.3 Handshake - Encrypted Extensions ]###
msgtype = encrypted_extensions
msglen = 36
extlen = 34
|###[ TLS Extension - Supported Groups ]###
| type = supported_groups
| len = 20
| groupslen = 18
| groups = [x25519, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1, ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192]
|###[ TLS Extension - Record Size Limit ]###
| type = record_size_limit
| len = 2
| record_size_limit= 16385
|###[ TLS Extension - Server Name ]###
| type = server_name
| len = 0
| servernameslen= None
| servernames= [b'']

{server} construct a Certificate handshake message:

参考: 4.4.2. Certificate

# {server}  construct a Certificate handshake message:
Certificate = '''0b 00 01 b9 00 00 01 b5 00 01 b0 30 82
         01 ac 30 82 01 15 a0 03 02 01 02 02 01 02 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48
         86 f7 0d 01 01 0b 05 00 30 0e 31 0c 30 0a 06 03 55 04 03 13 03
         72 73 61 30 1e 17 0d 31 36 30 37 33 30 30 31 32 33 35 39 5a 17
         0d 32 36 30 37 33 30 30 31 32 33 35 39 5a 30 0e 31 0c 30 0a 06
         03 55 04 03 13 03 72 73 61 30 81 9f 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7
         0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 81 8d 00 30 81 89 02 81 81 00 b4 bb 49 8f
         82 79 30 3d 98 08 36 39 9b 36 c6 98 8c 0c 68 de 55 e1 bd b8 26
         d3 90 1a 24 61 ea fd 2d e4 9a 91 d0 15 ab bc 9a 95 13 7a ce 6c
         1a f1 9e aa 6a f9 8c 7c ed 43 12 09 98 e1 87 a8 0e e0 cc b0 52
         4b 1b 01 8c 3e 0b 63 26 4d 44 9a 6d 38 e2 2a 5f da 43 08 46 74
         80 30 53 0e f0 46 1c 8c a9 d9 ef bf ae 8e a6 d1 d0 3e 2b d1 93
         ef f0 ab 9a 80 02 c4 74 28 a6 d3 5a 8d 88 d7 9f 7f 1e 3f 02 03
         01 00 01 a3 1a 30 18 30 09 06 03 55 1d 13 04 02 30 00 30 0b 06
         03 55 1d 0f 04 04 03 02 05 a0 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01
         01 0b 05 00 03 81 81 00 85 aa d2 a0 e5 b9 27 6b 90 8c 65 f7 3a
         72 67 17 06 18 a5 4c 5f 8a 7b 33 7d 2d f7 a5 94 36 54 17 f2 ea
         e8 f8 a5 8c 8f 81 72 f9 31 9c f3 6b 7f d6 c5 5b 80 f2 1a 03 01
         51 56 72 60 96 fd 33 5e 5e 67 f2 db f1 02 70 2e 60 8c ca e6 be
         c1 fc 63 a4 2a 99 be 5c 3e b7 10 7c 3c 54 e9 b9 eb 2b d5 20 3b
         1c 3b 84 e0 a8 b2 f7 59 40 9b a3 ea c9 d9 1d 40 2d cc 0c c8 f8
         96 12 29 ac 91 87 b4 2b 4d e1 00 00'''
Certificate = a2b_hex(Certificate.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

tls13cert = TLS13Certificate(Certificate)
cert = tls13cert[1][0].cert[1]

###[ TLS 1.3 Handshake - Certificate ]###
msgtype = certificate
msglen = 441
cert_req_ctxt_len= 0
cert_req_ctxt= ''
certslen = 437
|###[ Certificate and Extensions ]###
| cert = (432, [X.509 Cert. Subject:/CN=rsa, Issuer:/CN=rsa])
| extlen = 0
| \ext \

Serial: 2
Issuer: /CN=rsa
Subject: /CN=rsa
Validity: Jul 30 01:23:59 2016 GMT to Jul 30 01:23:59 2026 GMT

{server} construct a CertificateVerify handshake message:

参考: 4.4.3. Certificate Verify

# {server}  construct a CertificateVerify handshake message:
CertificateVerify = '''0f 00 00 84 08 04 00 80 5a 74 7c
         5d 88 fa 9b d2 e5 5a b0 85 a6 10 15 b7 21 1f 82 4c d4 84 14 5a
         b3 ff 52 f1 fd a8 47 7b 0b 7a bc 90 db 78 e2 d3 3a 5c 14 1a 07
         86 53 fa 6b ef 78 0c 5e a2 48 ee aa a7 85 c4 f3 94 ca b6 d3 0b
         be 8d 48 59 ee 51 1f 60 29 57 b1 54 11 ac 02 76 71 45 9e 46 44
         5c 9e a5 8c 18 1e 81 8e 95 b8 c3 fb 0b f3 27 84 09 d3 be 15 2a
         3d a5 04 3e 06 3d da 65 cd f5 ae a2 0d 53 df ac d4 2f 74 f3'''
CertificateVerify = a2b_hex(CertificateVerify.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))


###[ TLS Handshake - Certificate Verify ]###
msgtype = certificate_verify
msglen = 132
|###[ TLS Digital Signature ]###
| sig_alg = sha256+rsaepss
| sig_len = 128
| sig_val = "Zt|]\x88\xfa\x9b\xd2\xe5Z\xb0\x85\xa6\x10\x15\xb7!\x1f\x82L\xd4\x84\x14Z\xb3\xffR\xf1\xfd\xa8G{\x0bz\xbc\x90\xdbx\xe2\xd3:\\x14\x1a\x07\x86S\xfak\xefx\x0c^\xa2H\xee\xaa\xa7\x85\xc4\xf3\x94\xca\xb6\xd3\x0b\xbe\x8dHY\xeeQ\x1f`)W\xb1T\x11\xac\x02vqE\x9eFD\\x9e\xa5\x8c\x18\x1e\x81\x8e\x95\xb8\xc3\xfb\x0b\xf3'\x84\t\xd3\xbe\x15*=\xa5\x04>\x06=\xdae\xcd\xf5\xae\xa2\rS\xdf\xac\xd4/t\xf3"

{server} calculate finished "tls13 finished":


参考: 4.4.4. Finished

# {server}  calculate finished "tls13 finished":
BaseKey = s_hs_traffic
s_finished_key = HKDF_Expand_Label(BaseKey, b"finished", b"", hash_length, hashtype)
print("server finished_key:", b2a_hex(s_finished_key))
# server finished_key: b'008d3b66f816ea559f96b537e885c31fc068bf492c652f01f288a1d8cdc19fc8'

s_verify_data = hmac.new(s_finished_key, \
                       Transcript_Hash([ch, sh, enc_ext, Certificate, CertificateVerify], hashtype), \
print("server verify_data:", b2a_hex(s_verify_data))
# server verify_data: b'9b9b141d906337fbd2cbdce71df4deda4ab42c309572cb7fffee5454b78f0718'

{server} construct a Finished handshake message:


# {server}  construct a Finished handshake message:
s_finished = b'\x14' + len(s_verify_data).to_bytes(3,'big') + s_verify_data
print("server finished:", b2a_hex(s_finished))
# server finished: b'140000209b9b141d906337fbd2cbdce71df4deda4ab42c309572cb7fffee5454b78f0718'

{server} send handshake record:

Encrypted Extention、Certificate、CertificateVerify、finishedを連結したデータ(payload)の暗号化を行います。
GCMに必要であるnonceの求め方は、5.3. Per-Record Nonceのとおりです。

※ payloadの最後に 謎の ContentTypeがhandshakeであることを示す1バイト(0x16)が付きます。 これが何かご存じの方、教えていただけると嬉しいです。 (satokenさんから教えていただきました。ありがとうございます。)

# {server}  send handshake record:
payload = enc_ext + Certificate + CertificateVerify + s_finished
hs_record_header = b'\x17' + b'\x03\x03' + (len(payload)+1+tag_length).to_bytes(2,'big')
additional_data = hs_record_header

# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8446#section-5.3
seq_num = 0
seq_num = a2b_hex(format(seq_num,'016x')) # 64-bit
padded_seq_num = b'\x00' * (iv_length - len(seq_num)) + seq_num
nonce = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(padded_seq_num, s_write_iv_hs)])

cipher = AES.new(s_write_key_hs, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
ciphertext,tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(payload + b'\x16') # ContentType handshake

AEADEncrypted = ciphertext + tag
hs_record  = hs_record_header + AEADEncrypted
print("hs_record:", b2a_hex(hs_record))
# hs_record: b'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'

{server} derive secret "tls13 c ap traffic":

クライアントから送信されたapplication dataを復号するための鍵の素を導出します。

# {server}  derive secret "tls13 c ap traffic":
msgs = [ch, sh, enc_ext, Certificate, CertificateVerify, s_finished]
c_ap_traffic = Derive_Secret(master_secret, b"c ap traffic", msgs, hashtype)
print("client_application_traffic_secret_0:", b2a_hex(c_ap_traffic))
# client_application_traffic_secret_0: b'9e40646ce79a7f9dc05af8889bce6552875afa0b06df0087f792ebb7c17504a5'

{server} derive secret "tls13 s ap traffic":

サーバがapplication dataの暗号化を行うための鍵の素を導出します。

# {server}  derive secret "tls13 s ap traffic":
msgs = [ch, sh, enc_ext, Certificate, CertificateVerify, s_finished]
s_ap_traffic = Derive_Secret(master_secret, b"s ap traffic", msgs, hashtype)
print("server_application_traffic_secret_0:", b2a_hex(s_ap_traffic))
# server_application_traffic_secret_0: b'a11af9f05531f856ad47116b45a950328204b4f44bfb6b3a4b4f1f3fcb631643'

{server} derive secret "tls13 exp master":

7.5. Exportersに登場します(わかってない)。

# {server}  derive secret "tls13 exp master":
msgs = [ch, sh, enc_ext, Certificate, CertificateVerify, s_finished]
exporter_master_secret = Derive_Secret(master_secret, b"exp master", msgs, hashtype)
print("exporter_master_secret:", b2a_hex(exporter_master_secret))
# exporter_master_secret: b'fe22f881176eda18eb8f44529e6792c50c9a3f89452f68d8ae311b4309d3cf50'

{server} derive write traffic keys for application data:

サーバのapplication data用暗号鍵です。

# {server}  derive write traffic keys for application data:
s_write_key_ap = HKDF_Expand_Label(s_ap_traffic, b"key", b"", key_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic keys for application data:", b2a_hex(s_write_key_ap))
# write traffic keys for application data: b'9f02283b6c9c07efc26bb9f2ac92e356'

s_write_iv_ap = HKDF_Expand_Label(s_ap_traffic, b"iv", b"", iv_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic iv for application data:", b2a_hex(s_write_iv_ap))
# write traffic iv for application data: b'cf782b88dd83549aadf1e984'

{server} derive read traffic keys for handshake data:


# {server}  derive read traffic keys for handshake data:
c_write_key_hs = HKDF_Expand_Label(c_hs_traffic, b"key", b"", key_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic keys for handshake:", b2a_hex(c_write_key_hs))
# write traffic keys for handshake: b'dbfaa693d1762c5b666af5d950258d01'

c_write_iv_hs = HKDF_Expand_Label(c_hs_traffic, b"iv", b"", iv_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic iv for handshake:", b2a_hex(c_write_iv_hs))
# write traffic iv for handshake: b'5bd3c71b836e0b76bb73265f'


RFC8448でもsame as serverと記されています。



aB = curve25519.X25519(a,B)
assert(aB == bA)
ecdh_shared_secret = aB.to_bytes(32,'little')
print("ecdh_shared_secret:", b2a_hex(ecdh_shared_secret))
# ecdh_shared_secret: b'8bd4054fb55b9d63fdfbacf9f04b9f0d35e6d63f537563efd46272900f89492d'

{client} calculate finished "tls13 finished":

HMACを使って、クライアントが送信するFinished Messageを生成します。

# {client}  calculate finished "tls13 finished":
c_finished_key = HKDF_Expand_Label(c_hs_traffic, b"finished", b"", hash_length, hashtype)
print("finished_key:", b2a_hex(c_finished_key))
# finished_key: b'b80ad01015fb2f0bd65ff7d4da5d6bf83f84821d1f87fdc7d3c75b5a7b42d9c4'

msgs = [ch, sh, enc_ext, Certificate, CertificateVerify, s_finished]
c_verify_data = hmac.new(c_finished_key, \
                       Transcript_Hash(msgs, hashtype), \
print("client verify_data:", b2a_hex(c_verify_data))
# client verify_data: b'a8ec436d677634ae525ac1fcebe11a039ec17694fac6e98527b642f2edd5ce61'

{client} construct a Finished handshake message:


# {client}  construct a Finished handshake message:
c_finished = b'\x14' + len(c_verify_data).to_bytes(3,'big') + c_verify_data
print("client finished:", b2a_hex(c_finished))
# client finished: b'14000020a8ec436d677634ae525ac1fcebe11a039ec17694fac6e98527b642f2edd5ce61'

{client} send handshake record:

Finished Messageを暗号化します。(ここでもpayloadの最後に 謎の ContentTypeを示す1バイトがつく)

# {client}  send handshake record:
payload = c_finished
hs_record_header = b'\x17' + b'\x03\x03' + (len(payload)+1+tag_length).to_bytes(2,'big')
additional_data = hs_record_header

seq_num = 0
seq_num = a2b_hex(format(seq_num,'016x')) # 64-bit
padded_seq_num = b'\x00' * (iv_length - len(seq_num)) + seq_num
nonce = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(padded_seq_num, c_write_iv_hs)])

cipher = AES.new(c_write_key_hs, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
ciphertext,tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(payload + b'\x16') # ContentType handshake

AEADEncrypted = ciphertext + tag
hs_record  = hs_record_header + AEADEncrypted
print("hs_record:", b2a_hex(hs_record))
# hs_record: b'170303003575ec4dc238cce60b298044a71e219c56cc77b0517fe9b93c7a4bfc44d87f38f80338ac98fc46deb384bd1caeacab6867d726c40546'

{client} derive write traffic keys for application data:

クライアントがapplication dataを暗号化するための鍵、IVを生成します。

# {client}  derive write traffic keys for application data:
c_write_key_ap = HKDF_Expand_Label(c_ap_traffic, b"key", b"", key_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic keys for application data:", b2a_hex(c_write_key_ap))
# write traffic keys for application data: b'17422dda596ed5d9acd890e3c63f5051'

c_write_iv_ap = HKDF_Expand_Label(c_ap_traffic, b"iv", b"", iv_length, hashtype)
print("write traffic iv for application data:", b2a_hex(c_write_iv_ap))
# write traffic iv for application data: b'5b78923dee08579033e523d9'

{client} derive secret "tls13 res master":


# {client}  derive secret "tls13 res master":
msgs = [ch, sh, enc_ext, Certificate, CertificateVerify, s_finished, c_finished]
resumption_master_secret = Derive_Secret(master_secret, b"res master", msgs, hashtype)
print("resumption_master_secret:", b2a_hex(resumption_master_secret))
# resumption_master_secret: b'7df235f2031d2a051287d02b0241b0bfdaf86cc856231f2d5aba46c434ec196c'


4.6. Post-Handshake Messagesというものがあるそうです。

{server} generate resumption secret "tls13 resumption":

参考: 4.6.1. New Session Ticket Message

# {server}  generate resumption secret "tls13 resumption":
resumption_secret = HKDF_Expand_Label(resumption_master_secret, b"resumption", b'\x00\x00', hash_length, hashtype)
print("resumption_secret:", b2a_hex(resumption_secret))
# resumption_secret: b'4ecd0eb6ec3b4d87f5d6028f922ca4c5851a277fd41311c9e62d2c9492e1c4f3'

{server} construct a NewSessionTicket handshake message:

# {server}  construct a NewSessionTicket handshake message:
NewSessionTicket = '''04 00 00 c9 00 00 00 1e fa d6 aa
         c5 02 00 00 00 b2 2c 03 5d 82 93 59 ee 5f f7 af 4e c9 00 00 00
         00 26 2a 64 94 dc 48 6d 2c 8a 34 cb 33 fa 90 bf 1b 00 70 ad 3c
         49 88 83 c9 36 7c 09 a2 be 78 5a bc 55 cd 22 60 97 a3 a9 82 11
         72 83 f8 2a 03 a1 43 ef d3 ff 5d d3 6d 64 e8 61 be 7f d6 1d 28
         27 db 27 9c ce 14 50 77 d4 54 a3 66 4d 4e 6d a4 d2 9e e0 37 25
         a6 a4 da fc d0 fc 67 d2 ae a7 05 29 51 3e 3d a2 67 7f a5 90 6c
         5b 3f 7d 8f 92 f2 28 bd a4 0d da 72 14 70 f9 fb f2 97 b5 ae a6
         17 64 6f ac 5c 03 27 2e 97 07 27 c6 21 a7 91 41 ef 5f 7d e6 50
         5e 5b fb c3 88 e9 33 43 69 40 93 93 4a e4 d3 57 00 08 00 2a 00
         04 00 00 04 00'''
NewSessionTicket = a2b_hex(NewSessionTicket.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

###[ TLS 1.3 Handshake - New Session Ticket ]###
msgtype = session_ticket
msglen = 201
ticket_lifetime= 30
ticket_age_add= 4208372421
noncelen = 2
ticket_nonce= '\x00\x00'
ticketlen = 178
ticket = ',\x03]\x82\x93Y\xee_\xf7\xafN\xc9\x00\x00\x00\x00&d\x94\xdcHm,\x8a4\xcb3\xfa\x90\xbf\x1b\x00p\xad<I\x88\x83\xc96|\t\xa2\xbexZ\xbcU\xcd"`\x97\xa3\xa9\x82\x11r\x83\xf8\x03\xa1C\xef\xd3\xff]\xd3md\xe8a\xbe\x7f\xd6\x1d('\xdb'\x9c\xce\x14Pw\xd4T\xa3fMNm\xa4\xd2\x9e\xe07%\xa6\xa4\xda\xfc\xd0\xfcg\xd2\xae\xa7\x05)Q>=\xa2g\x7f\xa5\x90l[?}\x8f\x92\xf2(\xbd\xa4\r\xdar\x14p\xf9\xfb\xf2\x97\xb5\xae\xa6\x17do\xac\\x03'.\x97\x07'\xc6!\xa7\x91A\xef_}\xe6P^[\xfb\xc3\x88\xe93Ci@\x93\x93J\xe4\xd3W'
extlen = 8
|###[ TLS Extension - Ticket Early Data Info ]###
| type = early_data_indication
| len = 4
| max_early_data_size= 1024

{server} send handshake record:

NewSessionTicketの暗号化を行います。ここで使う鍵はapplication data用のものです。
やはり、payloadの最後に 謎の ContentTypeを示す1バイトがつきます。

# {server}  send handshake record:
payload = NewSessionTicket
hs_record_header = b'\x17' + b'\x03\x03' + (len(payload)+1+tag_length).to_bytes(2,'big')
additional_data = hs_record_header

seq_num = 0
seq_num = a2b_hex(format(seq_num,'016x')) # 64-bit
padded_seq_num = b'\x00' * (iv_length - len(seq_num)) + seq_num
nonce = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(padded_seq_num, s_write_iv_ap)])

cipher = AES.new(s_write_key_ap, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
ciphertext,tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(payload + b'\x16') # ContentType handshake

AEADEncrypted = ciphertext + tag
hs_record  = hs_record_header + AEADEncrypted
print("hs_record:", b2a_hex(hs_record))
# hs_record: b'17030300de3a6b8f90414a97d6959c3487680de5134a2b240e6cffac116e95d41d6af8f6b580dcf3d11d63c758db289a015940252f55713e061dc13e078891a38efbcf5753ad8ef170ad3c7353d16d9da773b9ca7f2b9fa1b6c0d4a3d03f75e09c30ba1e62972ac46f75f7b981be63439b2999ce13064615139891d5e4c5b406f16e3fc181a77ca475840025db2f0a77f81b5ab05b94c01346755f69232c86519d86cbeeac87aac347d143f9605d64f650db4d023e70e952ca49fe5137121c74bc2697687e248746d6df353005f3bce18696129c8153556b3b6c6779b37bf15985684f'

application dataの送信


{client} send application_data record:

ここではpayloadの最後に ContentType がapplication_data であることを示す0x17がつく らしい

# {client}  send application_data record:
payload = '''00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
         0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23
         24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31'''
payload = a2b_hex(payload.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

ap_record_header = b'\x17' + b'\x03\x03' + (len(payload)+1+tag_length).to_bytes(2,'big')
additional_data = ap_record_header

seq_num = 0
seq_num = a2b_hex(format(seq_num,'016x')) # 64-bit
padded_seq_num = b'\x00' * (iv_length - len(seq_num)) + seq_num
nonce = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(padded_seq_num, c_write_iv_ap)])

cipher = AES.new(c_write_key_ap, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
ciphertext,tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(payload + b'\x17') # ContentType application_data

AEADEncrypted = ciphertext + tag
ap_record  = ap_record_header + AEADEncrypted
print("ap_record:", b2a_hex(ap_record))
# ap_record: b'1703030043a23f7054b62c94d0affafe8228ba55cbefacea42f914aa66bcab3f2b9819a8a5b46b395bd54a9a20441e2b62974e1f5a6292a2977014bd1e3deae63aeebb21694915e4'

{server} send application_data record:


# {server}  send application_data record:
payload = '''00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e
         0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 20 21 22 23
         24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 30 31'''
payload = a2b_hex(payload.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

ap_record_header = b'\x17' + b'\x03\x03' + (len(payload)+1+tag_length).to_bytes(2,'big')
additional_data = ap_record_header

seq_num = 1
seq_num = a2b_hex(format(seq_num,'016x')) # 64-bit
padded_seq_num = b'\x00' * (iv_length - len(seq_num)) + seq_num
nonce = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(padded_seq_num, s_write_iv_ap)])

cipher = AES.new(s_write_key_ap, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
ciphertext,tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(payload + b'\x17') # ContentType application_data

AEADEncrypted = ciphertext + tag
ap_record  = ap_record_header + AEADEncrypted
print("ap_record:", b2a_hex(ap_record))
# ap_record: b'17030300432e937e11ef4ac740e538ad36005fc4a46932fc3225d05f82aa1b36e30efaf97d90e6dffc602dcb501a59a8fcc49c4bf2e5f0a21c0047c2abf332540dd032e167c2955d'

Alert Protocol

6. Alert Protocolでは、通信の終了やエラーの発生を知らせます。これも暗号化を行います。

{client} send alert record:

# {client}  send alert record:
payload = '01 00'
payload = a2b_hex(payload.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

ap_record_header = b'\x17' + b'\x03\x03' + (len(payload)+1+tag_length).to_bytes(2,'big')
additional_data = ap_record_header

seq_num = 1
seq_num = a2b_hex(format(seq_num,'016x')) # 64-bit
padded_seq_num = b'\x00' * (iv_length - len(seq_num)) + seq_num
nonce = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(padded_seq_num, c_write_iv_ap)])

cipher = AES.new(c_write_key_ap, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
ciphertext,tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(payload + b'\x15') # ContentType alert

AEADEncrypted = ciphertext + tag
ap_record  = ap_record_header + AEADEncrypted
print("ap_record:", b2a_hex(ap_record))
# ap_record: b'1703030013c9872760655666b74d7ff1153efd6db6d0b0e3'

{server} send alert record:

#  {server}  send alert record:
payload = '01 00'
payload = a2b_hex(payload.replace(" ","").replace("\n",""))

ap_record_header = b'\x17' + b'\x03\x03' + (len(payload)+1+tag_length).to_bytes(2,'big')
additional_data = ap_record_header

seq_num = 2
seq_num = a2b_hex(format(seq_num,'016x')) # 64-bit
padded_seq_num = b'\x00' * (iv_length - len(seq_num)) + seq_num
nonce = bytes([a^b for a,b in zip(padded_seq_num, s_write_iv_ap)])

cipher = AES.new(s_write_key_ap, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce)
ciphertext,tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(payload + b'\x15') # ContentType alert

AEADEncrypted = ciphertext + tag
ap_record  = ap_record_header + AEADEncrypted
print("ap_record:", b2a_hex(ap_record))
# ap_record: b'1703030013b58fd67166ebf599d24720cfbe7efa7a8864a9'






※ payloadの最後に謎の1バイト(0x16)が付きます。これが何かご存じの方、教えていただけると嬉しいです。

5.2. Record Payload Protectionに記載されている以下の説明です。

TLSCiphertextレコードの外側のopaque_typeフィールドは、以前のバージョンのTLSの解析に慣れているミド > ルボックスとの外部互換性のために、常に値23(application_data)に設定されます。 レコードの実際のコン> テンツタイプは、復号化後にTLSInnerPlaintext.typeで見つかります。

