About Disk Access Strategy
Random disk access は、memory accessに比べて、遅いことは多く知られているかと思うが、Sequential disk accessは、memory accessに比べて早くなることがある
- Random disk access
- Random memory access
- Sequential disk access
Random disk access time: 4317 ms
Random memory access time: 6 ms
Sequential disk access time: 1 ms
import java.io.RandomAccessFile
import java.nio.file.Files
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
fun main() {
val path = Files.createTempFile("test", "txt").toFile()
val size = 1024 * 1024 * 5 // 1MB
val buffer = ByteArray(size) { 0 }
val randomAccessIndices = IntArray(size / 4) { Random.nextInt(size / 4) * 4 }
val randomAccessFile = RandomAccessFile(path, "rw")
// Measure random access to disk
// In the measurement of random disk access, data of 4 bytes is written to a random location within the file.
// Before each write operation, the seek method is used to set the position of the file pointer.
val randomDiskAccessTime = measureTimeMillis {
for (i in randomAccessIndices) {
randomAccessFile.write(buffer, i, 4)
println("Random disk access time: $randomDiskAccessTime ms")
// Measure random access to memory
// For the measurement of random memory access, a value is written to a random location within the buffer.
val randomMemoryAccessTime = measureTimeMillis {
for (i in randomAccessIndices) {
val index = i % buffer.size
buffer[index] = 123
println("Random memory access time: $randomMemoryAccessTime ms")
// Measure sequential access to disk
// In the measurement of sequential disk access, all data from the buffer is written once, starting from the beginning of the file.
val sequentialDiskAccessTime = measureTimeMillis {
randomAccessFile.write(buffer, 0, size)
println("Sequential disk access time: $sequentialDiskAccessTime ms")
https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#design:~:text=The key fact,random memory access