
Golang 😢


firestore の巨大な collection を traverse する.

GetAll でまとめて取得するのは(成功する時もあるが)大量のメモリを消費する. アプリケーションのメモリが足りないと OOM になる.

// materialize all documents on memory at once
// not practical for a large collection
snapshots, err := firestoreClient.Collection("/path/to/collection").

Documents(ctx)Next() で lazy に要素を取得する firestore.DocumentIterator を返す.
これを利用するとうまくいきそうだが残念ながら collection が巨大だとエラーになる. "The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable" などと出るはず.

docs := firestoreClient.Collection("/path/to/collection").

for {
  item, err := docs.Next()
  if err := iterator.Done {

正解(?) は巨大なコレクションを扱うには OrderByStartAfter を組み合わせてページングする.

collection := firestoreClient.Collection("/path/to/collection")
var lastDocument firesore.DocumentSnapshot
batchSize := 100
for {
  query := collection.
    OrderBy("<orderingField>", firestore.Asc).  // firestore.Desc でも可.
    Where(<cond>). // Where はあってもなくても可.
  if lastDocument != nil {
    query = query.StartAfter(lastDocument.Data()["<orderingField>"])
  // lastDocument が nil なら先頭から、nil でないなら lastDocument の
  // 次の要素から batchSize 件取得する.
  batch, err := query.Documents(ctx).GetAll()
  // do something with document snapshots
  // ...
  // 次のバッチが存在しなくなるまで取得する.
  if len(batch) != batchSize {
    // there's no more next page
  lastDocument :=  // ここに有効な一番末尾の document snapshot を入れる.



import cats.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.effect.*

  .fill(n)(IO("failable operation").attempt)

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a wait group to wait for all goroutines to finish
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	// Create a channel to control the concurrency (at most 3 routines in parallel)
	semaphore := make(chan struct{}, 3)

	// Create a channel to collect results along with their index and error
	resultChan := make(chan struct {
		index int
		value int
		err   error

	// Define the asynchronous routine
	routine := func(index int) {
		defer wg.Done()

		// Acquire the semaphore to control concurrency
		semaphore <- struct{}{}
		defer func() { <-semaphore }()

		// Simulate some asynchronous work
		// In a real-world scenario, replace this with your actual asynchronous routine
		result := 42
		var err error

		// Add error handling logic if needed
		// For example:
		// if somethingWentWrong {
		//     err = errors.New("Something went wrong")
		// }

		// Send the result, its index, and the error to the channel
		resultChan <- struct {
			index int
			value int
			err   error
		}{index, result, err}

	// Create a variable number of routines
	numRoutines := 5

	// Add the number of routines to the wait group

	// Launch goroutines for each routine
	for i := 0; i < numRoutines; i++ {
		go routine(i)

	// Close the result channel when all goroutines are done
	go func() {

	// Collect and handle results from the channel
	results := make([]int, numRoutines)
	for i := 0; i < numRoutines; i++ {
		result := <-resultChan
		if result.err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error in routine %d: %v\n", result.index, result.err)
			// Handle the error as needed
		} else {
			results[result.index] = result.value

	// Print the ordered results