
poetry install error (version>=2.0)



ERROR: process "/bin/sh -c poetry install" did not
The current project could not be installed: No file/

poetry 2.0になってからpoetry installではエラーになるになるみたいです。

poetry install --no-root


#18 11.41 If you do not want to install the current project use --no-root.
#18 11.41 If you want to use Poetry only for dependency management but not for packaging, you can disable package mode by setting package-mode = false in your pyproject.toml file.
#18 11.41 If you did intend to install the current project, you may need to set `packages` in your pyproject.toml file.
#18 11.41 
#18 ERROR: process "/bin/sh -c poetry install" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
