


Decorators are a proposal for extending JavaScript classes which is widely adopted among developers in transpiler environments, with broad interest in standardization. TC39 has been iterating on decorators proposals for over five years. This document describes a new proposal for decorators based on elements from all past proposals.



Decorators are functions called on classes, class elements, or other JavaScript syntax forms during definition.



class C extends HTMLElement {
  @reactive accessor clicked = false;

Decorators have three primary capabilities:
They can replace the value that is being decorated with a matching value that has the same semantics. (e.g. a decorator can replace a method with another method, a field with another field, a class with another class, and so on).




They can associate metadata with the value that is being decorated. This metadata can then be read externally and used for metaprogramming and introspection.



They can provide access to the value that is being decorated, via metadata. For public values, they can do this via the name of the value. For private values, they receive accessor functions which they can then choose to share.



Essentially, decorators can be used to metaprogram and add functionality to a value, without fundamentally changing its external behavior.



This proposal differs from previous iterations where decorators could replace the decorated value with a completely different type of value. The requirement for decorators to only replace a value with one that has the same semantics as the original value fulfills two major design goals:



It should be easy both to use decorators and to write your own decorators. Previous iterations such as the static decorators proposal were complicated for authors and implementers in particular. In this proposal, decorators are plain functions, and are accessible and easy to write.



Decorators should affect the thing they're decorating, and avoid confusing/non-local effects. Previously, decorators could change the decorated value in unpredictable ways, and also add completely new values which were unrelated. This was problematic both for runtimes, since it meant decorated values could not be analyzed statically, and for developers, since decorated values could turn into completely different types of values without any indicator to the user.



In this proposal, decorators can be applied to the following existing types of values:
Class fields (public, private, and static)
Class methods (public, private, and static)
Class accessors (public, private, and static)



In addition, this proposal introduces a new type of class element that can be decorated:
Class auto accessors, defined by applying the accessor keyword to a class field. These have a getter and setter, unlike fields, which default to getting and setting the value on a private storage slot (equivalent to a private class field):

class Example {
  @reactive accessor myBool = false;

クラスにauto accessorsを導入。


This new element type can be used independently, and has its own semantics separate from usage with decorators. The reason it is included in this proposal is primarily because there are a number of use cases for decorators which require its semantics, since decorators can only replace an element with a corresponding element that has the same semantics. These use cases are common in the existing decorators ecosystem, demonstrating a need for the capabilities they provide.



Finally, there is an additional syntax which can be used when decorating a value that allows the decorator to run additional initialization code for that value:

class Example {
  onClick() {
    // ...

This syntax can be used with any decorator type, and is used in cases where additional setup steps are necessary.



The three steps of decorator evaluation:
Decorator expressions (the thing after the @) are evaluated interspersed with computed property names.
Decorators are called (as functions) during class definition, after the methods have been evaluated but before the constructor and prototype have been put together.
Decorators are applied (mutating the constructor and prototype) all at once, after all of them have been called.

The semantics here generally follow the consensus at the May 2016 TC39 meeting in Munich.



Decorators are evaluated as expressions, being ordered along with computed property names. This goes left to right, top to bottom. The result of decorators is stored in the equivalent of local variables to be later called after the class definition initially finishes executing.



When decorators are called, they receive two parameters:
The value being decorated, or undefined in the case of class fields which are a special case.
A context object containing metadata about the value being decorated
Using TypeScript interfaces for brevity and clarity, this is the general shape of the API:

type Decorator = (value: Input, context: {
  kind: string;
  name: string | symbol;
  access?: {
    get?(): unknown;
    set?(value: unknown): void;
  isPrivate?: boolean;
  isStatic?: boolean;
  addInitializer?(initializer: () => void): void;
  getMetadata(key: symbol);
  setMetadata(key: symbol, value: unknown);
}) => Output | void;

Input and Output here represent the values passed to and returned from a given decorator. Each type of decorator has a different input and output, and these are covered below in more detail. All decorators can choose to return nothing, which defaults to using the original, undecorated value.


kind: The kind of decorated value. This can be used to assert that the decorator is used correctly, or to have different behavior for different types of values. It is one of the following values.
name: The name of the value, or in the case of private elements the description of it (e.g. the readable name).
access: An object containing methods to access the value. This is only available for private class elements, since public class elements can be accessed externally by knowing the name of the element. These methods also get the final value of the private element on the instance, not the current value passed to the decorator. This is important for most use cases involving access, such as type validators or serializers. See the section on Access below for more details.
isStatic: Whether or not the value is a static class element. Only applies to class elements.
isPrivate: Whether or not the value is a private class element. Only applies to class elements.
addInitializer: This is available if the decorator was called as an @init: decorator, which is discussed in more detail below.
setMetadata: Allows the user to define some metadata to be associated with this property. This metadata can then be accessed on the class via Symbol.metadata. See the section on Metadata below for more details.



Decorators are applied after all decorators have been called. The intermediate steps of the decorator application algorithm are not observable--the newly constructed class is not made available until after all method and non-static field decorators have been applied.
The class decorator is called only after all method and field decorators are called and applied.
Finally, static fields are executed and applied.



This decorators proposal uses the syntax of the previous Stage 2 decorators proposal. This means that:
Decorator expressions are restricted to a chain of variables, property access with . but not [], and calls (). To use an arbitrary expression as a decorator, @(expression) is an escape hatch.
Class expressions may be decorated, not just class declarations.
Class decorators come after export and default.
There is no special syntax for defining decorators; any function can be applied as a decorator.


なにclass expressionってclass declarationsならわかるけど。


type ClassMethodDecorator = (value: Function, context: {
  kind: "method";
  name: string | symbol;
  access?: { get(): unknown };
  isStatic: boolean;
  isPrivate: boolean;
  addInitializer?(initializer: () => void): void;
  getMetadata(key: symbol);
  setMetadata(key: symbol, value: unknown);
}) => Function | void;

Class method decorators receive the method that is being decorated as the first value, and can optionally return a new method to replace it. If a new method is returned, it will replace the original on the prototype (or on the class itself in the case of static methods). If any other type of value is returned, an error will be thrown.



By default, method decorators do not receive access to the instances of the class, and cannot be used to add functionality that requires it. An example of such a decorator is the @bound decorator, which would bind the method to the instance of the class. In order to add instance initialization logic, users must use the @init: modifier (see below for more details).



An example of a method decorator is the @logged decorator. This decorator receives the original function, and returns a new function that wraps the original and logs before and after it is called.

function logged(value, { kind, name }) {
  if (kind === "method") {
    return function (...args) {
      console.log(`starting ${name} with arguments ${args.join(", ")}`);
      const ret =, ...args);
      console.log(`ending ${name}`);
      return ret;

class C {
  m(arg) {}

new C().m(1);
// starting m with arguments 1
// ending m



This example roughly "desugars" to the following (i.e., could be transpiled as such):

class C {
  m(arg) {
    this.x = arg;

C.prototype.m = logged(C.prototype.m, {
  kind: "method",
  name: "m",
  isStatic: false,
  isPrivate: false,
  setMetadata() { /**/ }
}) ?? C.prototype.m;


type ClassGetterDecorator = (value: Function, context: {
  kind: "getter";
  name: string | symbol;
  access?: { get(): unknown };
  isStatic: boolean;
  isPrivate: boolean;
  addInitializer?(initializer: () => void): void;
  setMetadata(key: symbol, value: unknown);
}) => Function | void;

type ClassSetterDecorator = (value: Function, context: {
  kind: "setter";
  name: string | symbol;
  access?: { set(value: unknown): void };
  isStatic: boolean;
  isPrivate: boolean;
  addInitializer?(initializer: () => void): void;
  getMetadata(key: symbol);
  setMetadata(key: symbol, value: unknown);
}) => Function | void;



Accessor decorators receive the original underlying getter/setter function as the first value, and can optionally return a new getter/setter function to replace it. Like method decorators, this new function is placed on the prototype in place of the original (or on the class for static accessors), and if any other type of value is returned, an error will be thrown.
Accessor decorators are applied separately to getters and setters. In the following example, @foo is applied only to get x() - set x() is undecorated:


class C {
  get x() {
    // ...

  set x(val) {
    // ...

We can extend the @logged decorator we defined previously for methods to also handle accessors. The code is essentially the same, we just need to handle additional kinds.

function logged(value, { kind, name }) {
  if (kind === "method" || kind === "getter" || kind === "setter") {
    return function (...args) {
      console.log(`starting ${name} with arguments ${args.join(", ")}`);
      const ret =, ...args);
      console.log(`ending ${name}`);
      return ret;

class C {
  set x(arg) {}

new C().x = 1
// starting x with arguments 1
// ending x



This example roughly "desugars" to the following (i.e., could be transpiled as such):

class C {
  set x(arg) {}

let { set } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C.prototype, "x");
set = logged(set, {
  kind: "setter",
  name: "x",
  isStatic: false,
  isPrivate: false,
  getMetadata() { /**/ }
  setMetadata() { /**/ }
}) ?? set;

Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "x", { set });


Unlike methods and accessors, class fields do not have a direct input value when being decorated. Instead, users can optionally return an initializer function which runs when the field is assigned, receiving the initial value of the field and returning a new initial value. If any other type of value besides a function is returned, an error will be thrown.
We can expand our @logged decorator to be able to handle class fields as well, logging when the field is assigned and what the value is.



The initializer function is called with the instance of the class as this, so field decorators can also be used to bootstrap registration relationships. For instance, you could register children on a parent class:

const CHILDREN = new WeakMap();

function registerChild(parent, child) {
  let children = CHILDREN.get(parent);

  if (children === undefined) {
    children = [];
    CHILDREN.set(parent, children);


function getChildren(parent) {
  return CHILDREN.get(parent);

function register() {
  return function(value) {
    registerChild(this, value);

    return value;

class Child {}
class OtherChild {}

class Parent {
  @register child1 = new Child();
  @register child2 = new OtherChild();

let parent = new Parent();
getChildren(parent); // [Child, OtherChild]



Class auto-accessors are a new construct, defined by adding the accessor keyword in front of a class field:

class C {
  accessor x = 1;

Auto-accessors, unlike regular fields, define a getter and setter on the class prototype. This getter and setter default to getting and setting a value on a private slot. The above roughly desugars to:

class C {
  #x = 1;

  get x() {
    return this.#x;

  set x(val) {
    this.#x = val;



desugars, desugarsってなんだこれって思った。上のaccessorみたいなのをdesugarsっていうのか。syntax sugarっぽいことなんだろう。こういうふうにも書けますよ。みたいな

