



Quote from scrum guide

The purpose of the Sprint Retrospective is to plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness.
The Scrum Team inspects how the last Sprint went with regards to individuals, interactions, processes, tools, and their Definition of Done. Inspected elements often vary with the domain of work. Assumptions that led them astray are identified and their origins explored. The Scrum Team discusses what went well during the Sprint, what problems it encountered, and how those problems were (or were not) solved.
The Scrum Team identifies the most helpful changes to improve its effectiveness. The most impactful improvements are addressed as soon as possible. They may even be added to the Sprint Backlog for the next Sprint.


  • add one or more improvement tasks discussed at retrospective to the backlog


  • take a note for an improvement idea as usual in your work (if possible)



How to proceed (about 30 min)

  1. write down Keep (3 min)
  2. share Keep (4 min)
  3. write down Problem (4 min)
  4. share Problem (5 min)
  5. write down Try (5 min)
  6. share Try (10 min)



make a high priority task in high priority backlog ready to start

  • prioritize tasks in the backlog
  • defining the task into smaller more precise items

How to plan

only 4 steps!

  1. bring high priority tasks from the high priority backlog to the sprint backlog
  2. set story point to a task
  3. if the sum of story points exceeds our velocity, return low priority tasks to the backlog
  4. assign a task to team members


Why do we need estimation?

  • to delivery our product in a planned way
  • especially, to develop both the trading feature and other improvements for while
    • have to finish trading feature by the end of June



(the average of) the sum of story points

Story Points


Story points are units of measure for expressing an estimate of the overall effort required to fully implement a product backlog item or any other piece of work. Teams assign story points relative to work complexity, the amount of work, and risk or uncertainty.

ストーリー ポイントは、プロダクト バックログ項目またはその他の作業を完全に実装するために必要な労力全体の見積もりを示す測定単位です。チームは、作業の複雑性、作業量、リスクまたは不確実性に関連するストーリー ポイントを割り当てます。

how to use effectively

  • use fibonacci sequence
    • 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
    • don’t use 21~ because the task which story point is 21~ is too large, and should be split

planing porker
