TODO: このスレッドの説明
https://qiita.com/Ted-HM/items/7dde25dcffae4cdc7923 にないやつ
- 不利な点、ディスアドバンテージ(=Downside)
However, client-side rendering has two significant drawbacks.
- 次善策
Work around
- 次善策をとる、(ベストではないが)一旦問題を回避する
There are two ways to work around this.
- (Typescript用語) Union typeをif文などでふるいにかけて型を限定していくこと
Type guards
- Narrowingのふるいとなるif文などのこと
we can use narrowing to check for values that might be null:
Within our if check, TypeScript sees typeof padding === "number" and understands that as a special form of code called a type guard.
function doSomething(x: string | null) {
// type guard
if (x === null) {
// do nothing
} else {
// x: string
console.log("Hello, " + x.toUpperCase());
Conditional ternary
- 三項演算子(conditional expressions?)
it overlays type analysis on JavaScript’s runtime control flow constructs like if/else, conditional ternaries, loops, truthiness checks, etc.
- エラーを起こしやすい
those assertions are error-prone
take another swing
- 別の方針を採る
let’s take another swing at defining Shape.
- 不利な点、ディスアドバンテージ(=Drawback)
This does the job, but the downside here is that we had to repeat all the other fields
down the line
- 将来(≒ down the road)。「行を降っていくと」みたいな直訳をするとプログラミングっぽいので面白いかも
but can lead to accidents down the line.
out of the box
- (ソフトウェアなどが)煩雑な準備なしにすぐに使える
Run automatic security scans with out-of-the-box integration with Snyk, or connect to other providers.
square bracket
- [] ←これ
To avoid that behavior, you can surround each side of the extends keyword with square brackets.
- 参照(メモリ上などにあるオブジェクトを指し示す値)
Moreover, if accessing x through a Derived1 reference is illegal
functionality wise
naming wise
Snappy DX - No code generation, run-time bloat, or build pipeline.