use nalgebra::{DMatrix, DVector, LU};
/// NumPyの `polyfit` を再現する関数
/// # 引数
/// * `x`: x座標のデータ点のスライス
/// * `y`: y座標のデータ点のスライス
/// * `degree`: 近似する多項式の次数
/// # 戻り値
/// * `Result<Vec<f64>, &'static str>`:
/// - `Ok(Vec<f64>)`: 多項式係数(次数の高い順)を格納したベクタ
/// - `Err(&'static str)`: エラーが発生した場合、エラーメッセージ
pub fn polyfit(x: &[f64], y: &[f64], degree: usize) -> Result<Vec<f64>, &'static str> {
if x.len() != y.len() {
return Err("x and y vectors must have the same length");
if x.len() <= degree {
return Err("Number of data points must be greater than degree + 1");
if degree > 30 { // degreeが大きすぎると計算が不安定になる可能性があるので、上限を設定
return Err("Degree is too large, may lead to unstable calculation");
let n = x.len();
let m = degree + 1;
let mut matrix_a = DMatrix::zeros(n, m);
let vector_y = DVector::from_vec(y.to_vec());
// 行列Aを構築
for i in 0..n {
for j in 0..m {
matrix_a[(i, j)] = x[i].powi(j as i32);
// 最小二乗法で係数を計算 (正規方程式を解く)
// (A^T * A) * coefficients = A^T * y
let matrix_a_t = matrix_a.transpose();
let matrix_ata = &matrix_a_t * &matrix_a;
let vector_aty = matrix_a_t * vector_y;
// Solve (A^T * A) * coefficients = A^T * y using LU decomposition
let lu_result = Some(LU::new(matrix_ata)).ok_or_else(|| {
"Singular matrix encountered in LU decomposition, polyfit failed. Try reducing the degree or check input data."
let solution_result = lu_result.solve(&vector_aty);
if solution_result.is_none() {
return Err("Failed to solve linear system");
let solution = solution_result.unwrap();
let mut coefficients = Vec::new();
for i in 0..m {
coefficients.reverse(); // Reverse to match numpy's output order (highest degree first)
fn main() {
let x_data = vec![0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
let y_data = vec![0.0, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1, -0.8, -1.0];
let degree = 3;
let answer=polyfit(&x_data, &y_data, degree).unwrap();
mod tests {
use super::*;
use approx::assert_relative_eq;
fn test_polyfit() {
let x_data = vec![0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
let y_data = vec![0.0, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1, -0.8, -1.0];
let degree = 3;
match polyfit(&x_data, &y_data, degree) {
Ok(coefficients) => {
println!("Polyfit coefficients for degree {}: {:?}", degree, coefficients);
// NumPyでのpolyfitの結果 (例): [ -0.08730159 0.64936508 -0.55873016 0.0984127 ]
assert_relative_eq!(coefficients[0], -0.08730158730158728, epsilon = 1e-6);
assert_relative_eq!(coefficients[1], 0.6493650793650794, epsilon = 1e-6);
assert_relative_eq!(coefficients[2], -0.5587301587301588, epsilon = 1e-6);
assert_relative_eq!(coefficients[3], 0.09841269841269842, epsilon = 1e-6);
Err(err) => {
panic!("Error: {}", err);