
Remix Vite に Prisma / Turso の Early Access 版を入れて Cloudflare Pages で動くか実験する

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

無料枠の大きいサーバレスで SQLite 互換な分散 RDBMS サービス、Tursoがとてもいい感じだったのですが、

Prisma の Early Access 版で Cloudflare Pages (Workers) で動かせそうな雰囲気だったので実験してみます。

This Early Access lets you use Prisma Client on Cloudflare Workers, Cloudflare Pages, Vercel Edge Functions, or Vercel Edge Middleware.
Turso with @prisma/adapter-libsql

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

ドキュメントを真似て、 @early-access なパッケージを入れます。

$ pnpm i prisma@early-access @prisma/client@early-access @prisma/adapter-libsql@early-ac
 WARN  2 deprecated subdependencies found: rollup-plugin-inject@3.0.2, sourcemap-codec@1.4.8
Packages: +30
Progress: resolved 891, reused 789, downloaded 9, added 30, done
node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+engines@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/engines: Running postinstall node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+engines@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/engines: Running postinstall script, done in 2.7s
node_modules/.pnpm/prisma@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/prisma: Running preinstall script, done in 29ms
node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+client@5.11.0-dev.46_prisma@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/client: Rnode_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+client@5.11.0-dev.46_prisma@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/client: Running postinstall script, done in 263ms

+ @prisma/adapter-libsql 5.11.0-dev.46
+ @prisma/client 5.11.0-dev.46
+ prisma 5.11.0-dev.46

Done in 14.8s
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

prisma の初期化

$ pnpm prisma init

✔ Your Prisma schema was created at prisma/schema.prisma
  You can now open it in your favorite editor.

warn You already have a .gitignore file. Don't forget to add `.env` in it to not commit any private information.

Next steps:
1. Set the DATABASE_URL in the .env file to point to your existing database. If your database has no tables yet, read
2. Set the provider of the datasource block in schema.prisma to match your database: postgresql, mysql, sqlite, sqlserver, mongodb or cockroachdb.
3. Run prisma db pull to turn your database schema into a Prisma schema.
4. Run prisma generate to generate the Prisma Client. You can then start querying your database.

More information in our documentation:
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

prisma/schema.prisma ファイルを編集します。

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["driverAdapters"]

datasource db {
  provider = "sqlite"
  url      = "file:../data/dev.db"

model SampleOrder {
  id         String  @id @default(cuid())
  region     String?
  name       String
  email      String
  zip        String
  country    String
  prefecture String
  city       String
  address    String
  phone      String
  note       String?
  createdAt  String  @map("created_at")

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

開発中の環境変数を設定する .dev.vars と、ローカルでのデータベースファイルが保存されるディレクトリdataと、 を .gitignore に追加します。



Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

prisma migrate dev で、モデルからマイグレーションファイルを生成します。

$ pnpm prisma migrate dev           
Environment variables loaded from .env
Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
Datasource "db": SQLite database "dev.db" at "file:../data/dev.db"

SQLite database dev.db created at file:../data/dev.db

✔ Enter a name for the new migration: … init
Applying migration `20240311064401_init`

The following migration(s) have been created and applied from new schema changes:

  └─ 20240311064401_init/
    └─ migration.sql

Your database is now in sync with your schema.

✔ Generated Prisma Client (v5.11.0-dev.46) to ./node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+client@5.11.0-dev.46_pri
sma@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/client in 39ms

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

turso cli でデータベースを新規作成します。今回は cfpages-example という名前にしました。

$ turso db create cfpages-example 
Created database cfpages-example at group default in 4.161s.

Start an interactive SQL shell with:

   turso db shell cfpages-example

To see information about the database, including a connection URL, run:

   turso db show cfpages-example

To get an authentication token for the database, run:

   turso db tokens create cfpages-example
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

turso の token を作成します。token が表示されます。

$ turso db tokens create cfpages-example
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

turso の DB URL が必要なので cli で表示します。

$ turso db show cfpages-example
Name:           cfpages-example
URL:            libsql://
ID:             b716b9a2-2216-49fa-8de3-a71d436484e7
Group:          default
Version:        0.23.7
Locations:      nrt
Size:           4.1 kB
Sleeping:       No

Database Instances:
nrt      primary     nrt          
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

必要な設定を .dev.vars ファイルを作成して記載します。

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

load-context.ts に上記の環境変数の型を追記します。

import type { PlatformProxy } from 'wrangler'

// When using `wrangler.toml` to configure bindings,
// `wrangler types` will generate types for those bindings
// into the global `Env` interface.
// Need this empty interface so that typechecking passes
// even if no `wrangler.toml` exists.
type Env = {

type Cloudflare = Omit<PlatformProxy<Env>, 'dispose'>

declare module '@remix-run/cloudflare' {
  interface AppLoadContext {
    cloudflare: Cloudflare
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

shadcn-ui いれたり、テスト用の jsx などを入れたりします。

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

cloudflare の場合環境変数 は process.env を使えず、 context.cloudflare.env の中に都度入っていて、
loader / action で都度それを参照して libsql client 及びそれをアダプターとした prisma client を作成するヘルパー関数を定義します。

import { createClient } from '@libsql/client'
import { PrismaLibSQL } from '@prisma/adapter-libsql'
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

export const createTursoPrismaClient = (url: string, authToken: string) => {
  const libsql = createClient({
  const adapter = new PrismaLibSQL(libsql)
  const prisma = new PrismaClient({
    log: ['query'],
  return prisma

router で使う方はこんなかんじです。

export const loader = async ({ request, context }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
  const prisma = createTursoPrismaClient(
  const sampleOrders = await prisma.sampleOrder.findMany({
    take: 10,
    orderBy: { createdAt: 'desc' },
  return json({sampleOrders})
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi


$ pnpm dev

> remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example@ dev /Users/coji/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example
> remix vite:dev

Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
  ➜  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose
  ➜  press h + enter to show help


SELECT 成功です。

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

submit して insert もしてみます。

select, insert ともにローカルでは 50~100ms 程度でできてますね。

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

wrangler pages dev でうごかしてみます。

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

まずは vite:build します。

$ pnpm build

> remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example@ build /Users/coji/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example
> remix vite:build

Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
vite v5.1.5 building for production...
node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js (1:1576) A comment


in "node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js" contains an annotation that Rollup cannot interpret due to the position of the comment. The comment will be removed to avoid issues.
node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js (1:2992) A comment


in "node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js" contains an annotation that Rollup cannot interpret due to the position of the comment. The comment will be removed to avoid issues.
✓ 1588 modules transformed.
build/client/.vite/manifest.json                1.82 kB │ gzip:  0.38 kB
build/client/assets/root-Gv6mzGgd.css          13.78 kB │ gzip:  3.43 kB
build/client/assets/_app-NAehUJGd.js            1.63 kB │ gzip:  0.72 kB
build/client/assets/_app._id-tC-Pbn_z.js        3.26 kB │ gzip:  1.14 kB
build/client/assets/textarea-Cl-D2gnL.js        6.78 kB │ gzip:  2.63 kB
build/client/assets/entry.client-DbRsdzay.js   14.05 kB │ gzip:  5.00 kB
build/client/assets/utils-Bz47sbbS.js          20.75 kB │ gzip:  6.85 kB
build/client/assets/root-BqoJaWn0.js           29.61 kB │ gzip:  9.06 kB
build/client/assets/index-DfJni9ia.js          62.08 kB │ gzip: 21.16 kB
build/client/assets/_app._index-DphJOyPj.js    97.10 kB │ gzip: 26.70 kB
build/client/assets/components-CVvGzKWL.js    163.07 kB │ gzip: 52.90 kB
✓ built in 1.44s
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
vite v5.1.5 building SSR bundle for production...
✓ 21 modules transformed.
build/server/.vite/manifest.json                0.19 kB
build/server/assets/server-build-Gv6mzGgd.css  13.78 kB
build/server/index.js                          31.11 kB
✓ built in 58ms


Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi


$ pnpm run start

> remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example@ start /Users/coji/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example
> wrangler pages dev ./build/client

▲ [WARNING] No compatibility_date was specified. Using today's date: 2024-03-11.

  Pass it in your terminal:
  for more information.

Compiling worker to "/Users/coji/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example/.wrangler/tmp/pages-dvHrjy/functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.mjs"...
✨ Compiled Worker successfully
 ⛅️ wrangler 3.32.0
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Vars:
  - TURSO_DATABASE_URL: "(hidden)"
  - TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN: "(hidden)"
[wrangler:inf] Ready on http://localhost:8788
⎔ Starting local server...
✘ [ERROR] service core:user:worker: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined

    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:70559:45) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:27:50) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:70718:28) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:24:56) in __init
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:71082:5) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:24:56) in __init
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:76974:5) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:24:56) in __init
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:77466:5) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:24:56) in __init

✘ [ERROR] MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above.


Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi
✘ [ERROR] service core:user:worker: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined

    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.08687277647464886.js:70559:45) in

うーん、prisma の debug?

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

prisma のデバッグログ出してたので消して試してみましょう。

import { createClient } from '@libsql/client'
import { PrismaLibSQL } from '@prisma/adapter-libsql'
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'

export const createTursoPrismaClient = (url: string, authToken: string) => {
  const libsql = createClient({
  const adapter = new PrismaLibSQL(libsql)
  const prisma = new PrismaClient({
-    log: ['query'],
  return prisma
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

build してから再度 start します。

$ pnpm build

> remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example@ build /Users/coji/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example
> remix vite:build

Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
vite v5.1.5 building for production...
node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js (1:1576) A comment


in "node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js" contains an annotation that Rollup cannot interpret due to the position of the comment. The comment will be removed to avoid issues.
node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js (1:2992) A comment


in "node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js" contains an annotation that Rollup cannot interpret due to the position of the comment. The comment will be removed to avoid issues.
✓ 1588 modules transformed.
build/client/.vite/manifest.json                1.82 kB │ gzip:  0.38 kB
build/client/assets/root-Gv6mzGgd.css          13.78 kB │ gzip:  3.43 kB
build/client/assets/_app-NAehUJGd.js            1.63 kB │ gzip:  0.72 kB
build/client/assets/_app._id-tC-Pbn_z.js        3.26 kB │ gzip:  1.14 kB
build/client/assets/textarea-Cl-D2gnL.js        6.78 kB │ gzip:  2.63 kB
build/client/assets/entry.client-DbRsdzay.js   14.05 kB │ gzip:  5.00 kB
build/client/assets/utils-Bz47sbbS.js          20.75 kB │ gzip:  6.85 kB
build/client/assets/root-BqoJaWn0.js           29.61 kB │ gzip:  9.06 kB
build/client/assets/index-DfJni9ia.js          62.08 kB │ gzip: 21.16 kB
build/client/assets/_app._index-DphJOyPj.js    97.10 kB │ gzip: 26.70 kB
build/client/assets/components-CVvGzKWL.js    163.07 kB │ gzip: 52.90 kB
✓ built in 1.35s
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
vite v5.1.5 building SSR bundle for production...
✓ 21 modules transformed.
build/server/.vite/manifest.json                0.19 kB
build/server/assets/server-build-Gv6mzGgd.css  13.78 kB
build/server/index.js                          31.09 kB
✓ built in 54ms
coji@coji-mba: ~/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example (main *=)
$ pnpm start

> remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example@ start /Users/coji/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example
> wrangler pages dev ./build/client

▲ [WARNING] No compatibility_date was specified. Using today's date: 2024-03-11.

  Pass it in your terminal:
  for more information.

Compiling worker to "/Users/coji/progs/spike/remix/remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example/.wrangler/tmp/pages-slWTso/functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.mjs"...
✨ Compiled Worker successfully
 ⛅️ wrangler 3.32.0
Using vars defined in .dev.vars
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Vars:
  - TURSO_DATABASE_URL: "(hidden)"
  - TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN: "(hidden)"
[wrangler:inf] Ready on http://localhost:8788
⎔ Starting local server...
✘ [ERROR] service core:user:worker: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined

    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:70559:45) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:27:50) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:70718:28) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:24:56) in __init
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:71082:5) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:24:56) in __init
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:76974:5) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:24:56) in __init
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:77465:5) in
    at null.<anonymous> (functionsWorker-0.6247347841262545.js:24:56) in __init

✘ [ERROR] MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above.

うーん、やっぱだめ。process なんてないよと。

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi



globalThis.DEBUG ?? (globalThis.DEBUG = process.env.DEBUG ?? "");
globalThis.DEBUG_COLORS ?? (globalThis.DEBUG_COLORS = process.env.DEBUG_COLORS ? process.env.DEBUG_COLORS === "true" : true);

DEBUG 設定してるのどこだろ。prisma の中?

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi


17:42:03.338	Cloning repository...
17:42:04.083	From
17:42:04.084	 * branch            06118872b02d0561842ef9e94d89bcf2af582d5d -> FETCH_HEAD
17:42:04.124	HEAD is now at 0611887 Update PrismaClient log configuration
17:42:04.220	Using v2 root directory strategy
17:42:04.250	Success: Finished cloning repository files
17:42:04.928	Restoring from dependencies cache
17:42:04.949	Restoring from build output cache
17:42:09.784	Success: Dependencies restored from build cache.
17:42:09.868	Detected the following tools from environment: pnpm@8.7.1, nodejs@18.17.1
17:42:10.799	Installing project dependencies: pnpm install
17:42:11.558	Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
17:42:11.607	Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
17:42:11.768	Packages: +770
17:42:11.768	++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17:42:12.609	Progress: resolved 770, reused 162, downloaded 0, added 122
17:42:13.638	Progress: resolved 770, reused 761, downloaded 0, added 758
17:42:14.404	Progress: resolved 770, reused 770, downloaded 0, added 770, done
17:42:17.601	dependencies:
17:42:17.601	+ @conform-to/react 1.0.3
17:42:17.601	+ @conform-to/zod 1.0.3
17:42:17.602	+ @faker-js/faker 8.4.1
17:42:17.602	+ @libsql/client 0.5.3
17:42:17.602	+ @prisma/adapter-libsql 5.11.0-dev.46
17:42:17.603	+ @prisma/client 5.11.0-dev.46
17:42:17.603	+ @radix-ui/react-label 2.0.2
17:42:17.603	+ @radix-ui/react-slot 1.0.2
17:42:17.603	+ @radix-ui/react-tabs 1.0.4
17:42:17.603	+ @remix-run/cloudflare 2.8.1
17:42:17.604	+ @remix-run/cloudflare-pages 2.8.1
17:42:17.604	+ @remix-run/react 2.8.1
17:42:17.604	+ class-variance-authority 0.7.0
17:42:17.604	+ clsx 2.1.0
17:42:17.604	+ dayjs 1.11.10
17:42:17.604	+ isbot 5.1.1
17:42:17.605	+ lucide-react 0.354.0
17:42:17.605	+ miniflare 3.20240304.0
17:42:17.605	+ next-themes 0.2.1
17:42:17.605	+ prisma 5.11.0-dev.46
17:42:17.606	+ react 18.2.0
17:42:17.606	+ react-dom 18.2.0
17:42:17.606	+ react-twc 1.4.1
17:42:17.606	+ remix-toast 1.2.0
17:42:17.606	+ sonner 1.4.3
17:42:17.606	+ tailwind-merge 2.2.1
17:42:17.606	+ tailwindcss-animate 1.0.7
17:42:17.606	+ zod 3.22.4
17:42:17.607	devDependencies:
17:42:17.607	+ @biomejs/biome 1.6.0
17:42:17.607	+ @cloudflare/workers-types 4.20240222.0
17:42:17.607	+ @remix-run/dev 2.8.1
17:42:17.607	+ @types/react 18.2.64
17:42:17.607	+ @types/react-dom 18.2.21
17:42:17.607	+ node-fetch 3.3.2
17:42:17.607	+ npm-run-all 4.1.5
17:42:17.607	+ postcss 8.4.35
17:42:17.607	+ prettier 3.2.5
17:42:17.608	+ prettier-plugin-organize-imports 3.2.4
17:42:17.608	+ prettier-plugin-tailwindcss 0.5.12
17:42:17.608	+ tailwindcss 3.4.1
17:42:17.608	+ typescript 5.4.2
17:42:17.608	+ vite 5.1.5
17:42:17.608	+ vite-tsconfig-paths 4.3.1
17:42:17.608	+ wrangler 3.32.0
17:42:17.637	> remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example@ postinstall /opt/buildhome/repo
17:42:17.637	> prisma generate
17:42:18.252	Prisma schema loaded from prisma/schema.prisma
17:42:19.010	✔ Generated Prisma Client (v5.11.0-dev.46) to ./node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+client@5.11.0-dev.46_prisma@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/client in 61ms
17:42:19.010	Start using Prisma Client
17:42:19.010	```
17:42:19.010	import { PrismaClient } from @prisma/client
17:42:19.011	const prisma = new PrismaClient()
17:42:19.011	```
17:42:19.011	More information:
17:42:19.011	┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
17:42:19.011	│  Deploying your app to serverless or edge functions?        │
17:42:19.012	│  Try Prisma Accelerate for connection pooling and caching.  │
17:42:19.012	│                             │
17:42:19.012	└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
17:42:19.226	Done in 8s
17:42:19.311	Executing user command: pnpm run build
17:42:20.031	> remix-vite-prisma-turso-cfpages-example@ build /opt/buildhome/repo
17:42:20.031	> remix vite:build
17:42:22.387	vite v5.1.5 building for production...
17:42:22.458	transforming...
17:42:25.692	node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js (1:1576) A comment
17:42:25.692	"/*#__PURE__*/"
17:42:25.693	in "node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js" contains an annotation that Rollup cannot interpret due to the position of the comment. The comment will be removed to avoid issues.
17:42:25.693	node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js (1:2992) A comment
17:42:25.693	"/*#__PURE__*/"
17:42:25.693	in "node_modules/.pnpm/next-themes@0.2.1_next@14.1.3_react-dom@18.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/next-themes/dist/index.module.js" contains an annotation that Rollup cannot interpret due to the position of the comment. The comment will be removed to avoid issues.
17:42:26.430	✓ 1588 modules transformed.
17:42:26.559	rendering chunks...
17:42:26.627	computing gzip size...
17:42:26.637	build/client/.vite/manifest.json                1.82 kB │ gzip:  0.38 kB
17:42:26.637	build/client/assets/root-Gv6mzGgd.css          13.78 kB │ gzip:  3.43 kB
17:42:26.637	build/client/assets/_app-NAehUJGd.js            1.63 kB │ gzip:  0.72 kB
17:42:26.638	build/client/assets/_app._id-tC-Pbn_z.js        3.26 kB │ gzip:  1.14 kB
17:42:26.638	build/client/assets/textarea-Cl-D2gnL.js        6.78 kB │ gzip:  2.63 kB
17:42:26.638	build/client/assets/entry.client-DbRsdzay.js   14.05 kB │ gzip:  5.00 kB
17:42:26.638	build/client/assets/utils-Bz47sbbS.js          20.75 kB │ gzip:  6.84 kB
17:42:26.638	build/client/assets/root-BqoJaWn0.js           29.61 kB │ gzip:  9.00 kB
17:42:26.638	build/client/assets/index-DfJni9ia.js          62.08 kB │ gzip: 21.12 kB
17:42:26.638	build/client/assets/_app._index-DphJOyPj.js    97.10 kB │ gzip: 26.69 kB
17:42:26.639	build/client/assets/components-CVvGzKWL.js    163.07 kB │ gzip: 52.87 kB
17:42:26.639	✓ built in 4.22s
17:42:26.771	vite v5.1.5 building SSR bundle for production...
17:42:26.780	transforming...
17:42:26.949	✓ 21 modules transformed.
17:42:26.965	rendering chunks...
17:42:26.967	build/server/.vite/manifest.json                0.19 kB
17:42:26.967	build/server/assets/server-build-Gv6mzGgd.css  13.78 kB
17:42:26.967	build/server/index.js                          31.10 kB
17:42:26.968	✓ built in 195ms
17:42:27.015	Finished
17:42:27.016	Found Functions directory at /functions. Uploading.
17:42:28.900	✨ Compiled Worker successfully
17:42:29.032	Validating asset output directory
17:42:29.704	Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network...
17:42:34.753	Uploading... (5/12)
17:42:35.460	Uploading... (7/12)
17:42:36.284	Uploading... (9/12)
17:42:36.356	Uploading... (12/12)
17:42:36.357	✨ Success! Uploaded 7 files (5 already uploaded) (2.16 sec)
17:42:36.609	✨ Upload complete!
17:42:37.715	Skipping build output cache as it's not supported for your project
17:42:38.662	Success: Assets published!
17:42:41.935	Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:66787:45 in ../node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+debug@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/debug/dist/index.js
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:18:50 in __require2
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:66945:28 in ../node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+driver-adapter-utils@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/driver-adapter-utils/dist/index.mjs
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:15:56 in __init
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:67296:5 in ../node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+adapter-libsql@5.11.0-dev.46_@libsql+client@0.5.3/node_modules/@prisma/adapter-libsql/dist/index.mjs
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:15:56 in __init
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:73129:5 in ../build/server/index.js
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:15:56 in __init
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:73621:5 in [[path]].ts
  at functionsWorker-0.379065524879282.js:15:56 in __init
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

wrangler pages dev に --node-compat 入れたら手元ではうごいた

-    "start": "wrangler pages dev ./build/client",
+    "start": "wrangler pages dev --node-compat ./build/client",
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi

cloudflare pages の本番のほうでは settingsfunction から Configure Production compatibility flags の設定が必要そうなのだが、ここに何を入れればよいのかわからない。

node-compat がいいのか、nodejs_compat がいいのか、node_compat がいいのか。みんな混乱してるみたい。


compatibility_flags = [ "nodejs_compat" ]

Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi


20:37:10.870	Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:66787:45 in ../node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+debug@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/debug/dist/index.js
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:18:50 in __require2
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:66945:28 in ../node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+driver-adapter-utils@5.11.0-dev.46/node_modules/@prisma/driver-adapter-utils/dist/index.mjs
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:15:56 in __init
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:67296:5 in ../node_modules/.pnpm/@prisma+adapter-libsql@5.11.0-dev.46_@libsql+client@0.5.3/node_modules/@prisma/adapter-libsql/dist/index.mjs
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:15:56 in __init
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:73129:5 in ../build/server/index.js
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:15:56 in __init
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:73621:5 in [[path]].ts
  at functionsWorker-0.22490787114527144.js:15:56 in __init
Coji MizoguchiCoji Mizoguchi


20:42:17.758 Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: No such compatibility flag: node_compat
No such compatibility flag: node-compat