Chapter 31

プレイブックをチェック : lint



決まったルールにもとづいてソースコードをチェックするツールを「 lint 」と呼びます。lint は実行時にエラーにならないが、バグの原因になりそうな部分などを指摘します。 Ansible の lint ツールに ansible-lint があります。

ansible-lint をインストール

ansible-lint をインストールします。

pip3 install ansible-lint
ansible-lint --version
y_mrok@ctrl:~$ pip3 install ansible-lint
Collecting ansible-lint
  Downloading ansible_lint-5.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (114 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 114 kB 4.7 MB/s 
Collecting tenacity
  Downloading tenacity-8.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (24 kB)
Collecting enrich>=1.2.6
  Downloading enrich-1.2.6-py3-none-any.whl (8.6 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from ansible-lint) (5.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from ansible-lint) (21.0)
Collecting ruamel.yaml<1,>=0.15.37; python_version >= "3.7"
  Downloading ruamel.yaml-0.17.17-py3-none-any.whl (109 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 109 kB 47.9 MB/s 
Collecting rich>=9.5.1
  Downloading rich-10.15.2-py3-none-any.whl (214 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 214 kB 10.6 MB/s 
Collecting wcmatch>=7.0
  Downloading wcmatch-8.3-py3-none-any.whl (42 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 42 kB 2.6 MB/s 
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in ./.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from packaging->ansible-lint) (2.4.7)
Collecting ruamel.yaml.clib>=0.1.2; platform_python_implementation == "CPython" and python_version < "3.10"
  Downloading ruamel.yaml.clib-0.2.6-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (570 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 570 kB 12.6 MB/s 
Collecting commonmark<0.10.0,>=0.9.0
  Downloading commonmark-0.9.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (51 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 51 kB 4.5 MB/s 
Collecting pygments<3.0.0,>=2.6.0
  Downloading Pygments-2.10.0-py3-none-any.whl (1.0 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 1.0 MB 19.6 MB/s 
Requirement already satisfied: colorama<0.5.0,>=0.4.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from rich>=9.5.1->ansible-lint) (0.4.3)
Collecting bracex>=2.1.1
  Downloading bracex-2.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (12 kB)
Installing collected packages: tenacity, commonmark, pygments, rich, enrich, ruamel.yaml.clib, ruamel.yaml, bracex, wcmatch, ansible-lint
Successfully installed ansible-lint-5.3.0 bracex-2.2.1 commonmark-0.9.1 enrich-1.2.6 pygments-2.10.0 rich-10.15.2 ruamel.yaml-0.17.17 ruamel.yaml.clib-0.2.6 tenacity-8.0.1 wcmatch-8.3
y_mrok@ctrl:~$ ansible-lint --version
ansible-lint 5.3.0 using ansible 2.12.0

ansible-lint コマンド


ansible-lint [-h] [-L] [-f {rich,plain,rst,codeclimate,quiet,pep8}] [-q] [-p]
             [--parseable-severity] [--progressive] [--project-dir PROJECT_DIR]
             [-r RULESDIR] [-R] [--show-relpath] [-t TAGS] [-T] [-v] [-x SKIP_LIST]
             [-w WARN_LIST] [--enable-list ENABLE_LIST] [--nocolor] [--force-color]
             [--exclude EXCLUDE_PATHS] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [--offline] [--version]
             [lintables [lintables ...]]


  command-instead-of-module │ Using command rather than module                           
  description               │ Executing a command when there is an Ansible module is     
                            │ generally a bad idea                                       
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ command-shell, idiom                                       
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  command-instead-of-shell  │ Use shell only when shell functionality is required        
  description               │ Shell should only be used when piping, redirecting or      
                            │ chaining commands (and Ansible would be preferred for      
                            │ some of those!)                                            
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ command-shell, idiom                                       
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  deprecated-bare-vars      │ Using bare variables is deprecated                         
  description               │ Using bare variables is deprecated. Update your playbooks  
                            │ so that the environment value uses the full variable       
                            │ syntax {{ your_variable }}                                 
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ deprecations                                               
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  deprecated-command-syntax │ Using command rather than an argument to e.g. file         
  description               │ Executing a command when there are arguments to modules    
                            │ is generally a bad idea                                    
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ command-shell, deprecations                                
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  deprecated-local-action   │ Do not use 'local_action', use 'delegate_to: localhost'    
  description               │ Do not use local_action, use delegate_to: localhost        
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ deprecations                                               
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  deprecated-module         │ Deprecated module                                          
  description               │ These are deprecated modules, some modules are kept        
                            │ temporarily for backwards compatibility but usage is       
                            │ discouraged. For more details see:                         
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ deprecations                                               
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  empty-string-compare      │ Don't compare to empty string                              
  description               │ Use when: var|length > 0 rather than when: var != "" (or   
                            │ conversely when: var|length == 0 rather than when: var ==  
                            │ "")                                                        
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ idiom                                                      
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  git-latest                │ Git checkouts must contain explicit version                
  description               │ All version control checkouts must point to an explicit    
                            │ commit or tag, not just latest                             
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ idempotency                                                
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  hg-latest                 │ Mercurial checkouts must contain explicit revision         
  description               │ All version control checkouts must point to an explicit    
                            │ commit or tag, not just latest                             
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ idempotency                                                
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  ignore-errors             │ Use failed_when and specify error conditions instead of    
                            │ using ignore_errors                                        
  description               │ Instead of ignoring all errors, ignore the errors only     
                            │ when using {{ ansible_check_mode }}, register the errors   
                            │ using register, or use failed_when: and specify            
                            │ acceptable error conditions to reduce the risk of          
                            │ ignoring important failures.                               
  version_added             │ v5.0.7                                                     
  tags                      │ unpredictability, experimental                             
  severity                  │ LOW                                                        
  inline-env-var            │ Command module does not accept setting environment         
                            │ variables inline                                           
  description               │ Use environment: to set environment variables or use       
                            │ shell module which accepts both                            
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ command-shell, idiom                                       
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  internal-error            │ Unexpected internal error                                  
  description               │ This error can be caused by internal bugs but also by      
                            │ custom rules. Instead of just stopping linter we generate  
                            │ the errors and continue processing. This allows users to   
                            │ add this rule to their warn list until the root cause is   
                            │ fixed.                                                     
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ core                                                       
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  literal-compare           │ Don't compare to literal True/False                        
  description               │ Use when: var rather than when: var == True (or            
                            │ conversely when: not var)                                  
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ idiom                                                      
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  load-failure              │ Failed to load or parse file                               
  description               │ Linter failed to process a YAML file, possible not an      
                            │ Ansible file.                                              
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                     
  tags                      │ core                                                       
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  meta-incorrect            │ meta/main.yml default values should be changed             
  description               │ meta/main.yml default values should be changed for:        
                            │ author, description, company, license, license             
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ metadata                                                   
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  meta-no-info              │ meta/main.yml should contain relevant info                 
  description               │ meta/main.yml should contain: author, description,         
                            │ license, min_ansible_version, platforms                    
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ metadata                                                   
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  meta-no-tags              │ Tags must contain lowercase letters and digits only        
  description               │ Tags must contain lowercase letters and digits only, and   
                            │ galaxy_tags is expected to be a list                       
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ metadata                                                   
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  meta-video-links          │ meta/main.yml video_links should be formatted correctly    
  description               │ Items in video_links in meta/main.yml should be            
                            │ dictionaries, and contain only keys url and title, and     
                            │ have a shared link from a supported provider               
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ metadata                                                   
  severity                  │ LOW                                                        
  no-changed-when           │ Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing   
  description               │ Tasks should tell Ansible when to return changed, unless   
                            │ the task only reads information. To do this, set           
                            │ changed_when, use the creates or removes argument, or use  
                            │ when to run the task only if another check has a           
                            │ particular result.                                         
                            │ For example, this task registers the shell output and      
                            │ uses the return code to define when the task has changed.  
                            │ .. code:: yaml                                             
                            │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  
                            │ │ - name: handle shell output with return code          │  
                            │ │ cat {{ myfile|quote }}       │  
                            │ │   register: myoutput                                  │  
                            │ │   changed_when: myoutput.rc != 0                      │  
                            │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  
                            │ The following example will trigger the rule since the      
                            │ task does not handle the output of the command.            
                            │ .. code:: yaml                                             
                            │ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  
                            │ │ - name: does not handle any output or return codes    │  
                            │ │   ansible.builtin.command: cat {{ myfile|quote }}     │  
                            │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ command-shell, idempotency                                 
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  no-handler                │ Tasks that run when changed should likely be handlers      
  description               │ If a task has a when: result.changed setting, it is        
                            │ effectively acting as a handler. You could use notify and  
                            │ move that task to handlers. (more)                         
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ idiom                                                      
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  no-jinja-nesting          │ Nested jinja pattern                                       
  description               │ There should not be any nested jinja pattern. Example      
                            │ (bad): {{ list_one + {{ list_two | max }} }}, Example      
                            │ (good): {{ list_one + max(list_two) }}, Example            
                            │ (allowed): --format='{{'{{'}}.Size{{'}}'}}'                
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                     
  tags                      │ formatting                                                 
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  no-jinja-when             │ No Jinja2 in when                                          
  description               │ when is a raw Jinja2 expression, remove redundant {{ }}    
                            │ from variable(s).                                          
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ deprecations                                               
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  no-loop-var-prefix        │ Role loop_var should use configured prefix.                
  description               │ Looping inside roles has the risk of clashing with loops   
                            │ from user-playbooks. (more)                                
  tags                      │ idiom                                                      
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  no-relative-paths         │ Doesn't need a relative path in role                       
  description               │ copy and template do not need to use relative path for     
                            │ src                                                        
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ idiom                                                      
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  no-tabs                   │ Most files should not contain tabs                         
  description               │ Tabs can cause unexpected display issues, use spaces       
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ formatting                                                 
  severity                  │ LOW                                                        
  package-latest            │ Package installs should not use latest                     
  description               │ Package installs should use state=present with or without  
                            │ a version                                                  
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ idempotency                                                
  severity                  │ VERY_LOW                                                   
  parser-error              │ AnsibleParserError                                         
  description               │ Ansible parser fails; this usually indicates an invalid    
                            │ file.                                                      
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ core                                                       
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  partial-become            │ become_user requires become to work as expected            
  description               │ become_user without become will not actually change user   
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ unpredictability                                           
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  playbook-extension        │ Use ".yml" or ".yaml" playbook extension                   
  description               │ Playbooks should have the ".yml" or ".yaml" extension      
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ formatting                                                 
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  risky-file-permissions    │ File permissions unset or incorrect                        
  description               │ Missing or unsupported mode parameter can cause            
                            │ unexpected file permissions based on version of Ansible    
                            │ being used. Be explicit, like mode: 0644 to avoid hitting  
                            │ this rule. Special preserve value is accepted only by      
                            │ copy, template modules. See                                
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                     
  tags                      │ unpredictability, experimental                             
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  risky-octal               │ Octal file permissions must contain leading zero or be a   
                            │ string                                                     
  description               │ Numeric file permissions without leading zero can behave   
                            │ in unexpected ways. See                                    
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ formatting                                                 
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  risky-shell-pipe          │ Shells that use pipes should set the pipefail option       
  description               │ Without the pipefail option set, a shell command that      
                            │ implements a pipeline can fail and still return 0. If any  
                            │ part of the pipeline other than the terminal command       
                            │ fails, the whole pipeline will still return 0, which may   
                            │ be considered a success by Ansible. Pipefail is available  
                            │ in the bash shell.                                         
  version_added             │ v4.1.0                                                     
  tags                      │ command-shell                                              
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  role-name                 │ Role name {0} does not match ^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+$ pattern     
  description               │ Role names are now limited to contain only lowercase       
                            │ alphanumeric characters, plus '' and start with an alpha   
                            │ character. See developing collections                      
                            │ <…  
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                     
  tags                      │ deprecations, metadata                                     
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                       
  syntax-check              │ Ansible syntax check failed                                
  description               │ Running ansible-playbook --syntax-check ... failed.        
                            │ This error cannot be disabled due to being a prerequisite  
                            │ for other steps. You can either exclude these files from   
                            │ linting or better assure they can be loaded by Ansible.    
                            │ This is often achieved by editing inventory file and/or    
                            │ ansible.cfg so ansible can load required variables.        
                            │ If undefined variables are the failure reason you could    
                            │ use jinja default() filter in order to provide fallback    
                            │ values.                                                    
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ core, unskippable                                          
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  
  unnamed-task              │ All tasks should be named                                  
  description               │ All tasks should have a distinct name for readability and  
                            │ for --start-at-task to work                                
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ idiom                                                      
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  var-naming                │ All variables should be named using only lowercase and     
                            │ underscores                                                
  description               │ All variables should be named using only lowercase and     
                            │ underscores                                                
  version_added             │ v5.0.10                                                    
  tags                      │ idiom, experimental                                        
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                     
  var-spacing               │ Variables should have spaces before and after:  {{         
                            │ var_name }}                                                
  description               │ Variables should have spaces before and after: {{          
                            │ var_name }}                                                
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ formatting                                                 
  severity                  │ LOW                                                        
  yaml                      │ Violations reported by yamllint                            
  description               │ Rule violations reported by YamlLint when this is          
                            │ installed.                                                 
                            │ You can fully disable all of them by adding 'yaml' to the  
                            │ 'skip_list'.                                               
                            │ Specific tag identifiers that are printed at the end of    
                            │ rule name, like 'trailing-spaces' or 'indentation' can     
                            │ also be be skipped, allowing you to have a more fine       
                            │ control.                                                   
                            │ By default this rule is not used when yamllint library is  
                            │ missing. If you want to make its absence a runtime         
                            │ failure, please add 'yaml' to 'enable_list' inside the     
                            │ configuration file.                                        
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                     
  tags                      │ formatting, yaml                                           
  severity                  │ VERY_LOW                                                   



- name: Apache server installed
  hosts: web
  become: yes

  - name: Install Apache
      name: httpd
      state: latest
  - name: Apache enabled and running
      name: httpd.service
      state: started
      enabled: yes
  - name: copy index.html
      src: ./index.j2
      dest: /var/www/html/index.html


y_mrok@ctrl:~/code/exam31$ ansible-lint sample.yml 
WARNING  Overriding detected file kind 'yaml' with 'playbook' for given positional argument: sample.yml
WARNING  Listing 2 violation(s) that are fatal
package-latest: Package installs should not use latest
sample.yml:7 Task/Handler: Install Apache

risky-file-permissions: File permissions unset or incorrect
sample.yml:16 Task/Handler: copy index.html

You can skip specific rules or tags by adding them to your configuration file:
# .ansible-lint
warn_list:  # or 'skip_list' to silence them completely
  - experimental  # all rules tagged as experimental
  - package-latest  # Package installs should not use latest

Finished with 1 failure(s), 1 warning(s) on 1 files.

2 つ指摘されました。

1 つめです。

package-latest: Package installs should not use latest
sample.yml:7 Task/Handler: Install Apache


  package-latest            │ Package installs should not use latest                     
  description               │ Package installs should use state=present with or without  
                            │ a version                                                  
  version_added             │ historic                                                   
  tags                      │ idempotency                                                
  severity                  │ VERY_LOW  

「パッケージのインストールでは、バージョンの有無にかかわらず、state=presentを使用する必要があります。」なので、パッケージのインストール時に state パラメーターに指定するのは latest ではなく present が良いとのことです。

2 つめです。

risky-file-permissions: File permissions unset or incorrect
sample.yml:16 Task/Handler: copy index.html


  risky-file-permissions    │ File permissions unset or incorrect                        
  description               │ Missing or unsupported mode parameter can cause            
                            │ unexpected file permissions based on version of Ansible    
                            │ being used. Be explicit, like mode: 0644 to avoid hitting  
                            │ this rule. Special preserve value is accepted only by      
                            │ copy, template modules. See                                
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                     
  tags                      │ unpredictability, experimental                             
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                  

「modeパラメータがない、またはサポートされていない場合、使用しているAnsibleのバージョンに応じて、予期しないファイルパーミッションが発生することがあります。modeのように明示してください。0644のように明示することで、このルールにヒットしないようにします。特殊な preserve 値は、copy や template モジュールでのみ受け入れられます。」なので、タスクでファイルをコピーする ansible.builtin.template モジュールや ansible.builtin.copy モジュールを使用するときは mode パラメーターを指定して明示的にパーミッションを指定したほうが良いとのことです。


- name: Apache server installed
  hosts: web
  become: yes

  - name: Install Apache
      name: httpd
      state: present
  - name: Apache enabled and running
      name: httpd.service
      state: started
      enabled: yes
  - name: copy index.html
      src: ./index.j2
      dest: /var/www/html/index.html
      mode: '0644'

ansible-lint でチェックした結果です。指摘事項を修正したので、今度は指摘されませんでした。

y_mrok@ctrl:~/code/exam31$ ansible-lint sample1.yml
WARNING  Overriding detected file kind 'yaml' with 'playbook' for given positional argument: sample1.yml

